Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, January 18, 2021

Equality is good.

Today's Tids Issue 4,821

Earning is good:


“I had had dream…” will reverberate throughout the land this day. This speech of all speeches with so many words of hope, so many meaningful phrases. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” “But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.” “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” “From every mountainside, let freedom ring.” “Free at last. Free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.” I hear these words, words that will always touch my soul.


So, did you hear about the guy who couldn’t lose weight because of his personal magnetism? He was stuck to the refrigerator.


So as techno-billionaires kill social media for those not in the leftist loop, Republicans and conservatives, and moderates with unifying vision will be demanding talk radio and other communications channels more than ever. The facts seem to indicate now that there will be no voices carrying the conservative message or even listening to their pleas, including President Biden. Maybe I should start Tids Radio! No typos on radio. Just word slips or at least word slips to the cultural deniers. So, that’s the big change to look forward to as we enter a new four-year era -- the search for representation, a kindly ear who will listen to and rationally express the feelings of half the country.


Rhode Islanders need the $600 bucks just to cover a coup le of weeks’ worth of State “Fees”.


So when you think about it, the loss of the Georgia election is going to cost American taxpayers about Two trillion in Biden Dollars.


Shop-a-holics, Department:

According to IMF, in just two short decades the World Debt has surged form $20 Trillion to $69.3 Trillion. Ye ratio of global debt to GNP is now at 82%. North America and Asia/Pacific account for a smidge under 70% of it. Europe is at 23%. The USA has 31% of the total world debt. And it grows with each Stimulus plan. Japan as the highest Debt/GDP ratio (237%) follow by Italy (132.3%), the USA (104%) and Belgium (102%). And those US totals do not include Covid stimulus.


The Question:

What are considered by “Discovermusic” to be the 10 greatest classical piano concertos?



The Headlines:

--Markets Closed.

--Americans Celebrates MLK.

--Washington Gears up for Biden Day.

--Biden Tells Migrate Caravan They Won’t Get Into The USA.


As the inaugural speech looms, I only offer this advice: It should be like a mini-skirt. Long enough to cover the essentials but short enough to hold your attention!


All of those people who tore down walls to adapt to the trendy “Open Concept” home design are now looking for rooms with doors. That’s what the reality of Covid can do for you. Make you rational. Everybody needs a getaway room with a door, Covid or no Covid.


Maybe social media should just be banned in general. When politics is involved everybody becomes hysterical, but where were today’s ideological book burning voices who let continue bullying of Children, destruction of friendships and even marriages, fraud and extortion. Social media for over a decade hasn’t been helpful for a civilized society with a vast majority of citizens striving to be kind and loving.


A friend of mine in Connecticut got a letter from the state on Friday. It simply told her that she had a date and place where she could get her Covid Vaccination. How easy is that! Meanwhile in Rhode Island just yards away from where she lives, the people in charge here are the proverbial heedless chickens. I haven’t a clue. yet, nor does any regular citizen I know. Our Gov was just added to Biden’s cabinet. I hope that goes well for America.


If you think about it, if the Senate ok’s the Biden Two Trillion, that will mean that the USA has added $5 Trillion to the national dab in about 10-11 short months. That makes our economy look like the continually struggling Italian dilemma.


The real time National debt clock shows our debt as the huge $27.806 Trillion and the National GDP at a lesser $21.288 Trillion. US Tax revenue is at $3.454 Trillion. The Federal budget is at $4.426 Trillion. Interest on Debt is $393.7 Billion, and ticking upward. By the time you read this my numbers will be off by a couple a ten million or so.


Today, my son asked, “Can I have a book mark?” and I burst into tears. 11 years old and he still doesn’t know my name is Brian.”


There isn’t the slightest chance you will ever find me watching the new TV sitcom called, “Call me Kat”.


In case too are interested the top 6 best unit car brand sales in real time stats are: Ford (98.5K), Toyota (88), Chevy (84), Honda (60), Nissan (42.5) and Jeep (40). The next group all at around 30k (Within 800 of each other) are Hyundai, Ram, Subaru and KIA. The lowest in unit sales (All under 6K) are loest Fiat followed by Alfa R, Jaguar, Mini, Porsche, Land Rover, Infiniti, Volvo, Lincoln, Chrysler and Cadillac. The car at the moment that is capturing the hearts of investors, Tesla, is at 16782 (That’s up about 1,000 in less than 24 hours and the same as VW).


One of my favorite programs is he weekly “(WSJ) Journal Editorial Report” with Paul Gigot. he and his panel stir in just the right amounts of sarcasm and cynicism in their reports of political pontificating.


Arguably, the most depressed industry now is the government restrictions-burdened Restaurant businesses. They need help, or die. Adding $15 min wage to the stimulus bill is the last thing Restaurants need as they try to climb out of the mire.


AOC wants to establish a “Ministry of Truth”. Hmmm. To which commandments will she be beholden.


I personally feel deeply for all people, even those whose ideologies I don’t fully and may ever appreciate, I feel for all the genders and races and ethnicities and everything in between. Being a human is potentially having faults, idiosyncrasies, doubts and concerns. I have problems and certainly faults. I feel for gays and straights and women and men, and blacks and Asians and Hispanics. I want everybody to be equal. I want everybody not to have to worry about how they fit into some arbitrary norm. What I don’t like is being extorted by marches and protests advocating general condemnations of large groups of caring people. So, I will always feel, but I won’t ever be made to feel guilty by people who don’t know me; who don’t know anybody that they chastise.


Grammar: I told my niece this morning I saw a moose on the way to work. She said, “How do you know it was on its way to work?”


The scariest words uttered lately have been from Bernie Sanders following JB’s announcement of his $2 Trillion Program: “President-Elect Biden has put forth a very strong ‘first installment’ of an emergency relief plan…” “First Installment”! -- as in the beginning of t a massive wealth redistribution.”


I have always liked Mussorgsky’s “Great Gate of Kiev”. It just keeps going and going and rising and rising, and then…Bang!


It looks like social media is bringing back “Black Listing”.


The Answer:

I like the Number One choice, Beethoven’s’ 4th. #2, is #2 by Rachmaninov. #3 is Mozart’s C Minor K491. #4 is another favorite Brahms #1, followed by Prokokiev #2, Schumann’s Concerto, Chopin #1, Ravel Concerto in G Major, Bartok #3, and at #10 Grieg’s In A Minor. (Note: Grieg’s was the Structure for Prokokiev, Rachmaninov and Tchaikovsky, and very, very profitable for his publisher in 1868). At 11 is the contemporary work of Ligoti followed by Saint Sans #2 (I prefer 1 and 3), Bach’s in D Minor, Busoric and Messiaen. (Note: While a massive 10 movement concerto it Messiaen’s called, “A symphony to love, sex, God and the universe. Conductor Leonard Bernstein with French pianist Yvonne Loriod premiered it in 1949 in Boston. I may have to buy that one.


For today, I should end the Tids play “Amazing Grace”. Frankly, I have never liked that tune, fand or a while I didn’t even know what it was about. I know now what it is about and it represents a meaningful chapter of history, but the tune still grates on me. Can you tell the truth like that anymore? I think MLK would like the truth.


Maybe we should set the “I have a dream” speech to music. Or has that already been done.


Remember the peace that Martin Luther King Junior sought. Amen.



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