Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A pain in the rhetoric.

Today's Tids Issue 2,934
Opening Stuff:

When the old guy in the supermarket was asked, "Paper or Plastic", he replied, "Doesn't matter, I'm Bi-Sacksual!"  Thanks to a clever reader.

There's plenty of talk these days about why ObamaCare won't work, why it is too expensive, to name some of the discussion topics. That obscures the fact that we didn't need it in the first place. I didn't like it the day it was conceived because it was another gigantic encroachment by the government into the control of the economy, and people's lives. If we didn't have social Security or Medicare, Americans would find a way. That's what I believe. Just leave us alone. But of course, it's just going to get worse. The Government is too big, and it will never get smaller. Groups like the Tea Party who think Americans are better off with smaller, less expensive government are constantly demonized as racists, crazies, a party ironically that came to power seeking a kinder gentler America. Yeah right, kinder if you kiss their feet.

If you're a little down from the maliciousness of today's political discussions, go out in the country and pick an apple. Find a nice place to sit and take in the view of apple trees on a hillside bounded by stone walls, with a small pond in the distance, cows roaming in grass, with bales of rolled hay studded in fields beyond. I'll take out my bag of Cheetos and enjoy the sound of crunching into apples.

The Question:
I received some great responses from my proclamation yesterday that Thomas English Muffins and their other products were best. One reader in particular advised me to go immediately to Thomas Corn English Muffin. I'm running to the store as fast as I can. Another reader suggested I investigate all of the other great brands besides Thomas owned by the company Bimbo Bakeries USA. [Bimbo (?)] Name five sister company brands of Thomas..

The Headlines:
--Stocks Plummet Again As Debt Deadline Approaches.
--Desperate Obama Admin Advisor Dan Pfeiffer Compares Repubs To Suicide Terrorists, Kidnappers and Arsonists; President Adds To Heightened Vitriolic Rhetoric As ObamaCare Campaign Enters Home Stretch.
--US And Allies Emerge From Iran Nuke Meetings Saying A Window Has Opened.
--Repub Congress People Continue To Support Wishes Of Majority Of Americans Against Government Takeover Of Health Care.
--Italy To Put Amanda Knox Back On Trial For Murder On Monday.
--Admin Reluctantly Reveals Computer Glitches Will Delay Planned Rollout Of ObamaCare; Exchanges Not Yet Capable Of receiving Small Biz Apps, Some Consumer Apps.
--NYC Fans Send Off Rivera With Tumultuous Applause.
--United Airlines Flight Lands Safely After Pilot Suffers Heart Attack.
--$63 Billion Later, Bill Gates Finally Admits "Control-Alt-Delete" Was A Mistake

Mariano Rivera is a pretty great human being in addition to being the all time great closer. It's too bad he has to carry throughout the rest of is life the stigma of being a Ya-Ya-Ya... (W,YKWIM).

The Top Ten States For Business are Virginia, North Dakota, Utah, North Carolina, Colorado, Nebraska, Texas, Minnesota, Washington and Georgia. Last years number One was Utah. Minn had the biggest rise from 23 and Wyoming the biggest fall to 23. Beautiful Maine, Mississippi, Rhode Island, Michigan and West Virginia brought up the rear. The Best countries for Biz are New Zealand, Denmark, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Finland and UK. And then there were the days when businesses flocked to Rhode island USA...when entrepreneurs were in control. Check out the entire list. See how your state ranks:

How crazy is it that Michigan is now the 4th worst state in which to do buisness. It wasn't long ago when the state was the bellwether for US manufacturing, the envy of the world. It was almost, "as Michigan goes, so goes the nation". Of course, it isn't that surprising. Success breeds demands which force comapnies to find regions with lower costs. The South boomed for a while, the result of a fading Northeast manufacturing and textile powerhouse. Of course, demands for more from the new Southern factories came faster, almost before moving vans of Northern transplants were unloaded. And then, it started to go to Mexico, Asia...anywhere to get beyond the clutches of US labor. And now what do we have? A service industry based economy where middle class wages will never equal those of the glory years.

Checked out the new Robin Williams and Michael J. Fox shows. I don't have to put them on my weekly must see schedule. To be honest with you, I have never been a particularly huge fan of Fox after Family Ties, though I feel for him and applaud his positive outlook.

I guess if a TV show doesn't have bullets, I'm not interested.

According to poison control centers around the country, so far this year over 6,000 children have noshed on colorful laundry detergent pods. Maybe they should put veggie packets under sinks to improve nutrition habits.

I see where terrorist insurgents are hampering the post earthquake rescue operations in Pakistan. In the US we call them looters.

Why am I so angry today? Obama made me do it. 

Reading Between the Lines Movie Reviews:
--Everybody seems really excited about Opie's new film "Rush". It's a true story about the duel on and off the track between Formual One drivers, rich English playboy James Hunt and  methodical brilliant Niki Lauda. It looks pretty ordinary to me, but it is supposed to be well done and full of pleasing entertainment, on and off the track.
--Don Jon borrows from Jersey Shore sub culture to create characters that are often funny and at times tragic. Don is addicted to porn and a women sets out to make him over into a perfect potential husband. I don't know about this one.
--Baggage Calim loks like a pretty silly affair where a Flight Attendant determined to get engaged before her sisters wedding in 30 days, racks up 30,000 air miles looking for the perfect guy, with many comedic encounters along the way.

The Answer:
Who hasn't ever savored any number of Entenmann's baked goods, or the rich breads of Arnold. Then there is Sara Lee, the baker of rich buttery cakes who changed the world of frozen baked goods. Some others are Freihofers, Boboli, Earthgrains, Stroehmann, Brownberry and Tia Rosa All of a sudden I have this craving...

This has been one chopped up Tids week, with lateness and half finished Tidlets. Don't worry, we are not in a downward death spiral. Or, is that spin cycle.

Hey...everybody! have a beautiful and peaceful weekend.

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