Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Just do it...within reason.

Today's Tids Issue 2,845
So, Congress is saying that Eric Holder may have perjured himself. Of course, he'll deny it, because he is just that kind of arrogant individual who doesn't believes that laws, ethics or moral codes apply to him. Maybe he'll get a job in Hollywood next!

There are several "Could be's" and "May have's " in the Congressional (King R-NY) accusations of Holder, but my sense from watching the AG in action says "Probably". But, proving it to the standards of perjury could be very difficult.

The Question:
Annette Benning has been around long enough to have a stable of movie roles. Name five of her best films.

The Headlines:
--Strong Housing, Stock Market Has US Consumer Confidence Levels Ticking Upward.
--Hazy Future Of Stimulus Programs Has Stocks Stalling.
--Mom Top Earner In 40% Of US Households.
--Michelle Bachman Says She Will Not Seek Reelection.
--Buddhist Mobs Attack Muslim Homes In Myanmar For Second Day.
--US Accuses Costa Rica Currency Exchange, Liberty reserve, Of Laundering $6 Billion.

Wow! What a gigantic surprise on The Voice last night. The amazing Judith Hill was axed and equally surprising, the magical Sarah Simons also. These were two of the pre-finals candidates to take it all. It appears that the Country music crowd is dominating the voting. Judith and Sarah made the show great, but as some observers are saying, plain vanilla wins, especially if it's plain vanilla with a hayseed topping.

I guess in the future you'll be doing Google searches and the results will be valuable in 3D Printing. Think of what that will do for!

I have a new money making venture that will help break the bonds of static income growth -- a chain of franchises called, "Institute for Mentally Diminished Golfers." How can I lose! Now if I can just get Congress to pass a law declaring MDG a serious US disease.

In comments about their distancing the company from Lance Armstrong, Nike says "Just do it" doesn't apply to doping."

Or...Tiger whoring around or politicians and Governemtn officials stepping outside of ethics or hedge fund captains not considering the hurt to the masses...or Willie Sutton robbing a bank.  When you think about it, "Just do it" is a license to steal and do who knows what else. And too many Americans but t bea=casue it is dressed up in sneaker achievement.

OMG, I said sneakers!

The Answer:
Annette Benning is not one of my must-see actresses, but her movies have been pretty good. Her first breakthrough role was in The Grifters where she earned a nomination for best supporting. Other big hits were Bugsy, Regarding Henry, Love Affair and American President. Of course her Biggie that gave her the Oscar was American Beauty. Some post Oscar roles were in Being Julia, The Women and The Kids are Alright.

In response to some Memorial Day ramblings from the Tidster, a good reader who lives in Fort Bragg NC tells me, "In downtown Fayetteville we have the Airborne/Special Operations Museum and the recently added Veterans Park.  It was a sobering experience (Monday) to walk through the hundreds of American Flags blowing in the gentle breeze among the Iron Mike Statue, Hugh Shelton Statue and a the beautiful, meaningful sculptures throughout the park.  The highlight occurred, however, when  the evening ended with a wonderful performance by the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra and the United States Army Ground Forces Band.  They played a four movement, 45 minute piece titled Quiet Heroes composed by Chris Brubeck.  The piece was narrated by Wilford Brimley.  It tells the story of the 6 Marines who raised the flag atop Mt. Suribachi during the battle of Iwo Jima." Memorial Day lives in the hearts of people all over the US of A, bigger than life. more profound than we can ever imagine.

There is no truth to the rumor that for the 2016 race, Barney Frank is endorsing a ticket of Anthony Weiner and Eric Holder! Sleep tight, The US is in good hands.

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