Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Orderly chaos.

Today's Tids Issue 4,318
A lone gull, on a dreary day:

I love the rocky coasts of New England. I walk upon the grey, orange rocks, giant pillars of yore seemingly unmoved by time. Pounded, pounded by the unrelenting forces of oceans wrath. Yet, always emitting the gentle sprays from the violent clash; soothing mists that caress a furrowed brow. I am but a tiny stranger in this insistent environment. I am dwarfed by the immensity of power, yet I always find comfort, even on the most explosive days. From an ocean that never stops; even on those days with barely a ripple, the power sculpts. Why are we drawn to the endless sea? To rage beyond our control?

How are we ever going to bring back manners in this country, when all of those democrat women are wearing white after Labor Day. Tsk. We’re doomed.

That new TV program on CBS, “The World’s Best” is the latest example of production over kill. What ever happened to just enjoying performances without grimacing judges, and now in this one, 75 global opinionators. The acts almost appear as an afterthought. Remember when shows like The Toast of the Town brought on acts to entertain, and not to win prizes. Did anybody ever walk away thinking, I wish they had manic judges that voted on who was best. No, you knew what you enjoyed. Do you need anything more than that? The World’s Best has moved up into my “World’s Worst” of the Year” TV show race. \

A seagull, grey and white, with a beak of rich yellow, huddled up against the cold, is walking comfortably outside my window. I’m trying to catch his or her eye. But it just turns and walks away. There’s something cool about a seagull walking outside your window, even if they don’t stop to nod, hello.

The Question:
What is the 11th Amendment to the Constitution?

The Headlines:
--Weak Earnings, And Lower Industrial Output Reports Out Of Germany Has US Stocks Opening And Continuing Lower; BB&T To Buy SunTrust Banks For $28 Million; Chrysler Downgrades 2109 Outlook; Twitter Misses; New Claims For Unemployment Bennies Down Again.
--Dem House Intelligence Committee Expands Investigation Way Beyond Russia Involvement To Anything That Ever Happened In Trump’s Life.
--Nancy Says There Will Not Be Another Shutdown.
--The First “American Indian” Running For President Warns That There Are Probably Many More Documents With Her Disingenuous Claims Of Indigenous.
--Wells-Fargo ATM’s, Mobile Banking Capabilities Crippled By Widespread Outage.
--Huge Gas Blast In San Fran Sets Fire To 5 Buildings.
--Fed’s Powell Says Lack Of Economic Mobility Is Biggest Challenge For US Economy.

Did you know that 70% of kids in organized sports drop out by the time they are 13 years old? The kids are probably real happy. But, the fathers are most likely in rehab.

We oldsters like to talk about the strict living during WWII. In 1943 the government rationed leather shoes, limiting each person to 3 pairs a year. 3 pairs a year! Today, I buy one new pair every three years. I always took the lessons of my youth to heart.

I hear that John Steinbeck considered writing a novel about the time when Adam Trask became a baker. It would have been called “Yeast of Eden”.

The Tids Management from time to time, as long-time readers know, picks a random Obituary page from the big statewide newspaper to give you an idea of the average death age. Most of the time it works out better than the national average. Today there were 18 obits. The average ages was 79, which surprised me since their were no deaths of people in their 70’s. The high was 98 (7 People in the 90’s) and the low was 46. That plus 56, the next low, probably skewed the average down a bit. There were 6 people in their 60’s. The good news is that the median age was 88. I’m going with 88.

That comment above from Powell about the inability of the American people to get beyond their current economic status could be the seed that nurtures this movement of Socialism. How can capitalism open more doors?

As some reluctant Republicans, a bit surprised and totally relieved after the SOTU, said: Now, if he just stops tweeting for three or four months.

I’m naming my smart phone “Willow Tree”. It charges in minutes and dies in seconds.

Of course, Adam Schiff will make sure his tweeter thumb is alive and ridiculous.

As a friend advised me yesterday, “Lying in bed on Sunday shouting OMG does not count as church attendance.

I just learned that the first untethered spacewalk was in 1984. That freaks me out. I always thought there were those apron strings to mother at all times. “Free of any life line” -- This coward cringes. The first two to walk as though they were human satellites were Bruce McCandless and Robert L. Stewart. Bravo.

I really don’t like the Feds setting minimum wages for states.

Many Repubs are backing off pursuing the Justin Fairfax Case as being too eerily similar to Brett’s. Don’t open cans filled with crawly things.

Envy can be very expensive.

Trump was entirely correct when he said we must abandon this new era of revenge politics. Now we know he was basically protecting himself, but the fact is true and probably the biggest cause for disunity in the country. Myopic revenge has become the rallying cry for both parties since at least the nineties. And, they only thing that could come of it is that good possible leaders for America will stay on the sideline. Revenge is a lose-lose situation.

Scientists have just proven that bees can do math. Thank God for scientists.

Just in case you are interested, global warming began 18,000 years ago and continued except for the interruption by the Younger Dryas Cold Episode 10-11,000 years ago. Sea Levels in RI were about 350-400 feet lower than it is today. It rose rapidly until about 8000 years ago, and since then has risen more slowly, The early rapid rise was due to melting ice caps. Above, I began this Tids as a poetic coastal dream walk, but wondered as I sought words what made the coast what it is today. I wondered why parts of the rocky cost here and in Jamestown look similar those in Maine and Nova Scotia. Well, I don’t have time to go back in time 565 million years ago and discuss the micro continent Avalonia. But, lets just say, that the earth has always been changing, and it will continue to change.

The Answer:
The 11th amendment was ratified 1795 and it was designed to protect the sates Sovereign Immunity by restricting the ability of individuals to bring suit against states in Federal court. There have been some SC decisions that abrogate the law in cases of bankruptcy or state officials violating Federal law.

That question wasn’t as exciting as I thought it would be.

Personally, I think is has been the weirdest winter in my recent memory.

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