Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, October 29, 2010

Time Travel to The Sixties Again?

Today's Tids Issue 2,223
Opening Stuff:

In California we have the big issue that would legalize marijuana. In RI we have a bunch of misguided zealots seeking to remove “Plantation” from the official state name. A name that only relates to the States hard working Aquarian origin (Way before you know what). These are just two of the most visual symbolic efforts engendered by stowaways from an era of protest and disruption. Demolition crews chipping away at a once sturdy foundation.

Which leads me to Joy Behar and her recent “B” word tirades against Sharon Angle. She excuses her use of salty language as being a common tool of comedians. So she’s saying comedians are basically crass, crude and insensitive. This too is just another legacy from the anything goes sixties.

It’s a sad day when the President of the United States of America, the fading leader of the free world, goes on a faux news program and comes across as smaller than the host!

And then there is the latest list of best cities in which to live – Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Omaha, Fort Worth, Austin, Des Moines, Madison, Minneapolis/St. Paul and Denver. The tone of the reasoning behind the selection can be found in the sentence about Pittsburgh: “…has made a major transformation from an industrial town into the 21st Century as a hub for Education, Health Care and The Arts.” -- All activities requiring huge amount of Big Government support. Can you say “Decline and fall of the Roman Empire”.

The caption from this morning’s “Close to Home” cartoon struck my funny bone: “Our mortgage is now owned by a guy named Lenny the Squid in Bayonne, N.J.”

The Question:
In addition to James McArthur (Danno), Lisa Blount also died yesterday at the young age of 53 due to complications from a rare chronic blood related disease. For what is she best known? Who is her actor husband and what was his latest notable role?

The Headlines:
--GOP Laughlin Now In Statistical Tie With Cicilini For 1st Dist Congressional Seat.
--DOW, S&P Drop On Profit Taking; Merck, Chevron Disappoint..
--Fla Dem Senate Candidate Meek Says Monica-Boy Didn’t Suggest He Resign; Says He Will Stay In Race.
--N/S Korea Fire Shots At Border.
--Danno Dead; Book Em’ God.
--China Surpasses US With Fastest Super Computer.
--Democrat Rumblings Say That Even If Dems Sneak In, They Will Not Reelect The Nancy; Yeah right; And I’ll be Able To Repay My Mortgage Even Though I have No Source Of Income.
--Report Says BP Knew Cement Was Bad.
--Four Football Field’s Long Super Liner Launched In Helsinki; Will Carry 8,500 People.

Back to More Stuff:
When you see numbers like 66-75% of students entering Connecticut State or Community Colleges can’t read, you have to wonder if High School students think that college is just one more entitlement. Like a smart phone or a car at 16 years old. And then there is the bigger question why these student were allowed to graduate from High School in the first place! May be a few failures along the way would light a few fires under privileged butts.

So, do you think the lonely will be taking more air flights to get a TSA “Pat-Down”?

One of the cleverest bits I’ve seen or read lately is the parody based on the wonderful poem “Casey at the Bat”. This time it is the 0-Man letting down Mudville. Check it out.

What ever happened to Yellow Chicken Gravy? In my small world it is one of the great gourmet classics. Yes gourmet, because to me it doesn’t get any better than this. Here’s quick look at a recipe: Melt a ½ cup butter in a heavy skillet. Add ½ cup flour until smooth. Then 2 ½ cups chicken broth, 1 cup canned milk, 1 tsp salt and ¼ tsp tumeric. Cook to thick, smooth and yellow. My mother would put an egg in it, but I don’t know exactly how and I can’t ask because she died. Tis would also be terrific with the addition of lemon! And, if your taste buds are willing, grated parmesan cheese.

Charlie Baker looks like the best bet for Massachusetts Governor.

How loud would be the uproar if Meek quits and shuffles his votes to Crisp. Crisp, who was clobbered by Rubio in the primary and trails him again in the race for Senate, is turning into the Cowardly Lion before our eyes. A man with no heart who stands for nothing but his own political future. He is certainly not the first choice of Floridians by a wide margin.

Some researcher more than likely working on a Government grant has announced his latest discovery that Hitler liked bread and marmalade for breakfast. Is the world going nuts…or am I?

How come when the market drops because of “Profit Taking”, I never get any?

I feel for those good blue collar, socially conservative Democrats who must bristle at the take over of their party by the liberal secularists.

The Answer:
Lisa Blount was widely acclaimed for her roll as Debra Winger’s pal in Officer and a Gentleman. She won her own Oscar (Shaed with hubby for producing her documentary “The Accountant”. He husband is Ray McKinnon who played the football coach in Blind Side.

The (Week) End:
Did you ever think that you would live in an America where people would think it nothing to perpetrate voting place fraud? I always thought that was the stuff of dictators and third world countries. Just one more glob of diminished personal integrity immigrating to the 21st Century from the Laissez Faire sixties. Today’s Today's Tids depresses me. Fortunately the cold air is returning this weekend to snap me out of it. Let’s hope this is an indication of a windstorm turning around The Country come Tuesday night.

I'll be dreaming beautiful dreams this weekend!

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