Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Where are we, Toto?

Today's Tids Issue 4612
Being rocks for each other:

Well, I’ll be darned – Happy Spring, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!!

Do you feel changes in the air?
Gentle breezes rustling hair;
Sunshine higher in the sky?
Step outside, feel the high.
Enjoy the good we always feel.
When early buds show their zeal.
When winter brown turns to green.
Though now a virus mars the scene.
Look beyond the current fear.
Find new life that’s always there.
Spring is still our annual, rebirth,
And with love, we’ll reclaim our earth.

Feeling better yet?

My car was put in quarantine today. It had Corollavirus.

Several days ago, I jokingly wrote, “Will there be any money left when the virus leaves?” Today it’s not so funny. All I ask for is two up days in a row. Is that so much to ask for?

“Nobody has ever died of heart-Pop.” – Charles Schultz (Schroeder to Lucy)

You all know “Heart Pop”. That little sudden explosion of pleasant emotion you feel when you see something or someone that makes your heart swell.

The five interlocking Olympic rings will now be separated by six feet for the Japan summer games. Details, Details.

Do you get the feeling that the Democrat primary has been lost in the shuffle?

In nine months, there will be a minor baby boom. And then for a couple of days in 2033, we will witness the rise of the Quaranteens.

I wonder if I were to keep my hands continually coated with Cheeto dust, if that would ward off the possibility of getting an infection. You never know where you may find a new medical lifesaving discovery.

A neighbor sent me a text yesterday after I remarked that it is indeed weird these days. She and her husband both doctors, he from Israel and she from Chicago, had been living in Israel in their early married days. “One day,” she said, “it went from Bill being a student in school and me teaching and focused on every day, often silly concerns. And then in an instant we are in bomb shelters, and Bill goes off with his Uzi to a trench somewhere and I’m working in a factory making radios for tanks, and volunteering in hospitals. Then in 6 months it went back to normal. It has always been a way of life there, but not here.” “But, stay safe,” she added. It comes back to normal.

The Question:
 I have a survey, “The People Who Made the World a Better Place” Name the Top Ten

The Headlines:
--Trump Signs Broad Based CV Aid Bill.
--Market Continues Plowing Downward Despite New Financial Medicine From ECB.—China Says No New Domestic Cases Of CV.
--Some Constitutional Judges Questioning Government Using Fear Rising Out Of Concerns For Pandemic To Create Mandates.
--New Jobless Benefits Claims Soar; 80 Million Retardant Workers Out Of Jobs; GM, Ford To Close Planets.
--California Looks To using Empty Hotels To House Homeless.
--Netty Critics In Israel Say PM Is Using Virus As Basis For Enormous Power Grab.

Coronavirus could be the death of Trump’s political career. His shining economy is faltering badly, and he just has to hope that it comes back with the same lightning speed that pushed I into a hole.

This is a great time for introverts.

Rising above politics, Trump basher/hater Congresswoman Ilhan Omar praised the President’s actions yesterday, “Finally, we should never let politics get in the way of good policy.” It was in response to several Trump Moves to offer financial safety nets across the board, to all economic strata. “Unprecedented times,” said Omar, “require unprecedented leadership. We are seeing that in our country right now.”

A reader writes to say that those long CVS receipts really become handy as the toilet paper supply diminishes. Ouch! CVS – Corona Virus Supplier.

The World Health Organization has declared that dogs cannot transmit Corona virus, and there is no longer a reason to quarantine them. WHO let the dogs out.

Have Steve Mnuchin and Nancy Pelosi become our national glue? In items like these it is always the olde “Strange Bedfellows” thing.

I took along walk yesterday and ended up in an old cemetery. It’s a good place in which to get away from people with diseases. Everybody there has had it and dealt with it.

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who knows quarantine after three weeks in it following a return from space, says about today. “I’m lying on my ass and locking the Door.”

Good Ad Line from L.L. Bean: “The outdoors is open”!

Pollical observers tucked away in their isolation are saying that there is a lot of pressure on Biden to pick Elizabeth the Warrior for running mate (Probably why she hasn’t declared). Now, as mentioned here a week ago, that would be a move to play happy with Bernie buddies. But there are a lot of moderate Dems and Repubs who say, if it is Warren, we’re back over to Trump.

One reader wrote to tell me that he believes a lot of people are taking social distancing seriously. He dove past a couple of parking lots and, (This is true folks) Cars were parked one space away from each other.

Everybody in Germany is panic-buying sausage and cheese. It is a Wurst Käse scenario.

I’m turning off notifications from Yahoo Finance.

I saw a survey where about 31% of respondents thought that DT has done everything wrong in this fight against Covid-19. “Everything wrong! That defies logic, and just shows you how farfetched, or hateful, public opinion can be.

Did you know that for breakfast in Chernobyl they serve Eggs Quarantine? Probably not.

A Jehovah’s witnesses could be your next great friend, as I doubt many other people will be knocking at your door. Be prepared, they know everybody is home.

If you think it appears that people are in panic mode now, think of what it would be if the Internet went down?

The Answer:
I know their will be many disagreements here as well as, “Yeah sure, I can see that’s.” #1 is Marie Cure. next is Jesus Christ followed by Johannes Gutenberg, Leo Tolstoy, Elsa Brandstrom, Leonardo da Vinci, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Joan of Arc, Albert Schweitzer and at #10, Saint Francis of Assisi. Madam Cure was certainly a brilliant scientific pioneer, but 1st? Others are #12 Desiderius Erasmus and #14 Nikola Tesla. Numbers 15 and 16 are Ben Franklyn and Thomas Edison. I think it is way over the top to name Princess Diana as #18, or even in the top 100. Yikes! – Ahead of Florence Nightingale (19), Mahatma Gandhi (22) and Abe Lincoln (29). It’s a list that combines popularism, (#56 Edward Snowden ??) and leaned knowledge of historical contributors. Last on ten list is #89, Gustavo Gutierez.

It will end, that’s for sure. I’m thinking that the most important attribute should be calmness. Mental health will be tested for sure, because isolation can produce at tendency towards creating overthinning. Lookout a window, Write a poem in your heart.

Morsel: The objective of the marketing department.

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