Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Alfred E. Neuman and Me.

Issue 4,406
No Problem:

I try to teach younger people that worrying is a waste of time because I have found over the years that generally issues and situations you worry about most never become as disastrous as your imagination can make them. Then I read about politics and I start worrying. So now, I just turn off or tune out media. I prefer being happy go lucky!

We do not need tax records of millionaires who became politicians…we need tax records of politicians who became millionaires. (Inspiration from rascally reader.)

What’s the difference between China and The USA other than the fact that in China everybody’s Chinese and here everybody is from everywhere? Donald T touched on it yesterday when he implied he should have central bank control like Xi. No, Mr. President. The other difference between us and China is that we have checks and balances to limit the total control by an individual of the people and institutions. Get it? If I remember correctly, we did it because of experience with dogmatic kings. Or should I say, kinks in free expression.

Shameless Stunt, Department:
Yesterday the shameless got sleazier when the Dems in charge introduced John Dean as a witness to open yet another hearing. That John Dean, who has absolutely no firsthand information about the Russia boondoggle and who has been a proclaimed anti Repub critic – from Reagan to the Bushes to Trump. And, that John Dean who is a regular contributor at CNN in its war against the American presidency. Yes, they used John Dean to create inferences for a gullible media and citizens. What a fraudulent action using words past to color the current news reporting – from a guy who has only a past. Mostly as a distrustful person.

Spiders are easier to find these days now that web sites are prevalent.

The Question:
Who was the other guy arrested along with Timothy McVeigh? Bonus: Name five of the biggest “Surprise” move hits of this millennium.

The Headlines:
--Stock Point To 6th Straight Up Day; Dow Opens Up 173; Beyond Meat Shares Tank After Downgrade By JPM; Equity Firm Apollo General To Buy Shutterfly And Snapfish; Trade Wars Still Under Microscope.
--Dems Drop Contempt Charges Against Barr After AG Releases Some Mueller Report Background Docs.
--Japan’s Abe Heads To Iran On Mediation Mission.
--Hong Kong Protestor Ranks Swell As People Denounce New Chana Policies Against Activists.
--One Point Difference Keeps Hopes Of Golden Sate Warriors Alive.
--China Trade Surplus Soars; Exports Improve.
--House Repub Justin Amash Leaves House Freedom Caucus After Impeach Trump Remarks.
--Hacking American Cities For Ransom New USA Problem;

I think I’m addicted to Chester’s Cheese Puff Corn. Great, Just what I need…another addiction.

I entered what I ate today in my fitness app, and it sent an ambulance to my house.

Robert DeNiro’s anti-Trump act has jumped the shark. How embarrassing is he to America. I have to imagine by now that even some of these audiences full of celebs are becoming ashamed by his actions. Talk about nervous laughter…if there is any laughter now at all.

I always looked forward to the next issue of Mad Comics. Today the title seems apt for the world. The writers used to make up stuff that is real today.

The shooting of beloved Red Sox star David Ortiz has become an interesting mystery. It was originally reported as a robbery accident, but the video of the incident tends to make it appear to be more of an assassination attempt. This could become interesting, and is certainly fodder for conspiracy theorists.

If you make mistakes long enough, they become traditions. Spell-Check told me to say that.

Instead of banning products, maybe they should ban Dunkin’ Donuts and companies like them, or better yet, customers of Dunkin’ and companies like them. Because, that’s what I see all over the place, their remnants of food and drink past.

If you think that Word Spell-Check has occasional mind blips, you should experience the ineptitude of Yahoo’s email spelling assistant.

That crash of the big crane in Dallas was a very scary scene indeed. I could never imagine a toppling crane could do that much damage. I will begin circling around construction scenes. I’m old. I’m idle. I’ve got time.

I bought a new vacuum cleaner six months ago and so far all it’s been doing is gathering dust.

Duh Headline of the Week: Trump Bashed at Tony Awards.

And this out of the Dem opposition camp: “Biden can run but he can’t Hyde.”

The Answer:
Infamous American loser McVeigh had as a co-conspirator Terry Nichols. Bonus: I remember that Ferris Bueller’s Day Off caught movie execs by surprise when throngs of people saw it and passed along good words. Many have risen form out of nowhere. My all-time favorite surprise, and maybe movie in general, was “Being There” BTW, about a frenetic gullible press). In the last decade there have been many that grabbed the people and surprised the producers and experts. Most prevalent are Bridesmaids, Avatar, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Deadpool, Crouching Tiger-Hidden Dragon, Little Miss Sunshine, Memento, Napoleon Dynamite, Slumdog Millionaire, Paranormal Activity, Lost in Translation, March of the Penguins, Juno, Drive and The Kings Speech.

Surprise movie hits just shows you that people like what they like. As long as a nation can have some assurance of people being able to stay in control of their own ideas and convictions and live life accordingly, we will always have hope.

If half of us learn from the mistakes of others, then rest of us must be the others.

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