Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, February 12, 2018

Marginalizing truths.

Today's Tids Issue 4,058
For Achievements:

Personally, I prefer a nice big lush maple tree over a palm tree any day of the week

A knowledgeable, highly regarded and experienced security expert, probably ACLU oriented, said about “The Memo” -- that the reaction is typical of today. The left will never see the possibility of useable information and the right will say it is perfect. He went on to say that he sees the same thing when surfing the three Cable News channels, watching them relating the exact same story: Each presents an entirely different picture than the other two, which means that it is likely that nobody is getting the whole truth.

I don’t know about you, but I just don’t get paddle boarding. It looks like plain old exercise to me.

One over used phrase on the way to becoming meaningless is “Breaking News”, “Alert”, “Special Event”. They should be saying “Breaking Reiteration”.

Do you think that when FDR started the CCC, he ever imagined that in many modern-day states it would now stand for– Cannabis Control Commission.

Rhode Island may be the only state with Potholes in its internet highway.

I think Pence should have saluted the positive mood of the moment at the opening ceremonies.

The Question:
The USA only won one Gold Medal in 1968. Who won it? Bonus: What famed Skier own three gold’s in the same Olympics. Super Bonus: What happened to the US Olympic skating team in 1961? Even Bigger Super Bonus: what did Massachusetts Gov Eldridge Gerry invent in 1812

The Headlines:
--Investors Hoping New Week Resembles Sanity; Futures Point To Good Start; Global Markets Stabilize.
--White House To Unveil $1.5 Trillion Infrastructure Plan; Dems Expected To Join Tea Party Stand.
--Senate Begins Serious Discussions On Immigration Reform.
--Russia Investigates Plane Crash Just After Take-Off That Takes 71 Lives.
--Accusations Fly In Middle East: Turkey Against US Over Ties To Kurd-Syria Militia; Israel Against Iran/Syria Combo; Trump Against Israel/Palestine Foot Dragging.
--#MeToo Rises Up After Trump Abuse Comments.
--Youth Fleeing Older People’s Face Book; Snapchat Favorite Of Next Generation; German Court Rules That Facebooks Use I-Of Personal Data Is Illegal.

I figure that a percentage of Americans will be mad at LL Bean’s new guarantee policy that takes away their right to defraud a big corporation.

The guy who had trouble slowing his car, exclaimed, “Gimme a break.”

I often see the phrase following a news story, “There was a mixed reaction on Social Media”. Of course, there was. What would you expect in a country where some people like Vanilla, others chocolate and even some, God help them, like mango ice cream. Everything draws a mixed reaction. High tech doesn’t make reactions different, just more pervasive.

If you think about it, if it wasn’t for golf the allure of something called “Pebble” beach would be practically non-existent.

The super bowl ratings were down 7%. Sports are supposed to be an escape from politics and the trials and annoyances of the day. Maybe that’s why ratings are down – people are escaping.

NBC and others try to turn the Olympics sporting event into reality show stories. I think the action speaks for itself. And too many of the stories are repeated way too many times.

Hey, I’m sorry about the title of Last Friday’s Tids. I read in a column Saturday that nobody cares about the Kardashian any more.

Boers Head has overpowered supermarkets. I have found that all of the packaging is attractive, as are some of the names of the offerings, but often what’s inside is pretty average. I look for small grocery stores and big supermarkets who roast their own deli meats. There are many out there, and it is always worth the extra effort.     

If you only see the extremes, you strain believability.

With the advent of rampant undisciplined social media, I believe that justice organizations should keep hidden all allegations until they have, and have considered, very fact. Too many people are being found guilty by Twitter, even though innocent before being tried. Some people will always believe in the negative side of another’s reputation, -- even when the negative has been entirely disproven.

Is Robert Di Niro the Jane Fonda of the 2,010‘s. Over the weekend in a foreign country, the middle eastern country UAE, he said he was visiting from a “backward” country suffering from “temporary insanity.” “The US will eventually cure itself by voting our dangerous leader out of office.” Speaking against your country in a foreign land could be called giving aid and comfort to the enemy if we were at war. Hell, we are always at war with somebody in the middle east. Are we sure Di Niro isn’t a meme?

Just incase you are wondering about fairness in media during the upcoming mid-terms, just look at HBO which has hired Obama operatives to produce election specials.

The Answer:
Peggy Fleming the won only USA Gold Medal in 1968. Bonus: While Peggy was becoming the darling of America, it was Jean Claude Kiley who became the superman of skiing with three dominate wins. Super Bonus: One of the great tragedies ever in the sporting world was in 1968 when the plane carrying the entire US figure skating team and coaches went down in Belgium. It took years to recover, a recovery marked by Peggy’s win in 1968. Even Bigger Super Bonus: Governors Gerry’s 1812 political invention is still being fought over today in the highest courts – Gerrymandering.

The rest of the week’s Tids will be all about love. That necessarily precludes anything politic.

Social media reaction to Today’s Tids is mixed.

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