Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, October 15, 2015

I think the witches are here already

Today's Tids Issue 3.444
Opening Stuff:

An old friend died yesterday, and the tears, rightfully so, flowed freely. He was one of those tail wagging, slobbering on your face friends. His name was Charlie, and he was as good as it gets. He wasn’t my personal best friend, but he treated me like that every time I went to visit my daughter and family. Maybe it was because I would often sneak into my daughters family potato chip closet, and perhaps spill a chip or too. But, more likely it was because Charlie had a gigantic heart full of love, big enough even to put up with an old contrarian like me. My heart is aching but my memories are smiling. Thanks, Charlie.

It’s hard for the average American to understand the danger of Socialism when they repeatedly see Wall Street moguls basically condoning it with their outstretched hands out snagging wads of Gov assistance..

“Matt Wilson, 102 years old, Pssed away yesterday shortly after receiving the key to the city. He was buried with his memento resting on his chest…making it the first time a Matt was left under the key.” – Comic Strip Shoe.

The Question:
Ok, we nobody eats perfectly healthy food and keeps smiling. Name the Guilty food pleasures of the following celebrity chefs: Mario Batali, David Chang, Danny Meyer, Tom Colicchio, Laurent Tiruondel, Anthony Bourdain, Gordan Ramsay, Jamie Oliver, Todd English, Alice Waters, Cat Cora and Alex Guamaschell.

The Headlines:
--Dow Has Healthy Increase Of 217; S&P About 29, Nasdaq About 87.
--Obama To Keep 5,000 troops In Afghanistan.
--Dennis Hastert Expected To Plead Guilty.
--VW Ordered To recall 2.4 Million Cars.
--Government Arbitrary Measurement Of Inflation Taking About $44/Month Out Societal Security recipient’s Pockets.
--China Middle Class Now Bigger Than US Middle Class.
--White House Puzzled: Hillary said She Saw Trade Bill Which Has Yet To Be Published.
--Americans Tending To believe In Climate Change, But not so Much In Humans Causing it.
--New Jobless Clains Fall To 255K, A 42 Year low.

Even though ridiculed extensively here (Local civic promoters are calling for an intervention) and across the country, former RI Gov Lincoln Chafee says he is staying the course and will continue in the Dem race because he says his message of world growth through peace is so important. And, honesty in government is even more critical to preserving a sensible society. Too bad he can’t express himself better.

A decent effort last week by your favorite Sports Pickers brought the yearly record to 49-29 or about 63%. This week could be a disaster, because some teams are playing better than expected, like Cleveland and Tenn, and others are underachieving. In fact there are few, what I would call clean picks. I’ll start tonight picking Atlanta team, that has figured out how to win, over a NO team that is struggling. I’m seeing Seattle ending the Carolina run, and the Patriots to keep their run alive against Indy (The team who escalated the inane war over deflated footballs). Buffalo will fumble or penalize themselves out of the game keeping Cinncy undefeated, Denver will continue even though Cleveland will scare them a bit and an Improving Skisn will battle and beat The Jets. Like Minn over KC and Detroit over Chi. I’m picking Jax to beat Houston, Tennessee to grow up against the Dolphins and GB to take down SD. The Harbaugh Bowl minus one will go to SF, and fans will be wondering if the other Harbaugh should stay. Never liked his whining anyhow.

I got to figure I have one of those country style, tearjerkin’ hearts. Why else would I find it so interesting listening Brad Paisley talk about writing a tender emotional song. The Voice had three pretty good battles Tuesday, but the one I was most interested in was the country duel between Chris Crump and West Virginia singer Krista Hughes. I was rootin’ for WVa, but had to admit early that Crump was pretty damn good right from the start and Hughes struggled playing catch-up. Hughes should have been saved by somebody. She is a great singer. Another excellent battle was between a guy i like Kieth Semple and the powerful rocker Manny Cabo. Too bad Cabo had to go go. I personally like Ivonne Acaro who was saved by Blake after losing another pretty good battle against the quirky Sianha Im.

You know with a slight typo, it would be quite accurate to change Brad Paisley into Bard Paisley.

A guy I know said he was reluctant to talk on deep topics with me at times because of my email moniker “cajesu”. He thought that “jesu” indicated I might be a religious nut.

After America sees the final two presidential candidates, maybe Chafee will win in a protest vote.

Fargo is something else and the premiere on Monday signals another great quirky season.

My computer was a little sluggish this morning, so in the process of trying to speed it up, I was going through a restart when the dreaded words appeared “Please do not shut down or power off your computer. Beginning 1 of 12 updates.” Aaaaaargggh! So if you are receiving this in the afternoon instead of earlyish in the morn, you know I couldn’t catch up with half hour delay before I had to leave. Thanks for your patience.

Oh yeah and just as it started humming again, the internet disappeared. Maybe I should lock myself in a closet today.

The media is going berserk playing over and over again, Bernie Sanders “Sick and Tired…” rant. But the facts say that America does want to find out more about the subterranean dealings of a prudential candidate who is already low on the trust meter. Most polls have a minimum of 60% of Americans interested in learning more about Hillary’s subterfuge and misstatements about it.

With all of the new possible selections out there with associated terminology that would rattle lexicologist, ordering a beer has become more technical than understanding a computer. Now drinking has some advantages. You don’t look stupid in bars.

The Answer:
Celebrity chefs are pretty savvy: Mario Batali -- Doritos and salsa, David Chang -- Popeye’s fried chicken, Danny Meyer -- Sausage and Mushroom pizza, Tom Colicchio -- Beef Jerky, Laurent Tiruondel -- Krispey Kreme, Anthony Bourdain -- KFC Mac&Cheese, Gordan Ramsay -- Gummy Candy, Jamie Oliver – BJ Cherry Garcia, Todd English -- M&M Peanut, Alice Waters – Caramel Corn, Cat Cora Reeses PB Cups. and Alex Guamaschell  --Cheese Doodle, Cheetos! Yikes, where is his restaurant?

Sorry I used the word “Quirky” twice to day. But it was the best word in two instances.

See you all tomorrow!

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