Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, August 17, 2020



Today's Tids Issue 4,715



It doesn’t bother me in the least to put on mask, walk down the street to a polling place and vote. I would think you can make a polling place at least as safe as a supermarket. I mean, voters tend to be responsible people anyhow, and they will probably figure out to obey Covid safety rules.


An International Asian news correspondent said yesterday, “Nobody is safe in Hong Kong anymore.” When China takes over it is total. Obey the state or cease to exist. Just in case you for a fleeting moment thought there was something good about Communist dictatorships. I think it is quite scary for future generations.


It’s the bottom of the ninth inning. There are two outs. Charlie Brown is on third base, and Snoopy is at the plate with a count of 3 and 2. It is the last inning of the last game of the season, and Snoopy has this chance to break Babe Ruth’s record before Hank Aaron. The pitcher sets up and stares down Snoopy. Snoopy grips the bat, stares back. Suddenly the pitcher turns, throws a bullet to third base and picks off Charlie Brown. And you think you have problems. Poor Charlie Brown.


Thanks once again to Charles Schultz for making me smile.


In case you are interested, I think Google is still the search champ despite advances by Bing. The bad news is that while Google finds more stuff, they flood the top zone with ad related results. Or something predetermined based on what they think of me, and what I really meant to ask. And nobody knows me, not even Google. It’s fun to keep these computer software algorithms guessing.


Has anybody ever heard of a Derecho before? I sure hadn’t. I can’t believe we have never had such a storm before. Where all of a sudden do these names come. Names that become part of a new generational pop-culture. This might have been an interesting Tidlet commentary about cultural mysteries if this Derecho wasn’t such a terrible tragedy for Midwesterners. My heart goes out to them.  


My sled dog never barks. He is a male mute. Shoot me.


The Dem Party is looking at all possible scenarios, one being: If Joe Biden dies before the election, can he still vote for himself?


The title of today’s Tids, “Potpourri”, has two meanings. One is something that smells. The other is a miscellaneous collection. Take your pick.


The Question:

Who was the original Beatles’ drummer replaced by Ringo Starr? Bonus: What was the original name for the Beatles? Extra Bonus: Who is Julian Fellowes?


The Headlines:

--Better Than Expected Retail And Manufacturing Economic Numbers For Friday Could Sustain Up Market For Today; Dow Declines In Mid-Morning. Analysts Ask: Can Consumer Spending Continue As Stimulus Benefits Decline?

--Dem National Convection Opens Virtually Tonight At 9 PM; Featured Speakers Tonight: Bernie Sanders, Michelle Obama and Conservative Repub John Kasich.

--Countrywide Shootings Escalate Over The Weekend; Police Attacked In Texas; Truck Driver Beaten Unconscious In Portland..

--New CNN/SSRS Registered Voter Poll: Race Tightens; Biden 50, Trump 46; Men Favoring trump Up From 50% In June To 56%; Biden Voter Enthusiasm Higher; Bien 49% Versus Trump 48% In Swung States.

--NYC Police Union Comes Out To Support Trump.

--Storms Kyle And Josephine Weakening.


All night Coast-to-Coast radio listeners are getting excited, and so am I. You may have read that the Pentagon is opening up the investigation on UFO’s. There is one report about a large UFO just staying still, unmoving for 8 hours.. Yet, I’m not sure about these sightings, especially when I hear there has been a dramatic increase since people began going stir crazy due to Covid home confinement. Can you say Johnny Walker Black? But personally, am a big believer that without question there is easily another bunch of human types littering space somewhere beyond what we can see.


One thing I have found about old age pain. New excruciating pain tends to mask old excruciating pain so you only have to focus one at a time. So, pain can be good.


I see people I like in good music.


A friend told me we could eliminate the virus if it was known it was going to testify against Bill and Hillary.


I am anticipating a major anti-Trump bomb to be dropped a week before the election. Who isn’t! My candidate for the man with the most knowledge who could do the most damage is former Trump Company accountant and principle executive Allan Weisselberg. He worked for Dad and Donald and knows everything to be known. He has been given immunity. The president has managed to skate around all of the tell-all books so far. Will Allan be the guy who finally melts the ice?


A thoughtful reader sends this: “Yes, English can be weird, It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.” To other societies, English can be encryption.


The new way to lose weight has doctors promoting The Glutton Free Diet.


Old Peter Ilyich knows how to get blood pumping through your veins.


I think they got to stop with all of these ethnic/gender/racial identifications. It is becoming one big joke. And frankly at times an insult to even politicians. Kamala is clearly Indian/Jamaican yet she is almost always referred to in the press as African American. I would imagine that Kamala is quite proud of her Indian heritage. That is another thing I don’t pay attention to anymore. Are you good at what you do? Do your views support what I believe in, or not. Identity culture is one of my pet peeves because it dismisses the innate value of the individual


230 years ago on this day George Washington arrived in this town of mine, and walked down my street to the last house on the short block. A nice home, still today. I know this doesn’t mean much to you, but it’s good to feel a little good history every once in a while.


I have a problem with people who look at people and say, “You didn’t mean that? Here’s what you really meant.” Grrrrrrrr.


I just joined a support group for people who don’t wear belts.


I’ll tell you what looks pretty cool to me, “The Sculptures from Marine Debris” in the Oregon Zoo. Portland has ugly protests, but their sculptures are worth several looks.


Eating like a vegan maybe healthier for me. But I wouldn’t want to be known as a vegan. They have a funny attitude about people who aren’t them. If you say something nasty about a vegan, is it a hate crime? The other thing is, I don’t think vegetables taste that great. And chocolate chip cookies without real butter just aren’t chocolate chip cookies.


These tedious discussions about the USPS are boring me to tears. Do you remember in 2011 when Obama proposed cutting $41.2 in postal benefits? Or in 2015 when he suggested eliminating door to door delivery in favor of centralized pick-up locations. He also proposed reducing deliveries to 3 days per week. Let’s be real. The Post Office has been a mess for many decades. The current ruckus is just more political BS. And frankly, it’s just one more reason reminding me to not lose sleep over anything politicians say.


So far, 40 large retail companies have filed for bankruptcy. That’ s that a 74% increase YTD over a year ago. And it is not hard to believe that their are many more hanging on by their fingernails.


A headline on the sports page this morning said: “Injuries slowing down the Ya, ya, ya…(Well you know who I mean).” Has anybody looked at what they did to my beloveds this weekend? Yikes! The Red Sox should have such injuries.


While we’re on Covid effects, the Fed is getting stronger in their firmly held opinion that the number one economic objective is getting the Covid thing under control. Continuous false starts could kill the economy.


I used to think writing “Shoot Me” after a bad pun was kind of humorous. But now, not so much. Too many people out there are finding a reason to kill somebody without needing an invitation. I guess if you ask me what bothers me most about society right at this moment, is all of these horrible unnecessary deaths on the street.


The Answer:

Ringo replaced Pete Best after he was fired by Brian Epstein at the request of John Paul and George. Born Randolph Peter Best, in Madras India to a British Major and his wife. he moved to Liverpool where his mother opened Th Casbah Coffee Club in her basement, The same club where the Beatles first started playing. Bonus: In Pete Best’s Mom’s basement they were known as “The Quarrymen.” Extra Bonus: Julian Alexander Kitchener Fellowes is a conservative Peer in Britain’s House of Lords, and a prolific writer. He won an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for Gosford Park.  But he is probably best known as creator, writer and producer of Doenton Abbey.


This Tids was much to long.


Chin up, Charlie Brown.







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