Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, March 12, 2010

We live in a Republic?

Today's Tids Issue 2,086
Opening Stuff:

Surprisingly, the notorious 9th Circuit Court of Appeals said no to a professional atheist who was championing the removal of God from the pledge and money. But, what I really liked was the comment from one of the judges: “The Pledge of Allegiance serves to unite our vast nation through the proud recitation of some of the ideals upon which our Republic was founded.”. And as I look around, I sadly see and hear it is not just the atheists who have forgotten the ideals upon which the Republic was founded.

Everybody knew there were way too many people going to law school. But, now we have more proof that many of these often intelligent young people are discovering there just isn’t enough work out there. Why else wound somebody in the Swiss government proposed a abill authorizing state funded lawyers for dogs. Rumor has it that it will be known as the “The Puplick Defender” program.

The Question:
Who are considered the Top 10 pop dancers of all time?

The Headlines:
--February Retail Sales Show Surprising Uptick.
--Suicide Bombers In Lahore Pakistan Kill 43, Wound Additional 100.
--Bankers Readying For New Wave Of Foreclosures As Delinquencies Continue To Pile Up.
--US Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals Say OK To Retaining God In Pledge And On Money.
--UBS Says IRS Has 20 Swiss Banks In Its Sights.
--Dems Scrambling To Meet Arbitrary Deadline For HC Approval.
--Harry Reid’s Wife Seriously Injured On Virginia Highway After Truck Hits Her Van.

Back to More Stuff:

The “New Wave of Foreclosures” mentioned in the headline aren’t the only effects of foreclosure affecting homeowners wanting to sell. Real estate sources tell me that the previously foreclosed inventory has been piling up in banks. The word out there is that there could be a massive release of these homes to the market in the spring. This will certainly lower the average price in the market place which is very bad news for those who were legitimately considering selling. Not only will the will the glut push down prices, but many potential buyers are waiting for the ”bonanza” slowing the housing rcovery.

On a related note, several reports are saying that banks are still very resistant to approving mortgages, even in many apparent so-called “No brainer” situations. The real-estate folks are a frustrated, but hardy group.

American Idol Update: Well, the Tids Entertainment Editor was close with the men’s bootings, but way off on the women. I missed on Alex, but after viewing the episode last night I could agree totally with the results. He isn’t ready. Although I must say he seemed to be loved by his fellow singers. And frankly, while I picked Garcia because of his performance Wednesday night, I really wanted him to stay. Let’s hope he recaptures the magic that got him there in the first place. I thought Lilly was a lock to stay, and I believe the judges did too. My sense is that while she brought what I considered a pleasant, unique quality to the show, she may have been beyond the mainstream of voters. That is often the case – popularity over talent (As it is too often in politics). I thought Katelyn would stay just because she seemed generally good, and her Tuesday effort wasn’t bad at all. I personally liked Lilly and Kate and would have preferred neither of them had been standing there together.

I may have to start issuing reports on one of the major dance competitions just to keep the dance readers happy.

One of the more annoying popular expressions is one often used against decent hardworking people or corporations, “He/She/They is/are only in it for the money.” Of course they are, this is the United States. Being in it for the money should never be a negative criticism in a free Republic.

Through the Same Eyes: Chapter 59 continues. –That was the beginning of a creative adventure. Seymore asked me to sit next to Laura presumably so he could see me while he was pontificating. I gladly accepted. Within a moment I felt a pleasant pressure from Laura’s thigh. That helped me endure the man. By the end of the evening I had learned where Laura lived, and when Bromsky left for the Men’s room, we exchanged phone numbers. The following week we innocently met at Maries.
I learned that she abided her uncle for her own purposes. I asked her how many older teens she knew in the area. That’s when she said this kid Murphy was hot for her, but she found him to be stupid and rather disgusting. “He has a few friends.” She said. “And,” she added, “I think he fancies himself as there leader.” A few more meetings and I had confidence that’s she was as diabolical as me. Between us we hatched a plan that would eventually provide my project with human test subjects while the police were looking the other way. And in a way that would make me look like the good guy.
The next piece of luck was meeting Sarah/Maggie. Unfortunately, I have grown to like her too.

Have you seen the movie “Invention of Lying”? It’s about a guy living in a society where everything anybody in it is saying or has ever said is the absolute truth. The main character for some reason has a small brain malfunction, and of course the lie that comes out is totally accepted by in this instance a bank teller. He gets free money. He then finds he can just stand up in front groups and they totally believe everything he says. I think that is the kind of power that Obama thinks he has

Reading Between the Lines Movie Reviews:
--I’ve been looking forward to Green Zone and I am finding I won’t be disappointed. Some myopic reviewers who think anything about Iraq should now be compared to Oscar winner Hurt Locker are just missing the fun of this thriller. It may be a little anti Bush/War as it is about the failure to discover WMD’s. So I will probably just dismiss the politics from my mind and concentrate on the conspiracy and the good acting of Damon and a fine cast.
--The young set will love this one as it has many of the qualities that tuned Something About Mary into a cult winner. A young twenty’s something is in a dead end airport security job. Against all odds the very successful and gorgeous Molly falls for him much to the amazement of his friends parents and yes girlfriend. Now the guy has to figure out to make it work in this “Outrageous” comedy. Now the big questions is: “Is it good outrageous or bad outrageous.

On AI, one long time fan of the show tells me that he thinks Ellen has been a disaster and that he expects that the show will become a total piece of garbage when Simon leaves next year.

In reading that quote from the 9th Circuit, I'm wondring ho many people know they live in a Republic. And how few actually know what a republic is>

This current group of Idolers is a teary one.

The Answer:
Michael Jackson is number One. He is followed by Prabhu Deva, Jennifer Lopez, Shakira, Jenna Dewan, Fred Astair, Chris Brown, Madonna, Paila Abdul and Natalia Oreiro. Don’t kill the messenger. For choices not in the top ten click her and scroll:

The Thoughtful Finale':
“Work like you don't need the money, love like your heart has never been broken, and dance like no one is watching”

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