Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I should be skiing.

Today's Tids Issue 2,516
Opening Stuff:

Why am I expecting tonight an Occupy Wall Street Speech?

The Tids Naval adviser makes this observation about the recent movement of the Carrier USS Abraham Lincoln through Hormuz. His last sea duty was on a Carrier Group Staff, spending many long months in the Indian Ocean. He notes: When a carrier enters the Persian Gulf, it must be very careful because in order for planes to fly, the carrier needs 30 knots of wind over the deck. In the event that the carrier, Lincoln in this case, finds no ambient wind while operating in the gulf, it must generate its own wind. Very difficult to launch and/or recover aircraft because at 30 knots, the ship will quickly run out of space. So, he wonders strategically, why would the US want to send the Lincoln into the Persian Gulf when there is so much more area outside the Straights of Hormuz that would more efficiently facilitate jet take-off and landing? Good question. Could it be a simple show of strength with a built in excuse not to use it?

The Question:
Name five best nighttime visual sights according to ""?

The Headlines:
--Supreme Court Says Police Need Warrant to Attach GPS To Cars.
--Stock Market Slinging On Greece.
--Lehigh University Moves Up To #15 On list Of Top MBA programs.
--S&P Downgrades Greece To Selective Default.
--Pres Prepares Biggest Campaign Kick-Off Speech.
--Iran Repeats Homuz Threats,
--Romney Releases 2 Years Of Taxes: Pays $3 Mill In Taxes, Gives $3 Mil To Charity; Everything Above Board.
--Florida Debates: Romney attacks; Newt Flubs.

Ok, it's Oscar announcement day. National self-indulgence week. The film getting the most nominations is Hugo, an animated film by the idolized Martin Scorcese which, as I remember, being not so well received. The rest of the Bigs are The Artist, Midnight in Paris, The Help, War Horse, Tree of Life, Moneyball, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, and finally, The Descendents which I call an average moderately enjoyable film. In other words -- in the "It didn't suck" category. Best supporting actors are Kenneth Branagh, Jonah hill, Nick Nolte, Christopher Plummer and max Van Sydow; supporting actresses -- Berenice Bejo, Jessica Chastain, Melissa McCarthy (I thought she was unwatchable in an awful movie), Janet McTeer and Octavia Spencer. Glenn Close, Viola Davis, Rooney Mara, Meryl Streep and Michelle Williams are up for best Actress while Denien Bichir, George Clooney, Jean Dujarin, Gary Oldman and Brad Pitt are there for best actor.

For all of you hoping to see a movie about Margaret Thatcher's great achievements, you will be entirely disappointed with Iron Lady, a film mainly about her oncoming Dementia/Alzheimer's and some domestic trifles. This from a wise Tids reader.

You have to worry about a state legislature that said it was smart to pay pensions that were unaffordable, now telling us that wind-power that costs 4 times that of traditional energy sources is a good idea.

Oh no! Yesterday I saw a Boston Bruins jersey with the name Obama firmly affixed across the back.

You have to wonder if the curious mind of Jessica Ahlquist, supposedly a smart young woman, really tried to understand the beliefs of Roger Williams and other founders that led to the first amendment's "Freedom of (not From) Religion", or whether she is simply the product of a myopic father.

When it's Winter, I'm really not ever interested in warmer days.

There seems to be an awful lot of Dolphins these days being stranded on shore a round here. Do you think it's because animal experts are telling them they're almost human...and now think they can walk on land.

What a crock Department:
The NY Times has just named Oakland Cal has the fifth best place in the world to visit! Say what? The so-called experts say the town has a newly renovated art deco theater and is gritty with great people roots that are the basis for many Restaurants; And where people (OWS) are willing to take a stand despite adversity. Hey! about Cranston RI. It has a newly renovated art deco theater, people with great roots and a superior array of terrific restaurants. And of course, people who are willing to take a stand for causes in which they believe. Oh yeah, and unlike Oakland, Cranston does not have out of control crime.

Almost Near: Chapter 58 continues. --Sam sat there looking at the silent phone. She felt rigid with indecision. I have to fight this she started saying to herself. She clinched her eyes. How many times must have she run from similar moments in the past? She was seeing things clearer now. She must be because she wasn't looking for a place to hide. Like she must have years ago in tucker's Lobster Cove world.
She dialed Detective Sparrow, slowly methodically. The phone was answered. "Detective Sparrow please." No panic in her voice. She awaited patiently. She didn't fidget.
"John, Sam. Tucker just called. he said he'd be coming to see me. he could be here already, or he could be leaving Little Rock."
"You all right?"
"Never better. Maybe it's you. But, some how I feel confident." There was silence on the phone.
"I'm on my way"..........and after a couple of beats of silence. "Thanks".
Samantha hung up the phone, grabbed her bag and opened the door to the hall. She looked both ways, the walked fast to the Ice/Soda room door doors away down the hall.

The Answer:
Number 1 is Aurora Borealis followed by Yosemite, The Milky Way, The galaxy fromatop Mauna Kia in Hawaii and the Providence RI Water Fire! Paris, the City of Light is 8.

Let's see. I have rented a movie. There's a Celtics game...Yup I think I'll make it thorough the State of the Union.

What are the odds that 0-Man will begin tonight saying -- "The State of the nation Sucks and 65.3% think it is going in the wrong direction"?

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