Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Hysterical Overeactionism.

Today's Tids Issue 4,300 

All of a sudden, I feel guilty each morning shaving with my Gillette razor.

You hear a lot of talk lately about kids facing stress and psychological challenges. (Our Gov said it last night in an annual budget talk) Of course all of the experts cite many reasons for this generational phenomenon. However, one reason never mentioned is that far fewer families go to church on Sundays. You remember church, where the message has always been helping others, loving others, being responsible and kind. No, one reason for the difference in children behavior may be the dominance of their new church of choice, the internet. Learning the right things can be very painful, and I remember well that going to church on Sundays felt like torture at times. But, today and during my life, I always found the good messages to reflect upon. It provided me with standards that were higher, and not excuses that allowed me to fail.

The most popular bathing suit for animals in zoos is the zucchini.

Teresa May could be having a really bad day as I speak. You probably read yesterday that she was trounced in her Brexit plan vote. There is serious talk that Labour Party Chief Jeremy Corbyn will call for a vote of no confidence of her and her “Zombie Government”. The good news for her, at least temporarily, is that her party, which voted heavily against the plan, hates LP leader Corbyn lot more than her Brexit deal. Stay tuned on this one. It’s important to the US and global economics.

The Question:
I found a list of movies called, “Best Films of 2018 That Nobody Saw”. See if you can guess one or two. If not, it could be a good list for planning Netflix viewing in the future.

The Headlines:
--Markets Could Have decent Day; Goldman Reports Excellent Q4; CEO Solomon Likely To Take Stage To Quell Negative Rumors About Firm.
--UK Chaotic As No Confidence Vote For Teresa Looms.
--Netflix To Raise Monthly Prices 13-18%; Walmart Breaks With CVS/Caremark Over Disagreement on Reimbursement Levels; Sears Chairman Wins Bankruptcy Auction With Bid Of $5.2 Billion.
--Jamie Dimon Says Stronger Financial Principles Underpinning Current Economy; Says Any Recession That Comes Along Will Be Softer; He see Student Loans as Only true Unpipelined Debt Sector.
--Stable Interest Rates Have Mortgage Applications Rising.
--O-C Leading Progressive Pals In Program To Oust Incumbent Dems.

And, I also feel a bit queasy watching the Pats in Gillette stadium.

I think that the comedians telling Trump jokes are getting a bit stale, running out of real humor. (Did I hear boo’s after a Jimmy Kimmel joke?) But, it is probably a safe bet to believe that when a Dem is elected Presidents, the Conservative comedians will rise up in full force to bury the new guys in daily slurs. That is, if there are any conservative comedians? That is, if the networks will ever allow them on air

Speaking of “comedians”, the “running for president” announcement from Senator Gillibran to Colbert sounded like a scene from the Micky Mouse show. Is she serious?

I thought AG Nominee William Barr did a pretty good job yesterday. He looked especially good answering some of the Dem senators’ inane questions. (I don’t pay attention to Repub softball Q’s) He parried well with Senator Booker who was again very “Bookerish” trying to play gotcha, with a less than a secure handle on the facts. And this time, actually not knowing as much as Barr on the subject of drug incarcerations. Blumenthal continued to be blatantly political and quite inept. Harris was running for President, and not well.  The scariest surfer of all, to me, is the Lady Senator from Hawaii who gave Barr several opportunities to look smarter and less vindictive than her. Did I say Lady?

I receive a lot of emails from services I have used telling me how great it would be if I would sign up for their app, making it easier to review my account. Like, reviewing my account is a major problem in my life. Signing up for all the apps that services extoll would be a burden in my life. And would make my phone turtle like.

Bias Blocks Brains, Department:
CNN’s Areva Martin, the station’s black Legal analyst, yesterday accused Sirius/XM radio host David Webb of enjoying “White Privilege”. David Webb is entirely and happily black. Was she testing her Dem senator aspiration credentials?  

“The next time some academics tell you how important diversity is, ask how many conservatives are in their Sociology Department.”  --Thomas Sowell.

