Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, July 4, 2024

It just feels different.


Today's Tids Issue 5,557 



I expect that this is one of those rare combinations of days and spirit that will turn the fourth into a five-day weekend, Wed through Sunday. Just another step towards a four-day work week. 


The Fourth always feels refreshing to me. I really don't know why. I just feel something special in my soul. 


Every 4th of July, America sends Britain a locket with a little tiny picture of the United States in it. They want to remind the crown that America is still... in da pendent. Oh no... id I actually type that! 



The Question: 

There is no truth to the rumor that after Ben F’s first draft of the Deceleration of Independence: “Inas much as King George is a chowderhead...”, the Group of founders got together for a more proper rewrite. Who was the primary writer and who was on his w contributing panel. 


The Headlines: 

--The great Bristol Rhode Island 4th of July Parade is rolling Down Hope Street for the 239th Year to Salute America. 

--"Biden Vows to Keep Running Despite Eroding Support”. 

--Cat 4 Beryl Rips Jamaica, Devastates Landscape and Housing; Headed towards Cayman Islands; Some Caribbean Islands See almost Total Destruction. 

--Hezbollah Fires Barrage of Missiles at Israel.  

Saks Fifth Ave Buys Nieman Marcus for $2.65 N Billion. 


I see where Bob Menendez has thought better of testifying. Probably a good idea... when truth is important. 


What do they call the 4th of July in nursing homes? In Depends Day. 


Well, folks, that's about it, Department: 

How could anything I write top the spirit in the Hearts of Americans today. The pride in country swells and those against us suffocate in the heartfelt enthusiasm. Because we the masses who live our lives day to day know in our hearts that what we have is pretty damn great. We just have to turn off the microphones and the spotlights that seem to expand the noise of a very few dissenters. So, now I go fourth, and feel the wonderment. 


A guy walks into a bar and orders a beer. "How was your 4th of July picnic?" the bartender asks. "Horrible. Everyone came down with food poisoning," the guy replies. "I knew the hot dogs might have gone bad, but turns out the brats were the wurst." 



The Answer: 

Yes, better minds started with the words “When in the course of Human Events...” Thomas Jefferson was the primary writer of the great courageous document. His panel of contributors were Ben Franklyn, John Adams, Robert Livingston and Roger Sherman. 


*Thanks to Frank and Ernie for a little Fourth levity. 


Happy Fourth, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!!