Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, August 12, 2024

And on, and on, and...


Today's Tids Issue 5,594 

Hands out: 


I'm not surprised that around 75% of all Americans – Repubs and Dems and Indies are behind Joe Biden’s proposed about a Code of Ethics for the Supreme Court. Americans, believe it or not like honesty. After all, it is the cornerstone of credibility trust. I wonder who the 25% are who are not behind the idea... Politicians? Btw, what about a code of ethics for the Legislative and Executive Branches. What it seems to me is Joe B trying to undercut the credibility of the Supreme Court to appease the voters on the left, just in case you hadn’t noticed. 


If Wonder Woman married Howard Hughs, divorced him and married Henry Kissinger, she would be Wonder Hughes Kissinger now. 


I watched the highly dramatized transfer of the Olympic flag from Paris to LA for 2028 and one thing I will predict -- the feeling of the next Olympics will go from the Sublime ot the ridiculous. From the gardens of Monet to beach blankets. 


The Question: 

Who would you put on an All Time Olympic Men's Basketball “Dream Team”? 


The Headlines: 

--Dow Opens Week in Red and Continues through Closing; Nas hanging Tough in Positive Territory All Day; Investor Nerves to Continue Jumpy Through week in Anticipation of Key CPI Number on Wednesday; Walmart Earnings on Thurs Expected to Give Insights on Consumer Spending. 

--US Moving Guided Missile Subs and Aircraft Carrier Strike Group to Middel East Ahead of Of Potential Iran Attacks. 

--Tropical Storn Ernesto Brewing in the Atlantic. 



I think I know how China will take down America. It's a form of gaslighting. The directions for assembling made in China product are so authoritative that US consumers looking at them see something on the surface that will not work. That's when self-doubt creeps in, and they go slightly mad wondering what they are missing. Or work endlessly on a task that is impossible to complete.  So, there you have it, mental warfare. 


Have you noticed how pleasant the USA is right now without a congress in session or for that matter, a President in session either. 


Is there a more tedious job in America than being host of a TV morning or afternoon program where the main job is interviewing celebrities about their lives, hobbies, careers and fumiest incidnets that happened to them. 


Every time I turn on You Tube to listne to a song I’ve found I see Kamala staring at me asking for money Why don't they just use credit cards and when its over ask Joe Biden to cancel the debt. 


Banishment from Public Communications, Department: 

When I was young, I had a great relationship with a military sergeant named Tina. I became quite ill, told her and she started to weep. I said..."Don't cry for me Sergeant Tina". 


VP Candidate Walz is coming to RI this week to pick the pockets of wealthy Newporter's.  


Is the Democrat Convention over yet? 



A couple of today’s offensive one liners came from our TPL (Tid’s Punster Laureate). Should he be banned? 



Nobody who is against self-reliance and success wants to believe this: “The Top 1% - paid 45.78% of the individual federal income taxes in 2021 (Latest available numbers)The top 5% paid 65.6% of the income taxesThe bottom 50% paid only 2.34% of the total income tax bill – KTL  (i.e. the middle 45% paid 32.16% or less than their “fair share” while the top 5% paid 13.12X their “fair share” and the bottom 50% paid 0.468% of their “fair share”I guess whoever is talking determines “fair”.) 


The Answer: 

It isn't Jason Tatum, just in case you paid attention to the 2024 team. It isn’t hard to guess that #1 is Machael Jordan followed by Magic Johnson, and Larry Bird. Next are Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Shaquille O'Neil, Kobe Bryant, Steph Curry, Labron James, Tim Duncan and Kevin Durant. A couple of the “Original Dream Teamers” Who should have been on top are Charles Barkley, Karl Malone and Scottie Poppin.  


It’s nice to have dreams. That’s why they call me Walter Mitty. Dream on. 







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