Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Nuttin' Hapnin'.

Today's Tids Issue 2,846
Summer came early today
, that is if you were on the leeward side of the islands and Mainland. But God's great air conditioner, the ocean deep and the breezes that flow upon it, creates a peaceful Eden on the western shore of Aquidneck Isle. If everybody who hears this revelation inverse to the woeful sighs in ninety degree Providence and it's sprawling plantations decides to come to this City by the Sea, then beware of the intensity of mass body heat. Which is, as all rational people understand -- the real cause of global warming.

When Obama and The Hill go into hiding, it's tough to write the Tids. Hel-lo, can you hear me?

Hat's off to East Greenwich RI Special Olympics Unified Vollyball team -- Winner of the National Title Yesterday. What a triumph for these handicapped kids, who find the chance to compete at a high levels under pressure conditions. On the way to the championship, these players with the aid of EG HS mentors beat everyone they faced including teams from North Carolina,, Arizona and New Hampshire. Can you imaging the gigantic smiles on thee faces of these winners!

The Question:
McAfee has a list of the 10 most recent spam email subject lines. What do you think they are?

The Headlines:
--US Consumer Sentiment Highest In Iix Years.
--SoD Hagel Says Cyber Attacks Biggest National Security Worry.
--Britain Asks Germany To Help Lead Reform Of EU.
--Syrian War  expected To Go On For Years; Russian Missiles To Arrive There In Two-Three Months.
--Kennebunk Maine Zumba Prostitute Gets 10 Months For Conspiracy, Fraud and Tax Evasion.
--Oklahoma Could See More Tornadoes Over Weekend.
--US Woman Facing Drug Charges In Mexico, Released.
--Iraq Ends Deadliest Month I  Five Years.

So, is there anything stranger than the quality of people leading the Italian Government. Associates of the ever so odd Berlusconi have been accused of contracting the services of an underage prostitute for the former Prime Minister.

So did you hear about the dog in obedience school who said to the wildebeast, "Sorry you're ineligible for can't teach an old gnu dog tricks.

If they had an Olympics for handicapped state legislatures, RI would win that going away. I'll stand by that statement until I hear from Illinois.

They dedicated a restoration of Queen Anne Square here in Newport this morning. I tell you this as a reminder of why RI led the charge for true Freedom of Religion. While the early towns in Massachusetts and Connecticut built the Church on the town square implying that this is he only choice, A government approved churc by inference, RI welcomed all comers and to signify equality for all religions, built the churches in the neighborhoods. Th eopeness of RI i s a reason why pesecuted Jews, Quakers and other religions sought refuge and were welcomed in this enlightened state. This new "Square restoration returns the concept of neghborhood to open space with beatifully designed symbolic foundations here and there. Quite inventive, but more important, relevant to the true histroy that was in fact the foundation for the First Amendment and Freedom of Relgion. Maya Lin of Virt Nam Memorial fame was the architect..

A good and wise reader commenting on the Puns yesterday, says that they were only 2/3's of a Pun -- PU! Shoot me.

Zonked out Citizenry Department:
The battle for the viewer's eyeballs is going to be a great one as mentioned yesterday. It is is reLEVANT that new announcements are almost daily. For instance, Netflix which first came out with a home grown show "House of Cards", a political drama that is very good, will now have Amazon lurking who annonuced today their own self produced products. With all of this program production, what happens to the networks and all the cable outlets. When will TV makers like Samsung and TV maker wannabes like Apple and Google get into the act.

Some analysts are now saying their ain't no bubble in this market. That's the good news for the...moment.

Reading Between the Lines Movie Reviews:
--So what's the gigantic summer type movie for today...oh yeah, After Earth with Will Smith and son Jaden. The duo crash lands on Earth a thousand years from now destitute after a cataclysmic event. It's a jungle out there and the two now stranded on a prehistoric style Earth stumble their way through it in a terrible movie mostly about a son looking for the father's approval. Don't go. Don't even be intrigued by the concept.
--Now You See Me is a Robin Hood type tale where a bunch of Illusionists pull off ingenious heists againts corrupt business people and redistribute the wealth. Sounds like the Obama plan! But, if you can stand another anti-business movie from actors and directors sucking millions out of the biggest, most heartless businesses of them all, it is entertainng.
--I think that The East may be the best of the weekend. A female former FBI agent joins a private intelligence firm thatruthlessly protects the interests of "A" list corporate clientel. All's well, until...

The Answer:
Number one is from the number one category of spam by far "Pharmacy": "50 Cents per pill." The rest are "Enjoy our summer discounts', "Girls like that", "The ability to eat smaller meals", "Your pharmacy order". "Buy #1 diet pill", "Superstock Investor", "Urgentemente! Aviso de seguridad!", "Wassup" and "Make the switch to Dish network"."Mine is "Last chance for free creidt report."

Well, enjoy a warm weekend and drink lots of water. We'll be alive and well and ready to go with some Superhero Tidding next week!

Frankly, this is a dangerous time of year here in tourist laden Newport...that time of year when you have to look both ways on One Way streets! If you get my drift.

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