Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, January 5, 2015

Thank you; please; and so forth.

Today's Tids Issue 3,255
Opening Stuff:
A local sports commentator named Chuck Wilson is devoting his next life into putting character and fun into youth sports. He noted that the mantra “do anything to win” used to mean do your best, dig deep, never give up. Now it seems to mean “break the rules:, be unsportsmanlike, injure somebody. His contention is that while learning to win is important, perfecting skills is is the essence of youth sports, and building character is the true prized objective. He suggests that too may kids get burned out, when they should be loving the sport. But most of all, this win at all costs thing is being carried over into real life, producing incivility and bitterness – in the workplace, marriages and social relationships. I think he has a good point here. His group is called “Even Field”.
And for sure, sports fans need to readjust their priorities. Did you read where when returning from their Sugar Bowl Massacre, the Florida State players and team staff members found their car tires slashed and car paint keyed? Am I out of the loop of contemporary society, or has contemporary society lost its way?
The other day somebody looked at me and said the words “Good Lettuce”. I didn’t understand it.
Among the five things economists are looking at for 2015 (as reported here Friday) is a strong 3% GDP gain. All of a sudden news emerged saying the factory order scorecard is slowing rapidly, and has been since August. B+Compnaies are making less I anticipation of a slowing in buying. Yet against that negativity, the financial analysts generally are seeing a positive 2015 for stocks with 2016 being the new destination date foe recession, But then, tomorrow something unexpected will happed. So what am I saying here? Nobody knows.
The Shoe comic strip describes today’s teen girl as “All skin and phones”.  I like it.
The Question:
The Oldest cast member of the Grand Ole’ Opry died Saturday. Who was he? Name 5 of the original members of the GOO.
The Headlines:
--Obama And GOP Congress Watchers Take Sides In Anticipation Of New DC Era.
--Greek Jitters Sends Euro To 9 Year Low; US Dow Opens 200 Points Lower On EuroNews..
--Trial Starts For Alleged (Have To Say That For Accurate Journalistic Reporting) Boston Bomber.
--Tea Party US Rep Louis Gohmert To Challenge Boehner For Speaker; Conservatives Lining Up For The Challenge.
--Afghan President Asks US To Stay Longer.
--RI Tops all states in percentage of Drug Use with Alask, Co, Mont, Wash, Oreg, NH, VT. Me,, Mass Following.
--Boko Harom Tales Over Military Base.
Every once in while everybody could use a good dose of Richard Wagner.
As oil prices dip lower and lower, how desperate will Russia, Iran and Venezuela become? As we gleefully drive away from low cost fill-ups, these countries not friendly to US are burning inside and could resort to weirdness. Oh yeah, and that includes Texas.
If people of the Islamic religion are often named Muhammad, how come more Christians aren’t named God?
Tyler Sygun and Phil Kessel are among the top 8 scorers in the NHL. How come the Bruins can’t get players like that?
One way to control illegal immigration at home is to be sure your state or city or town has lower freebies that the national average.
Did ISIS stop fighting for the holidays so the US news gathering groups would miss anything. Or is ISIS just in “O’s” Pile #6. (If this doesn’t mean anything to you, then you probably missed reading Tids 1/2/2015.
“Grew at a slower pace”, is a favorite phrase of economists. But growing at slower pace is a phenomena that necessarily must occur, as new growth will typically occur above a higher base.
One of the great things about Mattapoisett Massachusetts is that is still is what it always has been, a perfect New England, unencumbered seaside town. There are a few left.
Standing “O’s” ain’t what they used to be, Department:
I noticed that he local Sunday ProJo said that the new Governor Gina walked into a room of her hand selected business advisers to the roar of a “Standing Ovation!”. A transvestite walking onto the Dr. Oz stage receives a standing “O”. We live in the trophies for everybody world and nothing much counts anymore.
Legislators don’t have problems lying to each other or constituents because there isn’t a law that says “don’t lie to each other or constituents”. At least, that’s the way works here in RI. If there’s no law, it’s legal.
The Answer:
Little Jimmy Dickens was 92. He was as funny as the “you-know-what” and brought a live performance everything. George Hay began the radio broadcast in 1925 as The WSM Barn Dance, and the first performer to sit down and play was Fiddler Jimmy Thompson. Some of the legends who brought the Opry to the top of then rating’s charts were Patsy Cline, Hank Williams, Roy Acuff, The Carter Family, Bill Monroe, Earnest TubbKitty Wells. Webb Pierce,  Faron Young, Martha Carson, Left Frizzell and of course the incomparable Minnie Pearl. Some of the old regulars  on the first 1920’s, ‘30’s shows were The Possum Hunters, The Fruit Jar Drinkers, The Crook Brothers, The Binkley Brothers Dixie Clodhoppers, Uncle Dave Macon, Sid Harkreader, Deford Baily, Fiddlin’ Arthur Smith and the Gully Jumpers.  George Hay’s favorite was The Fruit Jar Drinkers.
Every once in a while it’s probably good to sit back and ponder what a spec you are in a universe where it would take 5.6 million years in a Jet plane traveling at 500 mph just to reach the nearest star! Gadzooks.
Here’s some Little Jimmy Dickens:

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