Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, October 7, 2016

Land Ho!

Today's Tids Issue 3,701
For The Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria:

Hey Christopher Columbus, you did a hell of a job. Don’t let the naysayers get you down. It’s a proud day for the West to remember all of those who sailed bravely into the fierce unknown to open the world of opportunity for all. I’ll be marching, and laughing at the protestors. Happy Columbus Day Everybody!

There are just too many “peaks” in the financial markets. If you examine a peak closely, you’ll see that it is atop 360 degrees of downsides. Just a thought.

Local Pat on the Back Department: The Providence Journal was named New England Large Weekday Newspaper of the year. It also pulled down top editorial of the year. The panel must have been loaded with Hillary backers. I voted it best Comics page.

It’s kind of sad to think that the only thing left for Americans as the campaigns wind down is to see how well one of the candidates behaves. You have to wonder if anybody has ever looked at the underlying philosophy of each candidate, or at least of the party they are supposed to be representing. I always thought that was what it was all about. I guess this is what you get from a large percentage of a population living in a reality show world.

The Question:
Who is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta? Bonus: They just announced this year’s Top Ten Highest Paid Daytime TV Talk Show Stars. Who are they? Super Bonus: Who are the All Time wealthiest TV Talk Stars.

The Headlines:
--Wall Street Slightly In Red At Opening; Job Report: 156K New Jobs Misses 172K Mark, Unemployment Inches Higher To 5.0%; Fed Not Expected To Do Anything Until After Election; Wal-Mart Reveals Massive Business Future Changeover To eCommerce.
--Mathew Runs Up Florida Atlantic Coast With 120 MPH Winds.
--Juan Manuel Santos Gets Nobel Peace Prize; Attempted To End 50 Year Conflict.
--New Emails Show White House And State Department Coordinating PR Efforts With Clinton Campaign To Soften Views Of Misguided Use Of Personal Servers.
--Beloveds Lose to Cleveland Indians; Toronto Romps Over Texas.
--Ryan Says That If Trump Is Elected He Will Move Quickly On Bill To Eliminate Bill Clinton Despised ACA And Add One Trillion In Tax Cuts.
--British Pound Tumbles As Country Awakens To Reality Of Brexit.
--Snapchat Parent Working On IPO With $25 Billion Valuation.

A lot of the criticism against Trump seems to revolve around the fact that he didn’t do what big government bureaucrats do – like fighting to get advantages for business, his primary responsibility.

A little Tid’s Tech Tip: If you have been induced to buy the New Google Android phone called Pixel and you are a Verizon customer, buy it direct from Google Play. Verizon is notorious for adding “Bloatware” and for delaying or totally disregarding system updates. Phone reviewers seem to love Pixel. Just buy it right, if you want it.

Hillary celebrity appendage Elizabeth Banks says she is voting for Hillary because she is afraid of the future for her children. Hmmm. That just happens to be exactly the identical reason why am not even thinking of voting for Hillary.

Did you know that now you can ”know your cow” when ordering beef on line? It’s the latest money grab by marketers who sell to people who worry about everything. It is a new app meat ordering service where the recipient gets a bio of the beef when it was walking and playing happily with friends; learning if it was mad or sad or rascally bad. Personally, I would rather not have a relationship. I’ll just trust my butcher.

On this day when the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded, some are looking back and wondering if they weren’t bit premature in awarding 0-Man the prize with such meager evidence to support it. It now appears that Obama will leave his successor with a bigger legacy of ongoing wars than his predecessor Bush left him. He has even out done Honest Abe, long regarded as the President overseeing endless wars. That’s the Irony. But the truth is a President can’t just come in and willy-nilly stop wars. The world doesn’t allow that to happen.

I think that one of the reasons that celebs don’t appear to like Trump is because they can’t understand a person who’s ego is bigger than theirs.

Reading Between the Lines Movie Reviews:
--The Girl on the Train looks like my kind of movie; confusing at times but one that makes you pay attention. It’s about forlorn newly divorced woman who dresses for a job she doesn’t have, and sips vodka on her morning commuter train to NYC. One day she meets the new wife of her ex, and the next thing she knows is that the cute little replacement for her is missing and she has blood all over her dress. Blood, but no memory. She and her ex are suspects. I’m going.
--The Birth of a Nation is not a remake of the original 1915 silent classic which was considered great then, but entirely racist today. It is an Indie film gone big time. The director, the writer, and the star Nate Parker is only really good at acting in this film about the Nate Turner Rebellion. Nate T,  a literate preacher, transformed by the atrocities he sees and experiences, has him leading black slaves in a uprising he hopes will lead to freedom.  
--It appears that the predictable Middle School: The Worst Years of my Life may just be your worst hours of movie going. It’s like Ferris revisited as an irresponsible, unruly, annoying kid with an authority problem vows with another student to break every rule in the school’s Code of Conduct. Great, just what we need, educating America’s youth into becoming more irresponsible than they already are. Also, the adults in his home life appear to be an outgrowth of an earlier irresponsible generation. Note: Cute girl with all “A’s” may save him. I’m not going, regardless.

The Answer:
You probably knew who SJAG was, but I can tell you I didn’t. It’s the full real name of Lady Gaga! Bonus: Dr. Phil was number one with $88Mil. Next was Ellen, Ryan Seacrest, Judge Judy and Matt Lauer. Super Bonus: The all-time wealthiest TV talk show hosts are Oprah -$3.2 Billion, Merv Griffen - $1 Billion, David Letterman - $400 Mil, Jay Leno - $350 Mil, Ellen D - $330M, Johnny Carson - $300M, Dr. Phil - $300M, Sharon Osbourne - $220M, Babwa Walters - $175m and, yes Rosie at $120M. Behind them came Conan, Jon Stewart, Rachael Ray, Kate Couric, Whoopi, Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon.

In the year 1492,  
Columbus sailed the ocean blue
It’s good that his dreams came true,
Cause, I’m here now writing to you!

Have a terrific long weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!

And especially all of you in the Southeast; I pray that you all came away unscathed and unencumbered.

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