Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, July 2, 2024



Today's Tids Issue 5,554



Tids Lives. We in Tids Central have missed pontificating on Biden not so Be rainy, Trump so much Blarney and a way too much Bronny. The Supreme Court shouted and many across the land pouted. On Wall Street everything revolved Nvidia, and now they are wondering what happens when the circle is completed. Yes, the internet hiatus is over here. Transferring the internet to this new place became more complex than it should have, but we're back and the opinions will be fresh again.   


Boom! Kaboom! Bam-bam-bam-bam, Barooooooom! Yes, it is July and Suddenly we are in the midst of summer, and I am still thinking the first crocus is just around the corner. It's that time of hotdogs and burgers potato salad and apple pie..., and home turned ice cream under a firework's blazed sky. We'll turn in the AC and avoid all the beaches much too crowded for me. But we can water our plants and watch the flowers grow and see veggies ripen into a colorful array like a rainbow. Can you still say rainbow?  


The Question; 

Where am I? 


The Headlines:  

--Markets Cautious in Shortened Week; Awaiting Jobs data on Friday.  

--Potentially Catastrophic Hurricane Beryl Headed towards Jamaica. 

--Trump Lawyers say SC Immunity Decision Should Wipe out Hush Money Conviction 


The opposing sides read the SC immunity decision entirely differently. Which just about says it all about the great divide in America. I say Presidents are not Kings, and the world over, some presidents and PM’s have become unruly dictators, But of course we have congress to stop that. Right? And they are not immune from personal out-of-office criminal actions or treason stye decisions while in offices. Or rigging elections. Knowing the hyperbolic nature of Trumparama, he will consider himself immune from everything 


The latest cultural embarrassment becoming all too pervasive is standing in front of a clerk and the screen appears, "Pick Your Tip”. And you are thinking, the server deserves a tip for handing me a bag? I’m dying from potential shame. And they are collecting my data too. And the least option is 10% 


The Answer: 

So where am I. I don't really know but have been running fast so I must be somewhere. I'm much too old to move, but there are things like that in life. So, this is about as short as a Tids gets. It will gain momentum. 


It's the Fourth of July Week. It will be fun writing as we move along. Old Tidsters never die. 

One of my favorite songs: 






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