Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, July 16, 2024



Today's Tids Issue 5,566 

Today, it was perfect: 


There were speeches... and speeches... and speeches. That is what conventions are. And when it's all about politicians there is nothing but speeches. But most eyes of conservatives and some Repub fence sitters will have their eyes on the Thursday Trump speech and how Trump may soften his rhetoric and push like a leader for unity. I don't usually see single speeches as being historical, but this one could change the perception of the race if the Man can rise to that occasion. 


Calling yourself "Practical” . . . is just you being optimistic about your cynicism. 


The line that brought down the house last night was delivered by Tim Scott: "Our God still saves. He still delivers, and he still sets free. Because on Saturday, the devil came to Pennsylvania holding a rifle, But an American lion got back up on his feet, and he roared."   

How long will DT wear that bandage on his ear?  


The RI license plates are basically a graphic design of a series of waves, nice for The Ocean State, People who want you to think they are environmentally conscious order them with green colored waves. I'm thinking algae. Don't swim in green pools or eat green bread.  


The Question: 

Political conventions used to be fun because serious voting went on, sometimes for days into weeks, to declare nominees as party candidates. Now they are loud, super staged and blah. Who were te last candidates to win nominations on the convention floor? 


The Headlines: 

--Go Op Opens Convention with high Parise for JD Vance; Trump Walks in with Bandaged Ear and Place goes Wild. 

--Senator Bob Melendez convicted on all 16 Charges. Schumer Asks him to Resign 

--June Retail Sales Come in Better than Expected; Non-Store Retailers Led the Way; the largest decline in Retail Sale were at Gasoline Stations. 

--Strong Bank Earnings for Today Plus growing belief in Rate Cut has Dow Ending up 700 plus Points. 


 Criticism is more credible when you admit to obvious facts. 


Where are weaknesses in the economy? Looking at the June retail sales number where the success was the result of non-store sales as opposed to the old brick and mortar. That semes to confirm a downward trend for Main Street and Mall shopping. Empty stores lead to reduced income and property value. Also, there are concerns for a big downward shakeup in apartment rentals. As much as people need homes the high rents are forcing younger generations to move back home. Real estate of certain types could be the Achillies heel.  


There were cries last night in Milwaukee: “Vance-Scott in 2028”. 


It turns out that the Extra Cheese Family Size box of Cheez-Its is a perfect writing desk when sitting in an easy chair or couch. Munch and crunch out prose. Fill up and fill out forms.; hackneyed snacking.  


And the hoping of Family Size box is wide enough so your hand slips in and out easily, and writing is never interrupted, though forms may have a cheesy look to them,  


There is a drumbeat rising in RNC gathering that says let the Dems resort to cheap insults. It's time for Repubs to go issues, remind consumers about how hard it is to buy regular stuff.  


And don't overpromise. The chances of high prices coming down is negligible. As one person has said, “That horse is already out of et barn." too many people think easing inflation reduces prices, and it just doesn’t But Joe B is very happy to pass on that illusion 


Did you hear about the magician that only performed illusions with chocolate? He always had a few Twix up his sleeves. 


I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden’s last stand commercials will show the storming of eth Capitol with a headline like, “Is tis America?”. Get ready Redubs. It ain’t over because Lee Greenwood sang. 


Jack Black just cancelled the rest of his Comedy/Band Concert tour after fellow bandsman Kyle Glass commented on the Trump assassination attempt in his birthday candles wish, “Don't miss Trump next time.” Yes, Trump does have a chance to succeed on the high side because there remains a lot of low on the left., 


The Answer: 

The last “Brokered” or “Contested” convention for Dems was in 1952 when Adlai Stevenson won. For the Repubs it was 1948 it was Tom Dewey. But there was a sense that anything could happen up through the Mid 1960s before official rules of delegate allocation were changed. Though in 1976 Gerald Ford made a stab at overtaking Ron at the convention. There was also a tough one in the 2008 convention where the Hillary-Obama 10% differential may bringg about a brokered convention. Today watchers would be able to bet while watching using Fan Duel and Draft Kings.  


So, another day in Tids land ends. A couple of nuggets seemed ok to me. Back tomorrow as we watch the fight to control America. It should be better, 




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