Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, June 3, 2011

Irrational Exuberance, again?

Today's Tids Issue 2,363
Opening Stuff:

With the announcement of the Groupon IPO, and the Social NetWork Industry Group's gathering momentum in the rush for big $$$, I am reminded of the eerie big casino days of the late 1999/2000 Internet bubble where the uninitiated would overpay for often fictional values. Believe me, I was there and I know how superficial some of the stuff was. Many of the companies had as much substance as a campaign promise. And no financial achievements. Except for the business creators who sold out early.

Paul Ryan might just be the best GOP candidate for President. Facts based crisis managers like he and the proven Mitt-ster might be the best choice for the country over the shallow rhetoric mongers. This is, of course, if the good of the country as a whole is still what matters.

Gene Roddenberry fought hard against Hollywood's TV titans to get his Star Trek on the air because he was an enterprising kind of a guy.

The new annoying expression feeble DC Politicians are latching onto is "We have to sit down and talk like adults." Excuse me.

The Question: 
A special Saints and Sinners Duo: 1. How many Popes have there been since 1950? Bonus Q: Name the three best known men who beginning in the fifties engineered gigantic sex empires?

The Headlines:--Unemployment Ticks Up To 9.1% As Employers Add But 54,000 Jobs In May; Oops -- Stock Futures Plunge.
--Geithner Predicts Congress And WH Will Avert Debt Crisis; Moody's Warns US About Credit Rating.
--Explosion In Sunni Mosque Kills 16 Iraqis.
--South Korea Says It used Pictures Of NK's Ruling Family For Target Practice; NK Vows Military Action! Is This A Joke?
--China Says US Is Real Culprit In Global Hacking Wars; Accused G-Mail Hacker Says US Attempting To Bring Down Arab And Other Governments.
--Criminal Indictment Against John Edwards On Books.
--Microsoft Unveils Some Features Of Soon To Be Released Window's 8.

Back to More Stuff:
Most disgusting news item of the week:
A man apparently intent on committing suicide walked into the San Francisco bay area ocean...while local fire and police people stood on the shore and watched him flail and die. They said the budget cuts had stopped their water rescue training classes and the availability of survival equipment! They must be kidding. How about their hearts? Did reduced budgets cut out their hearts too? Let's hope this isn't a new low in Union negotiating tactics.

National Donut Day Department:
The day after much too much news about the healthy eating Pyramid being replaced by some circle gimmick, I'm happy to report that the nation has not lost its senses. Today is "Krispie Kreme Free Donut Day" in honor of the waddler's holiday. Suck em' up America!

I was looking at that nutritional healthy eating circle/plates design, and as far as I can determine all of the stuff I want to eat is on the back of the plates.

The USA has morphed into a collection of federal dollar supported fifedoms. Meaning, that too many many people are fighting too many people when they all should be working together for a better whole. Everybody wins when the entity is healthy and not splintered.

This just in from the high end fashion world: Tiffany's, the legendary jewelry company, has just announced a new, expensive line of diamond and emerald clustered electronic monitoring bracelets. Law authorities are concerned that the Hollywood loonies will be zanier that usual looking for home confinement. On a related note, local caterers are producing home confinement quick meals, which even celebs can cook! The world is a wonderful place. Obama says, "The US is constantly innovating, and this is good news for for job growth."

Reading Between the Lines Movie Reviews:
--This week, it's the X-Men First Class, the ultimate series of "Diversity", it's-not-how-you-look-but-who-you-are, movies. Actually, acerbic tongue in cheek aside, this is a pretty good, entertaining movie as the mutants discover things about their abilities and powers. This prequel gives a better understanding of what has come before. There are surprises, humor and generally good all around watching. In fact, I will dsownload it with vigor from Netflix some day. If you can afford the theater, it would be worth the dough. sure to bring along your nutritional circles when approaching the refreshment stand.
--Beautiful Boy is a grabber. Parents hopelessly grapple for an explanation why their only son committed a mass shooting at his university before taking his own life. Their already strained marriage is tested as they learn they only have each other. People like it.

When the stimulus money disappears in the next month or so, the States are expected to be facing daunting increased Medicaid spending demands of up to 20%. And then problems of today will seem like a gnat on an elephants rump.

Changing Times Department:
The worldwide admired "Steel City", Pittsburgh; The darling of productive manufacturing; Once after NYC the city with the most Frotune 500 corporate world headquarters -- US Steel, J&L Steel, Alcoa, Westinghouse, Gulf Oil, Heinz, Clark Candy to name a handful. Yes this city, the paragon of industrial might now boasts as its largest employer -- Pittsburgh Medical Center. Yikes!.

While we are on the subject of things that people tell us we shouldn't or should do about our health, I bring you news of two turn-around's on health advice. Did you ever see those people in rigorous almost etherial stretching exercises before and after athletic activity? Well, the US Track & Field association after a two year study of stretchers and non-stretchers have proven conclusively that both groups performed equally with no adverse effects! And then there those energy drinks -- which docs are now saying could be too much for most people especially gulping teens. And it appears nobody can pinpoint the effects of the so-called vitamins in them. They say, "A couple of cups of coffee will do the trick.". In other words, don't panic over medical news hysteria. It will change.

Almost Near: Chapter 24. --"Well, Audrey, that was better than I expected."
She looked up at him with fluttering eyes, "That's because you are so strong." And then she punched him firmly in the stomach, and he responded with an over acted Oof! They laughed.
"Right now everything possible is racing through my head. From how fast can I find those children to did Sam kill Rudy out of fear for her life. It is obvious that Rudy was the real monster in this insane family. Bounty is all roar, the sister Agnes crazy and the mother pitiful." He paused. "I feel for the mother."
"For starters, I like the New Orleans connection. Florence Quimpierre, if she can be found almost sounded rational compared to her sister Myra. In fact, I need a short vacation, and I love this story. I think you need me" Tucker looked down at her and grinned pleasantly. "Forget it Tuck!" and she tapped him again in the belly.
"I don't know if I could survive a couple of days with you!" And then they both laughed, again. And this time Audrey looked over and grinned pleasantly.
The grin was fleeting as she went Billy business. "Let's first check in with Detective Jackson. I think is is a good idea to sty in touch there. He 's a good guy, he's interested, he trusts me, and we might need his help along the way." Audrey reared back her fist, Tucker flinched and they both laughed. There heads turned towards each other with pleasant grins on their lips.

The Answer:
1. In 1950 the reigning Pope of 11 years was Pope Pius XII. John XXIII took over in 1958. Then we had Paul VI (1963), the one month term of John Paul I (1978), the beloved John-Paul II (1978) and Benedict XVI. 2. The big three who took advanatage of more liberalized view of communication are of course, Hugh heffner (Playboy), Larry Flynt (Hustler) and Bob Guccione (Penthouse.) In many ways this changed the USA forever.

The WeakEnd:
North and South Korea are going to war because the SK's were taking target practice at photos of the NK Royal Family? Gadzooks. The world has lost its mind.

All I can think of when I see the hoards hunched over tapping on little boxes in restaurants, buses, ballparks, churches or even atop Mount Everest, is that perhaps Samuel Morse had it right in the first place!

Love your weekend, and make your gardens grow.

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