Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Enjoy moments




Today's Tids Issue 5,547 

Pull the plug: 



There I was last night sitting there with this gigantic smile on my face as I watched the confetti raining down on happy players feeling the indescribably emotions of a great win; of fans swarming to salute their heroes. Yes, the Celtics had won their 18th banner, and I was feeling very good. I turned on the radio as I went upstairs to further the thrill. You know that one of the great enjoyments about your team winning is always about sharing the elation. But I only had a voice on a radio, and this particular talk monkey was looking for ways to denigrate the decades of efforts by the Celtics organization. To create dissatisfaction so he could generate phone calls and make a buck. And I thought, isn't that a problem with America, the opposition painting the other side black; of marketers breeding dissatisfaction so people will run to them for solutions. What ever happened feeling good others? What ever happened to enjoying the moment for what the moment is. 


Sorry to start with the pet peeve of the moment.  


Life often turns things upside down but there is always a thrill to find the other side. 


I was gonna tell a joke about time traveling, but you guys didn't like it. 


“Only the guy who isn’t rowing has time to rock the boat." – Jean-Paul Sartre 



The Question: 

In what year was the first 33 1’3 RPM LP Record produced. What was the name of the company that introduced it. What music was on it? Bonus: Name what are considered the big five violin concertos. 


The Headlines: 

--Markets open sluggish like a blanket of Hot Weather. 

--May Retail Sales Fall Short of Analyst Expectations; Interest rates, Inflation Starting to Take toll on Consumer Spending. 

--Boston Celtics Beat Dallas Mavericks to Win the Team’s 18th Championship. 

--Justin Timberlake Arrested for DUL in NY’s Hamptons, 

--IRS Going After Loophole That allows Wealthy to Make Income Disappear; Expected to raise $50 Billion in ten years.  


All I'm doing now is counting the days to the return of crisp cool autumn air. And the good thing is that by being old the days fly by faster 


How come the naysayers have the loudest microphones?  


Do you realize sports analysts don't necessarily judge players by the quality of their game, but mainly by whether or not they give good controversial quotes.  


Here’s another way that society has changed. The SF Giants will be honoring Willie Mays this week. I don't care. Now today somebody will say, that is a racist feeling. But it has nothing to do with his race. He played for the hated New York Giants and my I loved and died for was the Brooklyn Dodgers. Willie was a great player, but I always hoped he lost 


I would prefer it if some of our newer immigrants woudl leave their machetes at home. 


“By faithfully working eight hours a day you may eventually get to be boss and work twelve hours a day.”– Robert Frost 


So, a few weeks ago Joe B jumped up to snag the votes of the people who viewed illegal entry into the USA as a criminal act. But yesterday he seemed to exonerate hundreds of thousands of unlawful entrants to get the non-citizen vote.  


If you see a breeze, you will see Joe B blowing in it.  


The question will never cease: How can something come from nothing, and if it can, where did nothing come from. I’m talking te cretaionof teh universe here.  


My 12-year-old son tried coffee for the first time today. He said, "It tastes like dirt!". I told him it was just ground this morning. 


I got some great help after yesterday's plea here to find my humming song. Thanks to all. I’ll keep humming and one day there will be a breakthrough 


Viruses can mutate over time. Take Covid for example... it started as a pandemic illness and turned into an IQ test. 


The Answer: 

Columbia Company brought out the first LP in 1948. It wasn't a a collection of Bing Crosby or Frank Sinatra or the Andrew Sisters or Glenn Millier efforts in retrospcet. And yet the people marveled at the achievement. It was Mendelsohn's Violin Concerto in E Minor. Bonus: The five ranked in order are the Bruck, Mendelsohn, Beethoven, Brahms and Tchaikovsky. 


It is a summer day and lolling in the shade, not moving, is a good idea. Here's twenty-seven plus minutes of lolling time music. Which may elate you, move you or put you into slumber land.  







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