Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

I pledge allegiance.

Issue 4,166
For America:

Yesterday thousands of proud as punch legal immigrants from countries around the world congregated on fields, and in wide halls across America to be sworn in as US Citizens. The smiles were broad and rapturous. You could feel the energy and the love. This long term American tradition of welcoming citizens everywhere to the USA barely made the news.

This time of year is one of my favorites, when the orange daylilies first appear alongside meandering country lanes next to stone walls, amidst broad fields of new grown hay ready for mowing.

Creeping socialism is a lot like creeping Yankeeism up here – You’re sitting comfortably in your own little New England haven, then one day, all of a sudden, you are surrounded by people wearing pin stripes.

Whiteboards are quite remarkable.

The Question:
Which three countries have the largest oil reserves in the world? Bonus: What Country eats the most Mac n’ Cheese of any country in the world? Extra Bonus: What is the most Educated Country in the World? Super Bonus: All of the names of the fifty US states only use 25 letters of the alphabet. Which one is missing?

The Headlines:
--Stocks Expected To Be Up On Day Before 4th Holiday; US Manufacturing Soared in June.
--Thailand Youth Soccer team Found Safe In Cave System; Next Dilemma: Keeping Them Fed And Healthy During Potential Four Month Rescue Delay.
--Trump Interviews 4 Potential Supreme Court Nominees.
--Former Lawyer Pal Cohen Becoming President Trump’s Biggest Potential Nightmare.
--Lyft Buys Biggest Bike Sharing Network Motivate.
--Out Of Control Dem Harasses Secretary=y Scott Pruit While He Dines,
--Former Malaysian PM Najib Arrested As Part Of Graft Investigation.;
--China Government Warns Their Citizens Traveling To US: Be Wary Of High Hospital Bills And Crime; Warning Considered Retaliation Attack On US Tourism Industry.

A lot of news segments this week have been devoted to offering ways to “Beat the Heat”. The Tids comfort editor has his own remedy. Number One: Stop talking about it like it has never happen before. Two: Stop watching “Beat the Heat” segments. When the weather people come on the tube standing before these gigantic  threatening bright red maps, immediately run to the kitchen to find your favorite snack* to be munchable ready when real news comes back. *Preferably Cheetos or Chester’s Cheese Puffs.

Just to give you one example of just how far away we are from becoming a nation that can agree, or at least compromise on just about anything important – Th socialist left wing of the Democrat party said yesterday that Bernie Sanders is “Too far Right Wing”. I think we have a chasm.

Democrat politicians beholden to big labor continually push for the AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.), saying it is because that union protects workers from their employer’s dastardly deeds. Well there was time when workers had to be protected by the government from some “Greedy corporate types”. But these weasels are saying that the workers have to be protected by the government from the government. Huh? Oh yeah, in this state here it makes even less sense as a vast majority of legislators are former union workers or big labor cheeses.

The security measures recently instituted by various Internet giants like Yahoo, Google maybe impeding the delivery of the beloved Tids to your inbox. Hell, my copy I send to myself goes to spam from time to time. Check Spam! And, you can always go to It is always there in full color with pictures. Tanks you. – The Management.

I have a lot of CD’s, mainly classical music, and I have investigated converting them but found the process much to tedious. But, CD’s do wear out and I replace them from time to time. But, CD sales are on the decline and big stores with large sections will be cutting back, Best Buy, for instance, had sold 942,500,000 in 2000 versus 88 Mil tis year. All of the big CD sellers of yore are taking a closer look at CD selling. I guess I will have to take a closer look at replacement solutions. I have a cellar full of 33 Vinyl’s and now they may be joined by nearly 500 CDs. My grave yard of beautiful things past.

If you read news about President Obama and some of his dealings with other Iran and other countries, you find that the left thinks he is just being friendly and nice, while the right thinks he should be tried for treason.

Did you hear about the mathematician who was afraid of negative numbers? He’d stop at nothing to avoid them.

The broader Press seems to have their eyes focused on and hearts beating for one self-described socialist democrat congressional candidate from one district in NY. It’s one of those titillation rushes you see from our fourth estate from time to time. Is it because journalism graduates are trained to be partial to the growth of socialism in the US? Or did they just grow up that way.

Rhode Island announced yesterday that it would be the first state in the union to sue Big Oil for climate change! I’m thinking it’s because they are running out of money from the cigarette suit

Are alligators becoming more aggressive or are we just getting greater news coverage than ever before.

The Answer:
Today’s Question Was really all about Canada. Yes, Canada is one of the three countries with the biggest in oil reserves behind only Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Canadians love their Mac n’ Cheese, which they must eat while studying hard to get more college degrees per capita than any other nation. The word Canada in Iroquois means “Village”. The total national population is smaller than Metropolitan Tokyo. Canada has the longest coast line of any country and is second largest after Russia. After Pearl Harbor, Canada was the first country to declare war on Japan, even before the US. Super Bonus: Q is the only letter not used in any state name. “J” and “Z” are only used once in New Jersey and Arizona. “B” is only used twice as in Alabama and Nebraska, as is “X” in Texas and New Mexico. The only other letter with fewer than five appearances in state names is “P” – Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and Mississippi. The Double “P” in Ole’ Miss gives it total of four. So, to be fair to the alphabet, I guess we’ll have to annex either Qatar, Iraq, Mozambique or Equatorial Guinea and make one a state.

Well, tomorrow is the Fourth of July. Americans will rise up and show off their Red, White and Blue pride, and maybe even drown out for a while the growing hate America coalitions. God Bless America, Land that I love. Stand beside her and guide her thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains,
To the prairies,
To the oceans white with foam.
God – Bless – America.
My Home sweet home.

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