Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Today's Tids Issue 2,838
Opening Stuff:
If you can play a drum, you're good for life.

As the media pounds away at the scandals, it's becoming harder and harder to determine weather my Tids opinions are mine or those of somebody else. I don't what's true or not, but I know for a fact that the environment which a Leader creates, is the one that permeates the actions of those who follow.

The Great Gatzby is just the latest piece of evidence that in the new Hollywood set designers are more important than writers. Where have you gone F. Scott Fitzgerald?

The Question:
Double "Q" Day. 1. What famous Chef who started LA's Spago now runs a chain of airport restaurants with really bad pizza? 2. What was the name of the comic strip that could have been the inspiration for Life of Pi?

The Headlines:
--Markets Waiting For Godot; New Housing Sales Info Could Boost Stocks; Resales Sluggish And Foreclosures Remain High; Mixed Messages Will Have Have Analysts Sorting Out Markets In Week Ahead..
--Plains States Ravaged Again By Monster Tornadoes.
--Florida Ticket Has Right Numbers In Largest Powerball Jackpot Ever.
--Tingle Recedes; Chris Matthews All Over Obama Missteps.
--Car Bomb Continue To Main, And Kill In Baghdad.
--NK Fires 6th Missile In Three Days.
--Chinese Prez Seeking Stornger Ties To Other Giant, India.

Rats! There goes another piece of my retirement program.

Who first thought of creating melodies from sounds?

The NY Times and Washington Post are now using the Presidential nickname, "The Bystander President."

For locals, The new Ocean State Theater in Warwick could be the best venue in the state. With, talent to match. Three of the next announced-so-far Musicals are Legally Blond, Les Miz and 42nd Street.

It appears to me that this is the century in which composers have finally run out of new melodies.

For some reasons people adhere to the odds in lightening strikes but not the lotteries.

In most places, meeting a person you know in a crowded place is a coincidence. In Rhode Island it is just a way of life.

If the truth be revealed, the real culprit in the decline of the ecological balance is the Seahorse which consumes 3,500 brine shrimp per day! Yikes, The brine shrimp must have a propensity for proactive procreation. Or else, just wild about sex.

Yesterday the WH spokesperson used the old political ploy, "There is no "evidence" that the WH or Prez was involved in the IRS agression. It means "Catch is if you can", but we've wiped the harddrive clean.

Nobody really has to go to NYC's Broadway anymore. There is so much talent in the world that great productions of musical or theatrical plays can be found anywhere. I guess the only reason the world needs Broadway any longer is a for a place to get started and to find money for creation.

Beware of momentary tingles that shoot up your legs for the truth will smother them.

Every time the WH spokesperson says that Prez only learned of the IRS intrusion through the news media, they belittle their own master.

The Answer:
1. Wolfgang Puck is a mediocre little chain of airport restaurants. 2. Remember Calvin and Hobbs,m the great comic strip about the boy and his imaginary tiger.

In their continuing effort to preserve the environment, Toyota Corp has come out with a very inexpensive Prius with "Batteries not included". It takes 3,723 AA batteries and each buyer gets a 50,000 miles 20% off card for Costco. President Obama lauds the new step towards a greener world.

See you tomorrow.

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