Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

It must be the Heat


Today's Tids Issue 5,553 



I took a walk by the sea this morning, The winds were steady. It was so clear I felt I could see the entire world before me, and dream. 


The biggest effect on the election to be could well be the block of propel who decide not to vote for anybody.  


I once dated a woman with one leg shorter than the other. 

Her name was Eileen. 


The Question: 

Why do bees hum?  


The Headlines: 

--Nvidia Jumps, So Does Nasdaq; Dow Doesn't - Down 300; Nvidia Short sellers Made $5 Billion in 3 Day Sell Off. 

--Kenya Protestors Against New Taxes set Parliament on Fire. 

--Rising Rents, New Cal Regs plus Impending $20/Hour Min Wage Mandate has Fast Food Franchises on the Run. 


Here's a little piece of new research data on the November election. It turns out that here in SSRI Biden only has a single digit lead. In Rhode Island that is a huge loss. 


Wall Street looked mor like casino than Ls Vegas during this Nvidia run. Doesn't it bother anybody that one stock cans influence so much in te Finacial markets? It tends to sound dangerous. 


I hear from various reports that Dem leadership is looking at this debate very closely and has Hillary in the wings reasyb to move. That must be the truth, right? 


Every novel is a mystery novel if you never finish it. 


I have tried to never miss a day of Tids. Even when in the hospital I got them out, but then what else was there to do? But tomorrow and Thursday could be rough. Take this as a warning or good news, depending on which way you view the Tids.  


The Florida Panthers find a way and win the Stanley Cup. I have never felt comfortable with the idea of Florida and Ice Hockey. I remember hockey best on little ponds. 


The Answer: 

Bees hum because they don’t remember the lyrics! 


Seri9suly, there is no news today, unless you like the endless regurgitation of Debate buildup stories.  


See you at least Friday. 


The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs 






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