Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, June 17, 2024

Sort things out.




Today's Tids Issue 5,546 

The Blanket: 


There's something about today. 

As Springs begins to wane. 

Sluggish hot summer days  

Will be with us all again.  

When we move a little slower.  

Seek breezes for a rest.  

When crickets start to chirp,  

And humidity may get us down. 

And we’ll all sit and complain. 

Just as we did when it was cold. 


The real threat to democracy is too many executive orders. Remember congress? Love em; or hate em’ it is still the essence of an America governor by the people. 


The was a great duel between McIlroy and Dechambeau yesterday at the US U Open. Bryson made it when it counted, and Rory didn't.  


The Question: 

Over 21,000 Americans rated their favorite all-time Late-Night TV hosts. Name the top ten. 


The Headlines: 

--Markets Jump; S&P Hits another New Record. 

--Big Heat Coming East. 

--Putin To Visit North Korea; Taunts West.  

--Surgeon Genral Hopes to Add Tobacco Style Warnings to Social Media Sites.  

--Huge Wildfires Spreading Through Cal. 


Celebrities will continue to become inaner as audiences hoot and holler approval and raucously applaud very utterance they make  


“Where do rainbows go when they commit a crime? Prism. It's a light sentence and gives them time to reflect.” I think the Tids Punster Laureate is losing it. 


So now we have a “Heat Dome”. We used to have weather that ran hot and cold. Now we have defined extravaganzas.  


Wouldn’t it be ironic if Bryson Dechambeau, pretty much a disliked guy in the past, was the person who unified LIV and PGA> 


Ok now the Wall Streeters are saying, will the Bulls run out of steam. Yup, that will be the next excuse. 


Good news for humans. McDonalds has just decided to remove its AI ordering system. So, Yay! Humans still exist, at least for a year or so. 


I think I have saved most of the money I have saved by not jumping into every trendy fad that comes along.   


I’ve been humming a great song to end this Tids in the spirit of the opening poem, but I cannot remember the name of the song. It's kind of a rock song with an anthem style opening. Maybe I can make a recording of my humming and send it along. It starts, Dahdahdah, dahdahdah... Anybody have an idea? 


I think the availability of the internet makes the world pass by much too quickly for the kids.  


There are days when playing golf just plain sucks. 


I remember as an older teen spending hours analyzing the Fortune Five Hundred. I wasn't much fun. 


The Answer:  

Number one is not a surprise – Johnny Carson. Number 2 Conan O'Brien may be, Next is Dave Letterman followed by Jon Stewart, Craig Ferguson, Graham Norton, Ed Sullivan (?), Stephen Colbert, John Oliver and at Ten, probably the original, Steve Allen. Jack Paar another original was number 12. 11 was Dick Cavitt. But who could ever forget Jerry Lester and Dagmar. 


I’m humming. Does it sound familiar? 


See you all tomorrow. There must be something going on in this world. 



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