Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, February 14, 2020

Love: Live with an “O”!

Today's Tids Issue 4.588
Don't fight it:

It seems the melodies on this day of hearts,
Have a way of creeping into my very soul.
To touch, inspire those precious parts.
To feel it inside, the love that others hold.
A day to exult in that emotional release,
That comes like a symphonic triumph, or;
A simple tune that brings a smile of peace.
For love on this rhapsodic day, ten plus four.
Isn’t of symbols, material things to display.
It is of honesty, of longings deep and true.
It is inward, a unique sense points the way,
Pure love, is quiet, giving, known by two.

One of the great things about today February the fourteenth is that it just missed being Friday the Thirteenth.

Today we have to pause a moment to remember those young hearts that stopped beating this day in 2018 at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas School, and the hearts so full of love left behind, broken forever in an instant.

Irony: Drawing trees on paper.

The Question:
What percentage of millennials choose Valentine’s Day to pop the question? Get engaged? Do people still say “Pop the Question”? Bonus: What happened in Chicago on this day in 1929?

The Headlines:
--Stocks Mixed, As Multi-Factors Are Digested; Consumer Confidence Rise Surprises; Retail Sales Increase Meets Expectations
--Mitch McConnell Tells Trump To Listen to Advice Of Bill Barr.
--Coronavirus Passes 64,000 Cases World Wide.
--Bloomberg Out In Full Force On Super Tuesday States; Says, “I Will Get It Done”. Eliz Says She Has Plans To Fight Back.
--President Admits Sending Rudy To Ukraine.
--President Looking for Middle Class Tax Cut By September; Duh.

I don’t want to scare anybody on this loving day, but yesterday the US Household debt crept over $14 Trillion. That’s Trillion with a capital “T”. It isn’t really all bad, it just soundsa-na ominous. The largest chunk by far is the Home Mortgage, which is generally offset by solid equity. Household average Mortgage is $213 700. The next highest debt, which is precarious, is Student loans, now at about $36,500 per. The rest are Auto - $10.1K; Credit Card $5.8K and Personal Loans - $7.2K. BTW, the $14 Trill is an all-time record. But love will get us through, right? Even though many home values are inflated, and rents have climbed to over 30% of average incomes.

Financial squeeze is not as comforting as a Valentine’s Day squeeze.

This country is nutty. Now you have Dems and Repubs pointing to each other saying, Nancy’s demeaning of America was worse than Trump’s, (And vice versa) …Nana, na-na na-na-na …! recess is over Kids.

Context: A message sent by a prison inmate.

Are they playing more beautiful music this morning, or is it me looking for beauty in everything I see?

It is one of those frigid days around here, but the fever from pounding hearts will keep us warm, just in case you forgot the theme of the day.

The most ludicrous news of all is about what celebrities do to other celebrities on Twitter.

Synonym: A word you can use when you can’t spell the word you prefer.

Reading Between the Lines Movie Reviews:
--Regardless of whether or not it is good, kids will probably love Sonic the Hedgehog.
--Downhill is an American remake of a serious Danish dark comedy, where the new US version stars are comedians Will Ferrell and Julia Dreyfuss, in supposed dramatic roles. And avalanche roars down a hillside toward the lodge at an Alpine ski area. Hubby Will grabs his cellphone and runs while wife Julia and puts arms around kids and watches, terrified at fast approaching death. The rest of the films is about the wrath of Julia against scardy-cat Hubby, and which partner the kids respect, leading to a disappointing a cornball ending. Critics don’t like it. people hate it.
—There’s not a chance of my ever going to see The Photograph. It is about a young woman mourning her mom who died much too early. She finds a photo that sets her investigating only to find a beautiful love.
--People like Portrait of a Lady on Fire. It’s about a woman hired to paint a wedding portrait of a bride to be, a woman who just left the convent, The ex-nun observes the artist from afar and the two gorw close together and fall in love. Well-acted.

Calories: Tiny creatures that live in your closet and sew your clothes a little bit tighter every night.

The Answer:
$43% of Millennials say that they save February Fourteenth to say “Will you marry me?” Bonus. On this day in Chicago in 1929 in a garage, Al Capone disengaged from life seven of his rivals in the “Valentine’s Day Massacre.” How sweet of him.

Vegetarian: Latin phrase, original meaning; “Really bad hunter”.

As dreams today are of perchance a candlelit dinner, or a walk on a beach holding hands, or perhaps just staring endlessly into dark lilting eyes, here is a tune that will draw you in.

How unoriginal am I – playing Chopin for Valentine’s Day. But if it stirs the heart, it stirs the heart. Have wonderful day, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y! And weekend of course.

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