“I can’t pretend to be somebody who makes $25,000 per year.” –Gwyneth Paltrow

For every time President Trump makes Repubs look bad, a Dem senator or supporter opens their mouth to equal the playing field.

That’s what happens when leadership lower themselves to insult politics.

Now, I don’t feel guilty about using razors or supporting a team that plays in Gillette staid because I feel their new ad message, I feel guilty because I’m using a product I like from a company that just insulted millions upon millions of good men.

The Answer:
Number oneonthelsist is a techno horror film “Upgrade”. Next is “Searching”, where a dad Tries o find a missing daughter thrughher smartpjhoensuage. #3 is “Leave no trace” followed by, “You were never really here”, “Eigth Grade”, “Thoroughbreds”, “Sorry to Bother You, “Blindspotting”, First reformed” and “American Animals”. #11 is “Revenge”, wich Iremenr revirwe her andhtough seemed goof. If youneed more,just cjeck out Riten Tomaoteos

What’s with companies like Nike and Gillette assuming the role of deity?

“Much of the social history of the Western World, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good.”  --Thomas Sowell

The Parking Lot:
(The last two chapters I wrote were 84 and 85). Today #84 and tomorrow #85. Ndtehn moving forwad – if I can thnk of anything to wirte.
Chapter 84:
Martha (Musatta and Jeremy Hicks daughter) looked over her shoulder and around hidden corners a lot in the days and months following the big ruckus. There seemed little need for fear as the Howland boys appeared to have grown up overnight, spending all of their time working hard to build up the port facilities. They realized quickly how important the inland farmers were to their village and shipping businesses.
   Martha and Noah Prescott’s children grew up strong and responsible like their parents and grandparents. Three girls Emily, Mathilda and Ella were among the best looking around and the boys Isaac and John were strong smart and very likable.
   John was so likable that one of the Howland woman Jane, married him. So, at the wedding Martha was very happy to see harmony between the two families that were now slightly related. Howlands would now be forever Hicks and Prescotts. Martha smiled every time she thought of it.
   One day In the weeks after the wedding, Martha returned to their now substantial home down near the old Wampanoag summer camp to find it broken into. Mostly the damage was in the back room where she and Noah kept all of the community farm agreements and contracts dealing with the town operations. And, some Hicks family historical records.
   She quickly went into the small room off that back room to a portion of the wall, which appeared to look intact. She looked out the window and behind her. Then she pushed a wall panel upward until it came free to display small cranny that contains a small box. In the box she saw the seal that authenticated all of the agreements and that preserved ownership of Sakonnet land for the Hicks families. That was all that really counted. Yet, she became concerned that’s some of the history, known only to Richard, Musatta, Jeremiah, Noah and herself, might have been taken from the other room. Most important were the historical implications of some Hicks involvement in the death of Big. She immediately rato tell Noah.
“First, we have to meet with all of the farm communities,” Martha started taking charge as usual.” John had the look of the admiring son, and Noah just walked over and held her hand. Within minutes she had outlined the beginnings of a plan that could work. At the least, she got everybody out of the funk.
    John and two of his brothers rode east and north to alert those farmer families, while Martha and Noah went southeast, and to the areas by the big bay south of the village. Martha could see that as John rode away, his face told her that he would rather be back with his new wife. Maybe that will make him efficient for a change, she thought, and then smiled.
   Before they reached the split to their own routes, Noah and Martha talked about the situation, which they both knew it could be disastrous. What they had going for them, they agreed, was a strong bond between them and almost all of the village families. And the fact that the three young Howlands were not particularly well liked by many. But, now those boys perhaps had some facts never known, new facts about old history. Can people look within themselves honestly. Will they see what they have accomplished by working together. It bothered both of them that David Howland, a close friend, could have trouble reconciling the new information.
   The two came to that fork the road. They pushed their horses over next to each other and Noah leaned across to kiss Martha. She threw her arm around, grasping the back of his head to hold it. She looked brave but she needed Noah more than he would ever know.  She wondered if her mother was like that too.

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