Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Simple Sweet things.


Today's Tids Issue 5,543  

The big con job: 


I'm having trouble with my puns lately. My pun advisor noticed and suggested an egg pun, The go over easy. 


A local economist whom I have found to be reliable is worried the Fed will wait too long and our economy will suffer a downward spin. A difficult one. Part of the problem is that we should never have allowed people to get Zero Percent loans. A willow tree economy does not do well in storms.  


The Question: 

What are the ten best smells, aromas in the world? 


The Headlines: 

--Nasdaq Pops; Observers Say Fed has not Ruled out Two Cuts; Musk to Get huge Pay Day, Tesla Stock Rises. 

--Southern Florida Flooded. 

--Zelensky Looking for Positive New Support from G7 Meeting.  

--Hamas Rebuffs Blinken Blame for Ceasefire Block.  

--Newtown CT Shooting Survivors Graduate High School in Moving Ceremony. 

--Tom Brady Honored by Pats; Hundreds of Former Teammates show Up as 55K packed stadium, Belichick Speaks and Praises Brady.  


DT will be in the Nation's capital today for the first time since Jan 6. He will be there to tyr to unite Repubs in Congress now splintered in their support for him. Speaker Johnson is simpathetic and will listen but says Trump support will be difficult to develop in many areas of his own party.  


The "Quit rate” is much Lower. That tends to mean people are staying teht their jobs instead of taking flyers for something new and richer, as they would in days when an economy was better and more forgiving. 


Every year there is a congressional baseball game to raise money for various DC charities. It's a big deal. Yesterday a bund of Climate loonies invaded it asking congress to stop playing games with their future. It didn't go well for them. In my humble estimation activism has worn out its impact and meaning.  


Boston sports fans were everywhere yesterday – 55K at Foxboro for Brady, 18K in Boston Garden for Celtic-Mav TV viewign; 34k In Fenway to watch Sox take down Phillies. Rambunctiousness is infectious. It makes me smile. 


I remember pleasantly the days when my parents brought home maple sugar candy from trips up North. 


Seriously, would you really want your country run by people who gained their power positions through frenetic activism 


The Answer: 

Number one is Fresh air and around here in particular those days in mid-autumn. Next is Vanilla followed by Coffee, Bacon, Gentl falling rain, campfires, fresh gasoline, melted chocolate and fresh cut grass. Yeah, I can go along with that. And how about popcorn, fresh baked bread and of course flowers; A newly printed book.  


Latest, shortest Tids ever. But I will get back into the routine shortly.  

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