Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Hear me.

Today's Tids Issue 4,410
Huh? Whadja say?

People either listen to understand, or listen to respond. And then there are those who just stare blankly into space waiting for a person to stop talking. Obviously listening to understand would contribute the most to society. But, the onus of understanding is also on the speaker who must appreciate the mindset of the listener. Communications seem so easy, until you realize how hard it is to be effective.

When reviewing the underbelly of recent polls, it appears that at the Top of the Dems wish list for their potential 2020 candidate is that he or she have “high ethical standards”. Not ideology or unattainable promises, but a person they can trust. So, I’m expecting that to be a theme against Trump in the big campaign.

Libertarian 2020 candidate Adam Kokesh says that upon election he would abolish the Federal Government on day One and then resign. He says “America is too good for this government.” Now, that’s called sucking the swamp dry.

The Question:
What are considered the Top Ten favorite all time TV talk shows?

The Headlines:
--Stocks Seem Poised For Good day; Bears Out of Hibernation, Now Roaming More Freely Around The Street.
--Iran’s Rouhani Says Country Not Interested In War, But Will Not Be Pushed Around.
--Trump Says That Next Week ICE Will Begin Crackdown On Millions Of Illegal Immigrants; Trump Slashes Aid To Central America Over Migrant barrage.
--Heavily Armed Gunman Attacks Dallas Courthouse; Nobody Injured; Police Take Down Shooter.
--Airbus To Launch New Long Range Jet While Boeing Sits Embarrassed on the Sidelines.
--Alibaba Shareholders To Vote On 1 for 8 Stock Split On July 15.
--China Earthquake Kills 12, Injures Many.
--Apple Expected To Intro 5G Phones Next year.
--Facebook Launches New Digital Currency.

An experienced news guy says that TV interviews are often interrupted by coughs or noises from crews and audiences. They stop cameras, take care of the interruption and then continue. So, he says that ABC releasing the clip showing the President criticism of a coughing aid is only an indication of ABC loving the opportunity to pile on with hate Trump embarrassment, or they are in desperate need of publicity for ratings.

I endured a serious period of chemical aroma aggression yesterday as my nasal passages were inflicted by the stench of driveway sealer next door, Icy Hot on my ankles and window washing spray. I think citizens should stand up and ban window washing! Window washing gets the nod form my nose and back.

“Wisdom is the reward you get from a lifetime of listening when you would have preferred to talk.”—Doug Larson

We get a lot of news lately about the USA Women’s Soccer team. But, perhaps you would like to know which teams will give them real competition. Here are the odds for the big tournament now about to enter the field of 16. USA 7-4, France 7-2, Germany 11-2, England 7-1. These are the top four. After that the top contenders are Japan, Netherlands, Australia, Sweden, Brazil, Spain and Canada. The two teams the USA beat so far, Thailand and Chile, are rated last and 6th from last among 24 total. So, it looks like you can anticipate some healthy tension in future games.

Columnist Doug Larson also said “A lot of people mistake a short-term memory for a clear conscience.”

Have you noticed that what is always captured on film is police behavior and rarely the original criminal activities and/or resistance of the suspects being arrested by police?

Remember when all the talk about amazing new technology centered around Columbia’s introduction of the long playing 33rpm record! Yikes!

All of these young men and women going to Chefs schools and universities most likely have visions of becoming a celebrity chef, or at least having their own well accepted restaurant. But it is more likely they will be assembly line employees pushing out meals-to-go as everybody but everybody with an app is getting into the ready-to-eat business.

“Hubert Humphrey talks so fast that listening to him is like trying to read Playboy when your wife is turning the pages.” –Barry Goldwaer.

The only Beatles album I ever really liked was Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.

As communication devices become smaller, as in wrist phones and messaging centers, the makers are trying to come up with lists of standard responses. The day I can’t come up with a personal response of my own, is the day that I stop communicating. Support individualism!

No group uses more clichés than golfers.

I Don’t know much about Gloria Vanderbilt. I know her grandfather built a big house here in town. I’m sure she was a nice person. But, I see her has the person who created the idea that wearing jeans anywhere is ok. And now what do we have -- jeans with tattered knees and a thigh panels…everywhere.

How about that – state and local governments only. Hmmmm.

I often look for “All Time” Lists for the Popular Tids Question of the Day. The problem I encounter is that often the lists are weighed in favor of responders who know much about today and only know of yesterday through publicity releases and not experience.

Who are the Beatles?

One of the sad things about not having Barry Goldwater as President is missing out on a lot of great quotes and great wit. Instead we got a dull as dishwater politician who gave us an overburdening welfare system.

The Answer:
Number One All Time is Johnny Carson followed by Oprah. Next are Phil Donahue, Dave Letterman, Steve Allen, Dick Cavett, Merv Griffin, Jon Stewart, Jimmy Kimmel and Ellen Degeneres.

Somebody must be listening to all that talk.

The best sedative of all is listening to silence at a quiet dawning.

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