Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, June 8, 2020

Operatic facades

Today's Tids Issue 4,669

So much to think about:


I have never, ever forgotten to remember D-Day in the Tids. To reach into my simple mind and try to understand the emotions and the fears of the thousands who were wading through treacherous seas into fusillades of hot bullets and deadly cannons firing down. How the seas turned red with blood, but how the courageous hearts of men kept them pushing forwards. I have never forgotten them, the brave men; the young men who never would feel the culmination of their talents and the fulfillment of their love; whom would never see the results of fighting for freedoms. To preserve individualism, free people over tyrannies. Free to speak out. I have never ever forgotten D-Day, until Friday, when the heroics of men and women past, who fought for that week, were lost in the rush of a singular story.


If art expresses feelings and emotions, then everybody is an artist. It’s just a matter of different brushes for different people.


Irony Department: Honest protestors say that looters and arsonists are just a few bad apples. Police say those who break law enforcement rules and regulations about profiling and arrest procedures are just a few bad apples. But, it’s the media who is picking the apples.


When the Army barracks bathroom is in use, it’s usually by the loo tenant.




The Question:

Name five great orchestral pieces by Ottorino Respighi.


The Headlines:

--Stocks Open Strong; CV Rally Continues; WS Awaiting Wednesday Fed Update; Airline Stocks Flying Higher.

--BLM Protest Gatherings Continue; Funeral For Floyd Tomorrow In Houston.

--Largest US Mall Owner Simons Suing Owner Of Gap, Old Navy And Banana Republic For Back Rent Of $66 Million; Simon Is Sending A Message That Nobody Is Too Big Not to Pay Rent.

--Colin Powell Latest Ex-General To Switch To Biden.

Brazil Prez Orders Stoppage Of Reporting County’s Rising CV Death Toll.

--NY Times Editorial Page Editor Quits In Wake of Post Senator Cotton (GOP) Op-Ed Fiasco.


Some artists are very, very good at capturing a scene, object or a face. Other artists are very good at capturing the moment.


The left is burning our books. Oh, they are not throwing books into bonfires as they did in Nazi Berlin. They are inflaming the words of our history.


I have heard recently some horror stories about older people living in Independent living facilities. Yeah, they’re independent alright, lively members of families, still able to drive and contributors to society, until they are lumped into a category that includes seriously ill nursing home patients. And then these people with much to give are literally put in jail. This is just another example of how creating broad brush solutions doesn’t work for anybody but those keeping score.


After all, people are individuals. not demographic conveniences.


The so-called silent majority is waking up and punching back at the broad-brush attacks on all police.


I’m sorry, I look at baseball as a great sport that entertains. Not as a wage negotiation. So, spare me the sports talk BS, the feigned stances against owner tyranny. Play Ball!


Did you see where Banana Republic has not been paying its rent? Just as America is on its way out become one. I think there is something symbolic there.


In a survey, NFL Player are saying they are scared of Covid-19, and Would prefer returning When a vaccine is found. Interesting. There’s a lot of younger people wo don’t seem cautious about it at all anymore.


The USA: The United States of apologies. More and more rising choruses supported by narrow minded journalists would not let people stand up for what they believe. What do they call it today – “Cancel Culture”, “Viewpoint Discrimination”. The left is all for freedom of speech unless it is the truth they don’t want to hear.


I walked around the corner from where I live yesterday and saw several store windows boarded up. Is this the new America? The way we will be living; in a state enabled by those making excuses for barbarism in the streets?


The Average Wage Index will probably go up for May due to the Coronavirus income support programs which are higher than regular wages.


Did you hear about the guy who when filling out the Ethnicity section of the new Census wrote down “Nascar American”.


Meanwhile on Saturday in Tampa Florida, Former NE Pats receiver Reche Caldwell, 41, was shot and killed by two thugs waiting to rob him outside his apartment. Good idea, defunding police and peace will be found.


I was waiting a while, shivering in my skimpy medical sartorial splendor, in a doctor’s examination room with no magazines yesterday. A sign said turnoff cell phones. So, I just walked around in circles in the 8” by10’ space. The good news is a that I added 187 steps to my smart watch “Steps Record”.


Popularity is not a sign of greatness.


You have to wonder how many concert promoters, town officials planning festivals, or brides with lavish wedding plans having it all canceled for the common good of a nation, are now looking at the mass protesting and thinking, “Am I missing something here?”


The big network nightly news programs lately are pretty much devoid of “news”, but are sharply focused on indoctrination.


Sometimes when I listen to music, songs that pop into my head at the time seem meaningful because the music is so beautiful. But often it loses it soul when the rhapsody fades.


The Answer:

My man Ottorino wrote some pretty cool stuff. I would call many of them symphonic poems, which I am partial too. Some of his best known are the Ancient Airs and Dances, The Birds, Pines of Rome, Church Windows, Fountains of Rome, Roman Festivals, Brazilian Impressions, and a ballet, and Operas – “Belfagor”, “La Fiamma”, “Maria Egiziaca” and Lucrezia” (Completed Posthumously by his Wife Elsa). and many creative preludes and incidental music, plus a Piano Concerto. He studied with another melodic composer Rimsky Korsakov.


Let’s start the week with a little stirring Pucini from Tosca – Tre sbirri una carrozza. Yet while sounding uplifting, it is the song of an evil man.



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