Today's Tids Issue 5,233
Truth is Good:
Now that a new day begins
I'm not going to dwell on my sins,
Cause your conscience will be fine
If you never stop to look behind.
Jerry Mathers has an empty place in his heart. We all do Jerry. We all do.
Louisiana Sen J Kennedy says we should have an election day like always, not an election Month. Where did this extended voting come from, anyhow? I’m thinking one of the bigger annoyances about that changeover is the increase and added cost of political advertising. Pols can no longer wait until last weekend before that Tuesday for their big ad explosion berceuse they will miss those who have already voted. So, we are already close to crunch time and some states have yet to have primaries. Most sane people think it is a good Idea to get the big money out of politics, yet now we have found way to make it necessary for pols to beg for more. And adding to the annoying noise on the TV fro longer periods of time.
The Question:
Americans were a lot less fidgety between November 1942 and July 1943. Why?
The Headlines:
--Markets Poised To Open Lower: Powell Rate Hike Accepted As Expected; Alphabet And Microsoft Earnings Disappointed, But Future Guidance Seemed Positive; Street Awaits Apple and Amazon Earnings today.
--Senator Manchin Agrees To Dem Health And Climate Plan
--Jet Blue To Become The Fifth Largest Airline Now After Buying Spirit For $3.4 Billion.
A good friend of mine told me that ESG, the “environmental, social and governance investment push has been labeled “woke capitalism” And that form of investments has been in vogue over the past several years. But now so much now. In fact, it has changed dramatically. In the boom times big social; investors like Blackstone were living with broken promises, the failure of companies to live up to grand dreams. And as money continued to flow more ludicrous proposals appeared on the street. But now the smartest and even most socially conscious investment companies are booking though a finer microscope and putting on the breaks. Now they are thinking of physics again.
The passing of Tony Dow reminds the geezer community of the way things used to be, and why we are so often stunned today.
I have to be honest... going to church bored me to tears as a kid. But I believe that America would be a better place if everybody started going back to church on Sundays. You know, just to refresh the old mind and heart and soul with some basic principles of love and sharing and consideration of others. People will l sleep on a sidewalk for twenty-four hours to geta ticket to a concert, but 45 minutes in the peacefulness of nice church is too much. Or are people just afraid of learning the truth.
Today is National Chili Dog Day. Sounds Like a good idea for dinner. Two chili dogs and an ear of corn! Yumsville.
Personally, I believe Libs and conservatives can be truly great friends if they don’t muck it up trying to convince each other their politics is better.
The Cow:
“The cow is of the bovine ilk;
One end is moo, the other, milk.”
Ogden Nash knew how to write poetry that made a point in a wisp of time. I never stop smiling at his whimsy.
A diverse nation for sure, Department:
A woman I know quite well was shopping at a fabric store yesterday. It was pretty empty. Finally, she saw a woman walking along talking to a bird. She was the clerk. The woman asked, “Why are you carrying the bird and talking to it?” “Ok,” the clerk said, “I'm on my break. I take my pet bird for little walks now. I was told that birds that can't get out of the house become depressed, and,” the women continued, “Ther e wa s no way it was going to buy her Prozac!” This could be the leader in the Tids strange but true clubhouse.
My personal objective is to live to be 100 so I can prove to the world that orange salty snacks washed down with Diet Coke or Pepsi* are good for you.
*I had to mention both in case either ever becomes an advertiser.
The Answer:
In November of 1942 during World War II, Prez Roosevelt rationed coffee purchases to One Pound very 5 weeks. Yikes Howard Schultz grandfather went out of business that year. But the soldiers were energized, and that is what counted, for sure.
The Duck:
Behold the duck.
It does not cluck.
A cluck it lacks.
It quacks.
It is specially fond
Of a puddle or pond.
When it dines or sups,
It bottoms ups.
Every once in a while, you just got to tune into Ogden Nash for a nice soft smile.
Hope you are all smiling today, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!!
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