Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, November 4, 2011

Who needs Oprah.

Today's Tids Issue 2,460
Opening Stuff:

I have rarely stood by the ocean as I did yesterday and felt more of the simple yet magnificent beauty of the world around us. The wind, the waves, the salty spray in my eyes. The chorus of pounding surf and the screaming gulls reveling above. A symphony of nature's wonder.

I think we are in the midst of a new Pro-Global Warming PR campaign. In the past week we have had new reports of near catastrophic carbon releases and of course last week the ballyhooed Physicist former skeptic Richard Muller moving over to the cause. But, coming out this week is another member of the Cal Berkley research team, Georgia Tech world atmospheric expert Dr. Judith Curry who said Muller misrepresented the teams findings and there no reason to believe temperatures are getting warmer --"It was a huge mistake with no scientific basis". She went on to say that warming has ceased for an entire decade. Let's face it -- Global Warming is an industry and hyping the coming Armageddon is making a lot of people a lot of money. It's no different than a Clueless Lane fund manager picking winning stocks. It's all about making money.

When people say Technology is changing the world, it also means that more people can be fed falsehoods faster than at any time in history. That misconceptions can grow faster than mold in an ocean cottage outdoor shower.

The Question:
Week Ending Double Q: 1. There's a formula among Hollywood producers use to determine each year the most overpaid stars (That's dollar returned for every dollar of salary). Name the top five. 2. Name what are considered the most overpaid jobs in America.

The Headlines:
--Economy Adds Fewer Jobs In October; But 80,000 Dips Unemployment To 9%; Stocks Slipping On Unsatisfactory Jobs Report.
--House Agrees To Subpoena White House On Solyndra.
--Negative Economic Signs In Europe Hint At Return To Recession.
--"Groupon" Raises $700 Mil In Massive IPO.
--Obama Calls For Economic Stability And Job Growth Under EuroZone Seem Irrelevant.
--For The First Time, New Generation Will Do Worse Than Parents.
--Detroit Lions Only NFL Team Losing Money.
--CIA Following Twitter, FaceBook.
--Huge Asteroid To Pass Earth Within Moons Orbit November 8.
--Jackson case With Jury.

Kathy Griffen makes me not want to get interested in the new generation of comedians.

Poorly written Headline Department:
"Productivity climbs, but hiring still lags". Productivity can generally be defined as obtaining more value from the same resource. In this case it is humans. Productivity increases necessarily mean decreased need for more labor. Now if this author had said "Production climbs, but..." He would be closer to being correct. This is what bothers me about some news reporters writing about economic factors. It's the "A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing" syndrome, but when that misguided knowledge is in the minds of those with the typewriter or microphone, than it can be nuclear. A chain reaction that can create a contamination of uninformed minds. Just because one writer chose "But" instead "necessarily reduces".

From time to time we have cited examples of new technology with the potential to eliminate jobs, even industries. The last one was the idea of Tablet computing turning wait staffs into mere servers. Now in Idaho there is a law up before their Assembly that would require virtual learning as part of the qualifications for degree. The proponents see taking 2 courses per semester at home via computer as preparation for colleges. Obviously Teachers Unions don't see it that way. And, they are probably right.

Has the "Do not call" law been revoked?

I would not be surprised if 0-Man attacked Iran in some manner just before the election.

I would have liked The X-Factor to keep the big group "Intensity" going. I think the sprightly group would have added some upbeat singing interest to a lineup where sameness is starting to wear me down. It must be a generational thing.

I have to say something about Governor Chafee-Lite. I always thought he was an honest guy, except for his Rosie O'Donnell moment when he denied the reality of Shilling's bloody sock. But, he has shown a sensible thought process and a large amount of courage acquiescing to the determination and solid ideas of Gina Rainmondo, who he obviously admires and recognizes as a giant of a woman who knows her stuff. A lesser politician might try to stifle her dominance and move her popular acceptability to his side of the ledger. But, as a good thoughtful manager should, he has joined her in support, and in doing so is refuting the people, The Public Employee Unions, who helped him squeak-in in a three person race. But, that doesn't mean he still isn't a little goofy.

Reading between the Lines Movie Reviews:
--Tower Heist has an all star cast, and that what bothers me. I always worry about star laden marquis subverting the integrity of a dcent plot. A manager of a super high priced NYC residence learns that the penthouse occupant, a Wall Street Super star who also happens to manage the pensions of the buildings workers is a Madoff type crook. With the prospects of losing their money the Manager gets together his fellow workers with a plan to rob the Penthouse. Serious and funny, but not great.
--I was turned off to this one I read that one of the funny moments of A very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas is when they get a two year old child high on Marijuana and cocaine. It follows the antics to the twosome scouring NYC for a perfect Christmas tree to replace one they ruined. Along the way they satirize Santa and Jesus. These are movies of which I have no use.

Almost Near: Chapter 48 continues. --"TL loves SW. What do you think that means?" Barton's eyes bore into Tucker's. Tucker didn't flinch. "I think it could mean Tucker Loutite loves some woman who's name starts with "S". Like maybe Samantha." Audrey leaned into Tucker's shoulder. "Have you ever seen this before?"
"How do you think it got to this God forsaken part of Little Rick Arkansas?"
"I have no idea."
"Yet you put it in your pocket." He turned to Audrey and then back to Tucker. "Just like that. You see something shining in the mud and automatically put it your pocket."
"Ok, John. Enough."
"No Audrey, not enough. I think that this is very odd. And don't try t protect him. I know you do too. You're just too smart not to be suspicious."
"Tell him Tucker. I'm sure you just reacted foolishly.
Tucker didn't say anything for a minute. Barton and now Audrey looked at him, the detective accusingly and the reporter hopefully. "I saw some thing shiny, and when I reached down I recognized it almost immediately. It's the kind of thing you don't forget. I gave it to Samantha when we graduated from High School. It became very meaningful to both of us. The fact that she must have saved it still after all the years struck me in my gut. I felt I had to protect her. And I don't know from what. It was just an emotional reaction." Audrey smiled a little smile, like a sign of relief and maybe belief in this man, a romantic, a knight riding to the rescue of his love.
"Well Loutite, you may become emotional again when you and I start talking about finding this woman. A woman who may be a murderer." Audrey thought of the stories about Rudy beating Samantha. She saw again the look in the eyes of her children.

The Answer:
1. The most overpaid in Hollywood are 1. Drew Barrymore 2. Eddie Murphy 3. Will Ferrell 4. Reese Witherspoon and 5. Denzel Washington. Denzel was a surprise to some because of the quality of his work, but a thoughtful quality product doesn't draw the big crowds. The efficiency of a stars salary is based on how many of the brainless you can cram into theaters. I saw 10 minutes of a Will Ferrell movie and I will never be again sucked in. 2. In reverse order -- 10. Wedding Photogs 9. Major Airline Pilots 8. West Coast Longshoremen (A paper shuffling "clerk" can make $136K) 7. Skycaps ($70-100K) 6. Real Estate Agents selling high priced homes 5. Motivational Speakers/ ex-Pols on Lecture circuit 4. Orthodontists (Versus harder working dentists) 3. CEO's of poorly performing companies 2. Washed up pro athletes in long-term contracts. and #1. Mutual Fund Managers (Make $750 to a Mil and are only 3 of 10 make money for investors.) At least that's better than washed up aesthetes who may be hitting .250.

Why should I watch TV and get angry, when I have all of nature to comfort my soul. Because I'm just another stupid human being that's why.

Wallow in the beautiful Fall days this weekend...and don't forget to turn your clocks...which way?...heeeeelllllllppppppppp....

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