Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Beyond reason.


Today's Tids Issue 5,542 

Beneath the surface: 


I was having dinner with Garry Kasparov and there was a checkered tablecloth. It took him two hours to pass me the salt. 

The incomparable Jerry West died. This morning he is being lauded as a LA Lakers’ GM who had something to do with their Logo. But to me, he will always be the guy who put West Virginia University basketball on the Map. What a great ball player he is. How good was he at everything he touched. 


Hunter Biden's real trial begins in September. That's where his global business dealings will come under the spotlight. That’s what Dad doesn’t w ant in the news around then. All it takes is innuendoes in this new world of politics.  


Politics have created a loony world, that’s for sure. 


Joe B won't Pardon his son, but there is good chance he will commute the sentence.  


The Question: 

Name the ten most Liberal Presidents.


The Headlines: 

--Congress Votes to Refer DOJ Head to DOJ on Criminal Contempt Charges. 

--Fed Says No Rate Decrease Now; Could be One During Year; Inflation Climbed Unacceptable 3.3% in May. 

--Newly AI Powered Apple Overtakes Microsoft as Wealthiest Company.  

--Hezbollah Fills Skies with Rockets Against Israel after Lebanese Senior Officer Was Killed in Israeli Raid.  

--Georgia Judge Gives Willis Victory Allowing parts of Trump Vote Manipulation Case Move Forward.  


Things I would never buy a ticket to watch. Actually, I wouldn't watch it for free – Hot Dog eating Contests. But as some observers say, “That's America.” God help us.  


There are some rumors floating to the surface saying some people are trying to politicize Fed Chair Powell. Really, is that good for America.  


Flat earthers could solve their dilemma by just going to the edge and looking down.  


My Alma Mater in the hills of Pennsylvania just announced a major new effort developing a compressive Oceanographic curriculum. It’s all out and ambitious, headed by a former well-known player in the MIT Woods Hole effort. I guess they are thinking that rising oceans will be eating up coastlines faster than originally thought.  


I'd like to see my Celtics win tonight. I invest too much of my gut in rooting for my favorite teams. And it really hurts when the series goes on. 


Somethings are just a practical way of doing something. Today it is too easy to get sued or being practical.  


I saw some people building a new bridge near me. Every lunch break they would sit down for afternoon tea complete with tablecloth and napkins. It was very civil engineering. 


In health food stores everything is supernatural. 


You have to wonder why Bob Kraft planned the big Brady Night when it has been known for nearly a year that Tonight would be game three of the NBA championships. And based on early season reports it was predicted that this would be the year the Celts would be there in the end. I hope he wasn't doing it because the Celtics were grabbing the spotlight that once shined upon his Pats.  


Nah, no billionaire could be that small. 


The Answer: 

Number one is FDR. Next is LBJ followed by Teddy Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, Harry Truman, JFK, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Abe. Biden and Trump are #’s 12 and 13. Ron Reagan was 23.  


Here’s an idea for something to do this weekend: 

Wife: "So, what did you do today?" 

Husband: "I changed a light bulb". 
Wife: "That's all? I did the laundry, vacuumed the house, cooked three meals, and more and you changed a light bulb?  











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