Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, April 15, 2019

One if by sea.

Today's Tids Issue 4,367
To Concord!

Up in these parts today is Patriots Day and it celebrates that shot heard round the world. There are many special events including the great Boston Marathon that simulates the Revere ride, and a morning Red Sox game. It is an official Holiday in Massachusetts, and also quite religious in Maine, Rhode Island and New Hampshire. Am I a white supremist for remembering a day when brave Americans began a fight for freedoms never seen in the world. Against the most formidable of armies of the world at the time. So. Today we salute the farmers, and shop clerks, and loggers, and tinkerers who one day in April gathered behind grey stone walls and surprised the hell out of marching soldiers in coats of red.

My computer security quick scan service says it is scanning areas most commonly infected by viruses and malware. Hmmm. If I was a dastardly virus infector and malware intruder, I would look for the not so common areas for my next trick.

What’s red, white, blue and green? A patriotic pickle. Yes, it’s going to be one of those days.

All of USA’s intrepid journalists mush have been watching the Masters yesterday, because there’s not much news this morning.

The Question:
Who was the first black actor in a leading role to win the best actor Oscar? What was the film. Bonus: In 1958 Valerey Klimov won Russia’s Tchaikovsky competition for Violin. Who won the piano competition? Extra Bonus: Why did Paul Revere ride his horse from Boston to Lexington?

The Headlines:
--Stocks Look Promising On Good News About China Front; US Eases Some Demands; Goldman Numbers Come Up To Expectations Though Q1 Profits Suffer; Bank Stock News Could Drive Markets Today.
--Death Toll From South Tornadoes Rises.
--Tiger Is Terrific At Masters.
--Jack Ma And China Say Working Overtime Is A Blessing.
--Trump Campaign Drawing A Lot Of Funding.

Tiger Woods can play, and this past week he excited the hearts of his long-time followers and made believers of those who had only heard tales of is daring do and dominance. His performance was much more than simply a popular win. It is a tribute to courage and overcoming insurmountable odds against ever having a career again, much less competing at the top. It just didn’t happen, it took surgical creativity and excellence, and a lot of pain and sweat and determination by Woods.

Today is the day that reminds of why we went to war with England in the first place --- taxes!

Happy Birthday to a real genius, Leonardo da Vinci!

King George of England thought the American colonists were revolting.

I like cauliflower, so why do people have to fool me by making cauliflower tater tots which just don’t taste anything like real potato tater tots. Think of the effort that goes into making fake stuff.

How many people have been fooled into eating tings that “Taste just like chicken”? One of the worst of these selling techniques involved monk fish that “tasted juts like lobster”. It never came close, and it was bad fish to boot.

BTW, some of those Nike golf shirts didn’t look too bad to me. Except for that gigantic swoosh sign over the heart. I might buy one if they embossed the symbol into the cloth at about ¼ the size, and perhaps nipped off the sharp points.

One of the favorite foods among American patriots during the war was chicken catch-a-tory.

While I applaud the Woods victory, I’m hoping it shouldn’t give the coverage networks in future Tiger tournaments license to avoid other really good players still in the fray.

Though wearing manufacturer advertising logos is annoying to me, it’s nothing like what you have to give-away to get a free web sites app.

Just in case you at times seem to think the world is getting away from you, remember that the Cassowary is the world’s most dangerous bird. It’s always good to have knowledge others don’t.

The Answer:
Lilies if the Field was he movie and the great Sidney Poitier was the actor. Bonus: That was the year when an American named Van Cliburn won the piano competition in Russia, much to the anger of the Russian officials.  Extra Bonus: The answer is simply, the horse was far too heavy to carry.

I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy, and while we celebrate our doodlism in many ways on many days throughout the year -- Today is the day when we stopped talking, and did the deed.

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