Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, July 5, 2024



Today's Tids Issue 5,558 

Beneath the confetti: 


No. you aren’t going crazy 

Because you’re feeling Lazy, 

It’s just summertime lolling, 

Staring at fields of daisies 

Under skies somewhat hazy. 


I think I might get into Seinfeld reruns. 


I often get surveys asking whether The US is on the right track or wrong track. I always answer the wrong track mainly because I see too many people and entities relying way too much on the government and its bloated budget.  And to many being convinced to do just about anything without thinking. Creeping socialism is not a myth.  


My dad always believed in learning things by doing them. So when I was a kid, he threw me in the lake... So that he could teach himself CPR 

The Question: 

Who are William and Catherine Booth? 


The Headlines: 

--UK Labor Party Romps to Dominance Ousting 14 Year reign of Conservatives, Keir Starmer New PM; In France Right Wing Poised to take Over Majority in Sunday Vote; Iran Runoff Vote for New Pres Today Pits Reformer against Hardliner. 

--US Labor Adds 206K Jobs, More Than Expected; Unemployment Rate Unexpectedly Moves up to 4.1%; Three Major Markets Hovering Above Flat Line.  

--Target and Kroger Have Cut Walmart's Price Advantage in Half.  

--Beryl Battering Mexico; Is Texas Next? 

--30,000 Evacuated Firm California Fire Areas. 


Good news for Biden. 21 Dem Govenor Sycophants think he is just fine.  


Do you realize that in a few weeks the sprots world will be all about the NFL! That Goodell propaganda machine is greasing up the gears.  


While there are cults of support for Joe B, it sems like many of the Dems with Dollars are taking a hard look at Kamala Harris as his replacement.  


I can overcome anything when there is soft music playing in the background. 


If Kamala ran against Nikki, we would have two presidential candidates of Indian descent. Kamal’s father is Jamaican, but her mother is an Upper Caste Brahman bornin India. Nikki's parents were both from India Nikki's Parents were devout Sikhs while Kamala’s mother was Hindi. It is interesting that they are the two waiting in the wings and have significant religious differences in their heritage.  


How did all matter in the universe come from nothing. What was there before nothing? 


Apparently "I'm sorry" and "My bad" are same thing unless you're at a funeral> 


The Answer: 

In 1865 in London England the Booths founded the Salvation Army. Now that you see it, it kind of rings a bell, doesn't it. 


Have a great weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!! 


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