Today's Tids Issue 2,959
Opening Stuff: 

11/11. It's all "1's" today! One for all, all for one. The Big Red One. #1 fighting force in the world. Number 1 in the hearts of America. Veterans; Men and women, who have seen the anger of the world like no other human can imagine. One gigantic group of heroes who put their very lives in jeopardy to protect all the #1's on the home front. To assure freedom is number 1 in America.

"Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone." -- Jim Fiebig

I just hate the Bye week.

Whenever the IRS is involved in anything you know there is nothing voluntary about it. If Pelosi and her gang cared anything about the comfort and mental health of their constituents, they could not have picked a worse group to manage the biggest government fiasco ever.

Netty doesn't seem real happy with "O" about the US led Iran denukification proceedings. Sometimes when a mostly politically motivated President is down, he rushes into bad decisions to change the news cycle, forgetting the impact upon others because of his actions.

The Question:
What American Military Organization was founded 238 years ago Yesterday?

The Headlines:

--France Echoes Netanyahu and Halts Discussions On Iran Christmas Present.
--Mass Senator Elizabeth Warren Could Interrupt Hillary's White House Coronation.
--Four Dead In Brooklyn NY Shooting Spree.
--World Racing to Aid Philippine Typhoon Victims.
--Nation Stops To Honor All Veterans.

You have to like that commercial where Davis Love's caddy suggests a two iron for a 70 yard shot. And proceeds to tell him that he's lightened his load by reducing the number of clubs he carries, and, by the way, "That's you last ball". And I'm thinking as I'm smiling, that caddy is the guy who designed ObamaCare. Take it or leave it even if it doesn't work for you.

"Unsaturated" is code for the rise of the Vegans.

Want some good bar, or lunch after golf, arguments? Bring up Beckett Magazine's list of the five best all time athletes, with Michael Jordan being rated by them the best of all the athletes who have evr lived, The other four are Jackie Robinson, Mohammed Ali, Wayne Gretsky and Jim Thorpe. For starters, Jackie Robinson wasn't even the all time best baseball player. To put the list in perspective, Beckett is a company that produces magazines for all the major sports, but who's amin biz is Collecting cards and memorabilia. It's easy to see Jackie as one of the all time most collectable cards. Who do you think are the all time greatest Athletes? How about Babe Didrikson Zaharias for starters? Or Sugar Ray Robinson over Ali in Boxing and Ty Cobb over Jackie in baseball. So many of these arguments have become more about publicists, and sportswriters emotions, than what happened on the fields.

I can see a growing controversy arising out of the rapid increase in mixed race marriages. Like the President, whatexactly is the child of a mixed White/Black, Hispanic or Asian? Think about future inequities of affirmative action laws! If you want job. educational advancement or freebees, it's the minority side of the equation. If you want equality is the white side of the equation. White used to mean white, and black used ot mean black. No more, it seems. We will be living in a gray America, and I'm not talking about pollution. Or, am I.

Some day I may have to visit The OSU Campus in Columbus to see the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library which is in essence the newspaper comic strip museum. I think more people would learn more about the world, and enjoy it too, than they would visiting any presidential library.

Whatever happened to all of the bubble gum that used to come with the baseball cards. My friends and I used to scale it around downtown like mini frisbees. Actually, I ate a lot of it too. In fact I bought it for the gum as well as the cards. How many of you out there are still wondering what your Mom did with your world's greatest collection of baseball cards? I coulda bin rich.

Alan Fung and Angel Travarus are probably two of the most productive elected officials we've had around this state in a long time. Alan a Repub and Angel a Dem are close friends, having started their lives together at Classical HS. They seek each other out for solitons to problems. In other words they work for the good of all the people and not for narrow minded objectives of a party, that only sustain mediocrity.

Did you notice at the CMA awards last Wednesday that Providence/Warwick/Pawtucket RI radio station WCTK was named the Large Market "CMA Radio Station of the Year". It's hard for many outsiders to believe that a state as large as a small Ohio farm has enough land available to have genuine country folk. But we do, and we have plenty of them. Country isn't about distance from is a wonderful state of mind.

With the election, Boston has become one huge conflict of interest. There we now have a mayor, who was a former union head, now managing the tax payers money where the biggest expense is out of control union contracts!

Impressionist Rich Little says that he'd have trouble making a buck today as so may of the big stars have so little personality.

The Nationalization of the Health Care industry, which was a mess to begin with, has become an even bigger mess because the arbitrary launch date was set by a political agenda.

Want's wrong with this Menu Item?: "Country Fried Steak: Golden fried country style steak topped with a Southern style country gravy & served with mashed potatoes and sauteed mixed vegetables." "Hint": What's wrong isn't Golden fried country style steak topped with Southern style country gravy, and mashed potatoes." Don't ever tell your doctor you've eaten it!

How can you believe a fanatic who nails his genitals to the ground in a protest? Yes, a russian performance artist disrobed inthe middle of RedSquare, and videoed his nailing the family jewels to the ground to protest Russia's "Police state"! Ouch. Pyotr Pavlensky has mutilated his body in the past to protest one thing or another, but this one really hurt. Of, those crazy artists.

Are Hispanics a race or an ethnicity?

If I'm going to be conned while buying a car, I'd prefer it be by a folksy quiet spoken scam artist than an aggressive, slick suited, in your face, fast talker. If I'm going to be taken, I may as well be comfortable while doing it.

The Answer:
From the Shores of Tripoli to the... Yes, Today marks the beginning of  the 239th year in the history of America's fabled fighting force, the US Marines. The five battles considered most important in their history were Belleau Wood (WWI), Guadalcanal (WW2), Tarawa 2), Iwo Jima (2) and Chosin reservoir (Korea). If you were a kid during World War II all you wanted to be was a Marine. Of course as you got older, you found that there was bravery in every fighting man and woman who entered the battle to protect the greatness of America.

"Whoever said you can't buy happiness forgot about little puppies."

Happy Veterans Day, Everybody!