Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, June 3, 2024

Yes, Your Honor.


Today's Tids Issue 4,535 

Bustin' Out: 


There are so many cliches used to express delight about June, and I have used every one of them over the years, I’m sure. But it is kind of cool month. It always seems brighter, and it is the last pleasant month before the grueling hot sun of midsummer. There just seems to be more smiles in June, which is perhaps the result of happy-go-lucky Geminis emerging from their winter caves. And it is the month that the rest of the world found that just maybe they would be able to breathe freely again. 80 Years ag o, when the massive, allied military forces invaded Normandy beaches. That was quite a relief for all people held captive, figuratively and literally, by a maniacal dictator. But it is also typically special for those starting life together, brides and groom. And the magic of June moons and lover's swoons. And maybe Tid’s writers howling like a loon, I wonder what a typo howl sounds like. 


Of all the high-level trials before us, the investigation that may be most interesting is about Fauci and the Pandemic.  


I have had several messy typos lately. Sorry folks, truly am. I will get better. One was was at teh end of a tidlet  I started, “Ever since candidate Bill Clinton played the sax on the tonight show...” Then I paused ot think about how to finish that sentence and typed some gibberish. I forgot to go back and finish the thought which might have been, we have entered a new era there the intelligence and leadership qualifications of candidates has become secondary to looking like an American around the corner. 


My wife asked if she could have a little peace and quiet while she cooked Dinner... so I took the battery out of the smoke alarm. 


The Question: 

Name the five states with the best economies and the five with the worst. 


The Headlines: 

--Stocks Down All Day After Bad Manufacturing Data. 

--Hunter Biden Trial bgns; Jill Biden Flies inFor Support; Judeg Bars F dwefnse F form using Exert Witnes on Key PIece of Evidence.. 

--Mexico Elects Claudia Scheinbaum by a Landslide to Become the Country's first Female President.  


The science community and a lot of people looking beyond a mystical answer subscribe to the creation of the universe by the Big Bang Theory. But I ask, what was there before the big bang. Tell me you found where the universe ends and I’ll ask you, what's on the other side? 


Simone Biles is just one great athlete. Period. 


The way I see it, there’s a big group who will go down the tubes with Biden and a large group on the other end who will go to jail with Trump. And there is the vast majority in the middle who are saying, what the hell do we do now.  


The Best plant-based burger comes from a meat processing plant. 


One of the reasons why so many TV shows – drama or comedy -- are disappointing is because instead of just entertaining they have to revolve around some woke messages. The idea of cultural message over entertainment stuck me again last night while I was witching the Dick Van Dyle tribute show. I would have to think that 99% of the people who watched the original Dick Van Dyke show with Mary Tyler Moore and a great cast including Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, Jerry Paris, Carl Reiner, Richard Dawson and many more because it was really funny and thoroughly entertaining. But last night among the show biz honchos who showed up to praise DVD was super-lib Rob Reiner who went on about how DVD’s show was forerunner in preaching diversity.  


I used to read every book By Michael Crichton. He started another, “Eruption”, but died before it could be finished. But James Patterson Finished it and it premieres today. I may have to break down and start reading something other than the Tids again, Because I can’t get through all the Typos there. 


The way I read the Fauci testimony and assorted documentation, it feels a lot like a great conspiracy mystery novel.  


“I was young and foolish then; now I am older and foolisher.” 

Mark Twain 



The Answer: 

The Five best are Washington, Utah, Massachusetts, Texas and California. The state with the worst economy is Hawaii. Next is Mississippi which is followed by West Virginia, Arkansas and Louisiana. 


Happy June E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!! Maybe this is another reason why I love June: There are two here today -- interesting look at the dance of June with Agnus Demille following a rousing song about June. 









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