5 Banks hold 52% of all assets
, and those five banks are bigger now that they were at the time of the collapse. (Note: the top 10 banks assets are equal to 1/2 of the US GDP!) Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher says that "Banks that are too big to fail, are too big". He points out the multi-pound Dodd-Frank bill can't even touch them; Has been basically useless in the fight against runaway big banking. In fact, D-F is only hurting the smaller regional banks, and the resultant small business who rely on their local banker. There is no reason to have banks that large at all, he believes, and are in effect a giant hindrance to the recovery. These banks are alive today only because of a huge taxpayer subsidy. And they are still way too big and beyond regulatory control making them easily the catalyst for a new downturn.

Alert to "Missing" Fans: Missing in my estimation is the first series since "24" that begins to quench that addiction I continue to have since the end of the series. This one keeps me tense and is full of surprises, with it's eye clearly on the ball with minimal side stories. There is an indication in yesterday's USA Today that it could be Missing from ABC next year." Write emails to ABC. Cry. Tell them you'll vote for Obama. Anything. We need to keep this one going.

Saint Joan of Arc would have been 600 years old today! Congrats, Joanie. You were one tough woman.

The Question:
Double day! 1.
Which states have the greatest percentage of Catholics? 2. After New York City, way out in front, which 4 cities have the most billionaires?

The Headlines:
--Wall Street Opens Lower After Lackluster Data On Private Sector Jobs Creation.
--Chinese Dissident To remain I China; Beijing Denounces US Meddling.
--Syrian Rebels Kill 15; 11 In Egypt Killed In Clashes Over Army rule.
--Obama Campaign Resurrecting Newt.s Shots Against Mitt.
--March Factory Orders Suffer Largest Drop In 3 Years.
--Toyota Makes Big Comeback At Expense Of GM, Ford, Nissan, Honda.
--Pettitte Throws Change-Up; Says He May Have Misunderstood Clements.
--25% Of Japanese 20-Somethings Mull Suicide.

I think it is scandalous that some Oakland Police will be sanctioned for trying to keep order among rampaging OWS groups. I believe that these professional itinerant protesters purposely lure the police into Headline gaining situations. I never feel sorry for a protester with a bleeding scalp.

Oops! Department: In yesterday's Tids, becasaue I was looking for more info I never finished my little piece about my favorite melody. Now that isn't quite as bad as pressing the button to send a nuke missile flying while you were still looking for all of the supporting facts, but it is annoying. Here it is -- If someone asked me what my favorite all time melody is, I might just say the 9th Variation from Elgar's "Enigma Variations". Eduard Elgar wrote this composition to honor friendships. Each variation is written for a special friend, his wife and even himself. Each is an interpretation of something he knows or feels about the friend or their talent. The ninth is for "Nimrod" A.J. Jaeger. Jaeger must have been inspiring! Actually he had something to do with helping Elgar make money. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUgoBb8m1eE

Navy Seals are saying that Obama took a cheap shot by saying he was responsible for killing OBL. One, a spokesman for the group added that Bush had a lot to do with setting the plan in motion...and that any Patriotic President would have pulled the trigger.

I liked Ann Curry in her former job, but she is the latest example of people who are good in one area who may be totally bad in others. Great salesmen are often bad sales managers. Lovable assistant coaches often fail at head coach. Side kicks often flop when alone on center stage. That brings me to Kelly Ripa who I like and I thought was funny all of the time with Regis. Now she has to carry on her wee back a succession of weekly often marginal co-hosts, and while she works hard, it doesn't match the Regis-Kelley combo. Producer Gelman better find a good co-host soon, because dials are beginning to click.

But, I still like Ann Curry as a person.

It was Halyard!

This is just one man's opinion, but the most overrated popular foods are Lobster Ravioli, Fresh Mozzarella, roasted red peppers and meat loaf. There is much too much Mac n' Cheese on menus and most of it is mediocre. And of course Lobster M&C sounds decadent, but I have found it more often than not underwhelming. (I've been to two places that earned the exclamations over LMC). Very often the new trendy restaurant can't hold a spatula to the tried and true local place with a great cook and savvy management.

Actually, Lobster anything should be served simply. Why disguise great flavor.

I am quite leery of Google, have been for a long time. Gathering data on people seems to be one of their main business centers. I was particularly disturbed about the latest report on the company's roving snooper car, which picked up private information from unsuspecting people in the security of their own homes. With Google in the neighborhood, it's like putting a latch on a screen door.

The Answer:

1. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New York, Conn, Nevada and Illinois Have the the greatest percentage of Catholics. California has the most Catholics. RI used to be the far and away winner over Mass. But, RI still retains the title for having the largest % of Episcopalians. 2. After NYC, the billionaire outposts are San Fran, Dallas, LA and Houston.

What a terrific day this is going to be. I'm taking a nap.