Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, July 6, 2017

People are still what they were.

Today's Tids Issue 3,904
For Smiles in Eyes:

Somehow our little city finds a way to revert seamlessly to its small-town roots for occasions like gathering together in the park for the 4th of July. People don’t know whether or not they’re standing next to, mingling amongst, libs, conservatives, atheists, God loving, immigrants or natives, but the smiles on their collective faces make them one.

Where do you put George Washington’s picture when the dollar bill becomes as useless as the penny?

The next big American holiday is the start of NFL training camp.

Everything has its time. Will Wall Street eventually seek a better way than the Dow to measure the financial markets? I would say yes, and not in too long a time.

The Question:
It’s getting to that time, so where was the first baseball all-star game played? Bonus; What was the name of the Mars explorer that first hit the soil of the Red Planet in 1997?

The Headlines:
--US Oil Inventory Drop Has World Prices Rising.
--President Well Received In Poland; Calls On All Nations To Mass Together In Confronting NK; US Prez Threatens To Cut Off Trade With Those Dealing With NK..
--Congressman Scalise Condition Downgraded; Readmitted o Intensive Care.
--Police Officer Deaths Up 28% In 2017.
--Montana Rattled By 5.8 Tremor.
--Interior Department Using Trumps First Q Salary To Renovate Antietam National Battlefield; Previous Salary Had Been Given To National Parks Service.
--Asian Actors Leave Hawaii Five-O Becaue Not Paid Equally With White Satrs.

If we all clicked yes to every request from some kind of website or app, we’d be spending 80% of our days reading useless notifications from apps.

BTW, the one that always makes me laugh is the notice from the Health app, that’s says each morning, “Daily Activity Briefing.” Are they kidding!

This latest NK rocket blast was big deal on several fronts. First, the US military analysts said they have never seen a rocket like it before. Second, it was fired from a mobile launch pad. This means that our suggested “destroy at launch program” would essentially be negated. 3. The fact that they have launched an apparent ICBM missile means that projections that NK is 7-10 years away from that are wrong. Even worse it may mean that similar timing projections for their development of a small nose come nuclear device could be way off too. War with North Korea would be one of the worst ever. What’s the solution? Tell me. Please.

Health measurement is not about whether or not you meet exercise standards, but whether or not you have your phone in your pocket. Why isn’t a smart phone intelligent enough to know this?

South Park creator Trey Parker says he is getting tired of all the Trump jokes. He is going to avoid them so as not to be like so many other TV programs. He says that CNN has gotten “widespread backlash” and we don’t want to put ourselves into that kind of viewer jeopardy…Perhaps even legal jeopardy. “We don’t want to fall into the SNL trap.” Regardless of party affinity more people are generally for positivity rather than constant negativity.

Calling a smart phone, smart because of its name is like thinking college professors are intelligent because they have a lot of letters after their name.

Even when Summer temps hit the cooler upper sixties with lowered humidity, the days still seem a bit more sluggish than in the winter. Life isn’t about weather, but about how your blood flows.

Harry, my constant companion is about to leave. He looked at me the other day and said, “You know granddad, it’s better if lovers are different. That way they can learn new things from each other.”

Right out of the blue he said that. Young minds never stop thinking, exploring.

Trump observers say that the billionaire Prez connects with the working class because he himself has never been accepted by NYC’s cultural and wealthy elite.

The Answer:
The first All-Star game was played in 1933 in Comiskey Park in Chicago. The All-Star game used to be huge. Maybe one of the reasons was that for the first time in the summer it brought together National and American league stars on the same field. Nowadays with Interleague play, it is not quite so special. Bonus: The Sojourner was the name of that early mars mobile explorer. Russia had the first Mars orbiting spaceship in 1971, The Mars 3. There have been far more flights to and around Mars than you might imagine.

Mars seems like a close neighbor, the more we talk about it. Yet it is far, far away. We sit here on our smallish Earth and muse about everything under the sun. Yet each other is all we really have. What is it, six or seven billion specks in the inverse who more times than not don’t understand how much they need each other.

Say good-bye, Harry.

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