Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

No wonder the money is gone.

Today's Tids (#2,381)
Originally written 6/30
Opening Stuff:

Using input from the National Association of Manufacturers and Council for Competitiveness, a company called Wizard Industries put together a list of the top states for business. The formula rated ten categories: Cost of doing business, Workforce, Quality of life, Economy, Transportation and infrastructure, Technology and innovation, Education, Business friendliness, Access to capital and Cost of living. The top ten were Virginia, Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, Colorado, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Utah, Iowa and Nebraska. Rhode Island was 50! What a surprise from the public employee union state.! RI's ranked best for Quality of Life (24), Education(24) and Technology and innovation (28). They were worst for Cost of Business (46), Infrastructure (49), Business Friendliness (48) and cost of living (43).

Fresh caught-that-day bluefish is back on the menu at Chopmist Charlies (Jamestown RI). I'm going!

I think I'm angry today. I don't like being angry. I like to be happy. On the sunny side of the street. With a smile for my umbrella. But, it's not working. I think I have to turn off the news.

Daily Question: Name three cities which have just been declared "Greenest", and the Top Ten Dirtiest cities in America.

Today's Headlines:
--Much Of Recent Gains Have Been Result Of End Of Quarter "Window Dressing" By Fund Managers; July to Open Iffy.
--Obama Recalls Carter's Use Of Nuke Expert Daughter Amy As he Chides Congress For Not Being As Dedicated As His Girls.
--New Unemployment Numbers Show RI As Third Highest In Nation; Among NE Neighbors, RI is 10.9%, Maine 7.7. Mass 7.6, Vermont 5.1 and NH 4.8.*
--White House Schizophrenia On Issues Sign Of New Concerns About Reelection.
--Plane Monitoring Radiation Over Fire Threatened Los Alamos.
--Kabul Hotel Bombing Raises Concerns About Extreme Chaos In Afghan After US Pull-Out.
--New Lloyd's CEO Axes 15,000 Jobs.
--Javier Colon Wins "The Voice" Singing Contest.
--Justin Timberlake Part Of Group Buying "My Space".

I decided it was about time to start getting interested in America's Got Talent. But, I was wrong. They are still in their "Gong Show" stage and It is just plain annoying. Well, to me ay least. I'll wait until all the acts are probable contenders. Actually when they finally do reach their real talent portion, Howie Mandel and Nick will still be insufferable.

It's about the Penguin in new Zealand...Hey! It's a bird.

Fair is fair Department:
I never saw much in Michelle Bachman except that she looked pleasant and at times mimicked confidently good ideas that I and many hold dearly in our hearts. But now with the vitriolic response from the media condemning her every move, I have to take another look. If the main stream media despises her then she must be doing something right. Let's take her recent rounds of the Sunday morning talk shows where the hosts asked the identical question** about her poor showing in PolitFact, a company that researches the truth in political statements. You may have seen PolitiFact analyses in your local media. They badgered her about her truth record according to the arbitrary opinions of that service that showed out of 23 of her statements 1 was true, 2 were 1/2 true, 4 barely true and 7 were falsehoods. Of course they didn't offset this Q with the information that 29 months of Obama statements have been rated as false 49 times and barely true 39 times. In oither words Bachman is George Washington compared to Obama.'ll never hear that reported by the media.

**This raises another question about the veracity of the media. Why are they asking the same question using almost identical nouns and sadjectives? Is it becasue Schieffer, Stephanopoulos and Gregory are actually operating divisions of the DNC? It sure sounds like it. But then, that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

A classic example of why government isn't working anymore occurred last night when the RI Senate over the unified objections of the representatives of the people that included all of the state's school committees and leaders of towns and city governments, voted for "Binding Arbitration" which essentially would tie the hands of those elected officials who manage the money of the people.

But, the control of governments by a few is not just a RI problem. Over in Connecticut for instance, that government has been described this way: "With it's extravagant law for collective bargaining for public employees, Connecticut has put itself under minority rule in the extreme. First the sovereign people must get the permission of their employees just to operate a government. And that government's operations are largely determined by a minority of those employees."

But, I have to say that I appreciate what many of the employees do. Over protective workplaces can breed a class of non-productive employees, but the majority are trying to do a great job for the people. Unfortunately because of their union leadership tactics which often border on extortion of the taxpayer, the beleaguered citizen may look upon the employee as the villain. BTW, my comment about union employees striking against Union leadership is getting some favorable reviews from disparate demographics.

I wish the budgeting season would end so I would wake up so angry each morning. There is nothing more illogical than labor negotiations -- from tradespeople to public employees to millionaire sports heroes -- and I just can stand the lack of logic and irresponsible irrational thinking.

* Connecticut is not included because too many Ya-Ya-Ya...(WYKWIM) there now!

If there is anything that is not meaningful to me, it's that Princess Diane would have been turning fifty.

I think the Yahoo Email Spell-Check is brain dead.

0-Man, who once said he will not use scare tactic,s said yesterday that the Republican's anti-new taxes stance will kick kids out of college, allow food inspections to lapse, reduce life saving medical research and turn old people into paupers.

Almost Near: Chapter 27. --"Hi Sam, my flight was great and I didn't flirt with any of the flight attendants!"
"Very funny!" Samantha was laughing and feeling pretty good, even though it took a lot last night for her to grasp that Tucker was flying off again. But, after a long discussion she began to understand more about this man she now knew she was totally and unequivocally in love with. That a writer just didn't sit around dreaming in his study. Part of what he did was getting out and meeting editors and book publishers. And then of course, she wilted and he took her gently to bed and touched and kissed and caressed every part of her aching, yearning loving body. She could not remember a more beautiful night. She held the phone, smiling.
"Sam. Sam. Are you there?"
"I am, but not really. I'm in your arms again. Feeling your arousal, Loving your touch...warmed by your body caressing mine."
"Oh, I'd better get back fast. I won't be able to concentrate." Tucker was remembering their beautiful night together. But that was interrupted by the sight of Audrey in a rental car pulling up to the curb. She smiled at him as she came around the car to get his back and throw it in the back seat, and he smiled back. "My limo is here. I've got to scram.
"I love you Tucker. And I will miss you."
Tucker looked around. He felt touched by the softness of her words. The sincerity in her voice. The completeness of her giving. The love behind it all. He saw Audrey urging him to hang up and get in the car. He turned his head aside as he watched her duck down into the seat. "I love you too. I'll be home shortly."

Quiz Answer: The Greenest cities are San Fran, Vancouver and NYC. Let's see...the Nanny City, The Riot's Are Fun City and the Myopic City. The ten dirtiest starting with the worst are New Orleans,Philadelphia, LA, Memphis, NYC, Baltimore, Las Vegas, Miami, Atlanta and Houston. San Fran is 12. Hey, NY and SF are a dirty green. Other dirty cities are DC 13, Boston 14 and Mickey's place Orlando 17.

The happy news is that for every irrational government mandate, I see a thousand people on their own helping others every day.

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