Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, February 28, 2020

Sittin’ and Waitin’

Today's Tids Issue 4,598
What goes down...:

Now, I’m not a Wall Street guru, but I can safely predict that we won’t get back to even in one big day of trading.

I was talking to a friend yesterday who was telling me of a Peace Corp relative who is in Senegal teaching people there how to be entrepreneurs. Teaching people how to grow their own lives instead  of waiting for foreign aid. Yet here in America I am becoming more and more surprised at how many Americans are looking at socialism as being good. Of people giving up.

Bargain: A tavern’s profit.

Some things should never be politicized, and this virus thing is certainly one of them. But I suspect many hapless souls will cheer new deaths because it makes Trump look bad. And, that is truly a sad tale about the new politics and cultural animosity.

I like most prefer being infected by the tender rapture of love.

The Question:
Who are James D. Watson and Francis H.C. Crick? Bonus: How many people do you think watched the 2 ½ hour finale of M*A*S*H?

The Headlines:
--Virus Continues To Infect Markets: Investor Gurus Looking For Financial Vaccine; Central Banks Aren’t Talking About Immediate Action; Dow Down 771 At 11:00 AM.
--Signs Are That Biden May Pull Off SC Victory.
--US Says China Navy Ship Fired Missile At US Reconnaissance Plane.
--Trump Speaks At Black History Event.
--HHS Chief Azar Surprised By Trump Naming Pence In Charge.

Today would normally have been the end of February. HB to all of those good, patient leap year people

Here is an interesting example of psycho-herding. Since the virus scare, 40% of Americans have stopped ordering or buying Corona Beer. Yikes! There is absolutely no relationship between the two. And you wonder how Politicians can tell whoppers to the electorate and get away with it.

Give me a soft romantic melody played soulfully on a piano and I drift away like ocean spray moved on gentle breezes.

On February 19 all three stock markets closed at all-time record highs. There has always been risk in equity markets, but at no other time in history has risk become disaster in such a condensed rate of time. And, if this virus thing has taught us anything it is how volatile markets could be in the future. The masses are too enormous, and technology is too automated.

For but the lack of a simple “r” I can turn a friend into a fiend.

In case anybody at any age is resisting hearing aids, you should know that there is some good evidence that says any loss of hearing can contribute to dementia and worse. Brains need input.

To me, Joe Biden is a sad loser crying out for respect.

I really appreciate the oddly creative mind of “Rhymes With Orange” cartoonist Hillary Price. For instance, today’s issue showed two Eskimo parents holding ice cube trays telling their child sitting on the floor in the igloo, “A house for dolly will have to wait. We need these for the cocktail party.”

How come we see more and more drivers who have trouble missing buildings? I mean buildings are big, and they are not in the middle of roads like potholes. Yet I see it, it seems, almost 5 out of seven days a week. Texting. Booze? Weed?

A reader reminds me that “Normal Distribution” on typical Bell Curve is being toppled by whacko Everything-for-free-in-America programs.

There was a funny political cartoon in the paper showing an exasperated Bernie complaining about Billionaires spending their own money to buy votes, while Bernie and pals are shown happily spending tax payers money to buy votes.

I saw “Knives Out” a couple of days ago, and liked it. It was a good yarn about a mystery with lots of good old-fashioned Agatha Christie style red herrings. It should have been great escapism from political irritants, except that Hollywood made it, and they can’t help themselves.

Another reader reminds me of great American Military quotes: 1779 – “I have not yet begun to fight,” JP Jones; 1812 – “Damn the Torpedoes, full speed ahead,” David Farragut; 1944 – “Nuts,” General McAuliffe; 2019 – “I felt marginalized by his tweets,” LT Vindman.

Do Hollywood a producers and directors love portraying wealthy people as evil, selfish, immoral and incompetent to assuage their own guilt of being among the richest, most pretentious of all Americans?

It has always seemed to me that the best movies for my taste were mainly in the Spring. Take this from a guy who used to plan his business trips by what was in the theaters.

Reading Between the Lines Movie Reviews:
--Everybody seems to like the “Invisible Man” a lot. It is scary, well produced and well-acted. A woman trapped in an abusive relationship with a brilliant scientist escapes hoping to disappear into the proverbial woodwork. The abusive ex commits suicide and leaves her much of his vast fortune. Then eeriness enters the picture and threatens the lives of friends, family and herself And nobody can see the evil. Was the suicide a hoax? Elizabeth Mosss (Of Mad Men Fame) is brilliant.
--"The Whistler” looks pretty good. It is one of those “Everything is not what t seems” films which can be always interesting. Apparently, a woman police inspector in Bucharest, Cristi joins in with a beautiful pal Gilda to pull off a high stakes heist. She has to walk the fence between both sides of the law. Plenty of twists and turns ensue. On my list
--In “Burden”, A minister, Forest Whitaker, resolves to do everything in a black community in a southern town to try to quell the tensions at the opening of a Klu Klux Klan Museum. Lots of conflicted choices are set forth. I think you get the picture here.

The Answer:
Brilliant scientists Watson and Crick determined the double-Helix structure of DNA. I wonder if they own stock in Ancestry.Com? Bonus: Today the NFL Super Bowl one of the consistently top two of there rated shows had 19.3 Million viewers. The finale of the beloved M*A*S*H show had 121.6 Million viewers in 1983. When the show ended, the NYC plumbing system faced near disaster when everybody began flushing!

Today, there’s’ many a program I’d like to see flushed.

There’s just not much I can write about the virus and the market’s reaction until it’s over.

Have a great Weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!!

We’ll figure it out.

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