Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Illiterate litterers

Today's Tids Issue 4,156
For picking up messes:

The flotsam and jetsam floating upon our glistening seas. The coffee cups, burger wraps clogging our tree lined lanes. There is a mentality out there of humans not caring about the humans around them, and it breathes forward with the modern day inconsiderate strewers marring the last remnant of human peaceful existence – the solitary mind. Are those spewing words of discontent, misconceptions and division via Facebook, Twitter Instagram and the rest of the tech talkers made of the same DNA as those who would toss a mustard coated hot dog wrapper from a car window? There must be some kind of a chemical imbalance in those so inconsiderate to contaminate the once contented minds of brethren through verbal littering. All of those who don’t understand the responsibility of keeping their own trash in their own garbage bins.

And here am I, the spewer. Gadzooks!

Have you noticed that the more you hear singers from all generations, you begin to realizes that somehow the tones of Johnny Cash endure, rising above them all.

One thing I really dislike about the TV show 48 Hours, is that I always fall asleep just before they reveal the surprise ending.

Keep Google AI Away from me. It has been announced that it can now predict when we die. I prefer languishing in naïve squishiness.

The Question:
What does the word Quesadilla mean? Bonus: Who is behind the technology that has g\created a new avocado that doesn’t go bad before using?

The Headlines:
--Stocks Diving As Trump Continues To Escalate “Tit For Tat” Tariffs; $200 Billion Is Latest Threat Against China; Spat Has Oil Falling.
--IG Confirms That Comey Is Under Investigation For Leaking trump Memos.
--Supreme Court Circumvents Partisan Gerrymandering Cases.
--Americans Taking Sides On Handling Of Illegal Immigrants.
--Russia May be Storing Nukes Less Than 50 Miles Form Polish Border.
--Mick Mulvaney Expected To Stay I Place Quite A Bit Longer As Head Of CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) After Trump Nominates Kathy Kraninger as new Chief; Dems Expected To Vehemently Oppose Long Time Government Executive.
--550 Guns Seized From California Home Of Convicted Felon.

From what I have seen and have heard from others, social media has transformed Freedom of Speech into license to complain.

There’s no truth to the rumor that the Jolly Green giant was seen in Colorado wearing a cannabis smock on the lam from Federal authorities.

Where are the fashion police when you need them, like in tourist towns? Or should I have said, “Wear are the fashion…”

If I was president, I might consider moving National Guard troops form the southern borders into central Mexico to eliminate the cause of fear and despair in that country -- cartels which not only have killed any political candidates vowing to bring an end to the scourge of vicious drug activities and their businesses, but also have a population looking over their shoulders in darkened streets. That could be step one towards reducing the mad dash to US borders.

Have you noticed that politicians rarely go for solutions, preferring band-ades over corrective surgery?

The freest nation in the world, us, has by far the most guns in the hands of civilians. The world Governments with the most firearms are China, North Korea and Russia.  Draw your own conclusions.

News media sank to an all-time commercial low Saturday evening, when NBC ran as news a blatant promotional package from Jay-Z and Beyoncé.

Personally, I don’t understand why people watch TV in the morning instead of reading the newspaper. For as long as I can remember, the paper has never talked back to me or argued. I like to enter the day with a mellow mind.

Spell-Check thinks spewer should be spelled sewer. Hmmm.

If there is one thing I have learned as generally being true, it is that most all of “scientific” reports are developed by entities trying to promote something they have or defame something they want to replace. This knowledge helps me endure the frenetic world of  hyped menaces without the anxious feeling of hysteria.

Things I don’t understand, Department:
More complex than Health Care system manipulations, more mind boggling than telecommunications/internet mergers, is the current raft of gambling enterprises stepping up to the new stage of national legal sports gambling. Being a person who immensely enjoys keeping his money in his wallet, a I never realized there were so many gambling enterprises out there gaining experience neath the blanket of domestic and off-shore anonymity.

Businesses have gotten rid of slackers by permitting the wearing of jeans to work.

Van Christo is a perfect example of what unbridled publicity and promotion can do for mediocrity.

I see where Subway has hired a business consultant and is expected to close 1,500 stores this year in North America and overseas. They say their sales have been slumping for years. Some say it’s because their former face of the company, the weight loess spokesperson was convicted child pornography. I gave up Subway years ago after realizing that there sandwiches were more about piles of lettuce than meat.

I read a headline, “Sports betting firm partners with Las Vegas soccer team”, and I’m thinking – who are they going to hire as CEO, Pete Rose?

The Answer:
Quesadilla means, “Little Cheese”. Bonus: A Bill Gates backed food technology start-up, Apeel Sciences, has developed an edible coating which when sprayed on avocados doubles the shelf life. The first of these fruits are being sold by Costco and Harps Food Stores.

Receptacles for illiterate litter may be the answer to the current blight affecting the minds of America. How about the well-known social messager services having a “Think again before sending” button block, which allows the mad marauders a chance for second guessing their potential stupidity – Send/Post or move to mental refuse receptacle. Works for me.

Of course, the real issue here is the ability to recognize and accept the possibility of stupidity. 

Time to hit the send button!

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