Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, August 28, 2020

We’re off!


Today's Tids Issue 4,725

Lower the focal length:


How do you have a happy, cheery, upbeat Tids each morning when there is so much anger in America. Anger, real and manufactured, that too often obviates the possibility of reasonable reconciliation. It’s too bad the media doesn’t widen the lens a little more.


I rang up my local telephone company. I said, “I want to report a nuisance caller.” He said, “Not you again.”


I have to tell you, Nancy Pelosi looks and sounds like she comes from a long line of undertakers. And how maudlin is the sound of her voice. Definitely not like the reawakening of a happier America. And Chuck Schumer, certainly fits as her chief pallbearer. And Joe, who really looks like he was done over by a mortuary cosmetologist.  But personalities aside, the real problem is that the Dem policies are deadly.


I have this feeling that we have far more well-trained dogs now than in the past. What better to do in a Covid isolation than teach your best four-legged friends’ new tricks and obedience.


I thought Mitch McConnell was excellent speaking last night. He always knows the score, and he knows that the biggest ball game involves keeping the senate Republican to serve as a firewall against run-away Democrats from all corners often not so desirable ideological spectrum. He spelled it out perfectly. I just hope people who care were listening. That was the only speech I heard. I hear President Trump pulled a 1988 Bill Clinton on us, speaking way to long. You needed fireworks to wake everybody up after that one. 70 minutes! I’m glad he isn’t my minister, priest or rabbi.


I was watching the London Marathon and saw one runner dressed as a chicken and another runner dressed as an egg. I thought “This could be interesting.”


The Question:

Who is Alana Thompson? Not that any of you probably care.


The Headlines:

--Fed’s Jerome Powel Says They Will Keep Interest Rates Low Even If Inflation Rises Too Quickly; All Markets Rise, Staying Strong Through Mid-Morning.

--President Accepts Nomination In 5,600 Word, 70 Miniate Speech; Standout Speeches Were From Ann Dorn And Rudy Giuliani.

--Japan PM Shinzo Abe Resigns Over Health Concerns.

--Global Covid19 Cases Surging Again.

--Police Rescue Rand Paul From “Crazed” Mob Near White House.

--Lake Charles Area Cleaning Up After Laura; Wildfires Continue to rage In California.



Do you know what always amazes me? Its watching wounded amputee soldiers running on mechanical legs. I just sit transfixed. Here’s to the inventers; here’s heroes to the heroes.


The Word of the day: Pestilential. Relating to or tending to cause infectious diseases. Good term for current cocktail party chatter. But if you use it ad nauseum, you could easily be referred to as a pestilential man – annoying,


Today marks the 56th anniversary of the two days race riots in north Philly that were based on a false rumor of police beating up a pregnant black woman. Nothing is new under the sun. It’s good they didn’t have twitter then to blow it more out of proportion.


One of the best delivered, most heart rendering speeches last night was buy Ann Dorn. She is the widow of Saint Louis retired black Police Captain David Dorn, who was shot down for no reason by looters.


My good Brother-in-law is always looking out for me. Yesterday he wrote to say it was not good for my children to learn that I was racing around Dicks sporting goods naked. Of course, that assumption was based on a typo where I wrote “naked” instead of “named”. Of course, I wouldn’t run around Dicks sporting goods naked. Trader Joe’s, maybe.


There were no sports stories on the sports pages this morning.


I’m on a whiskey diet. I’ve lost three days already.


Wall Street could be going bananas Monday morning as both Tesla and Apple prepare to split. Buckle up!


When the Fed says It’s keeping interest rates low it generally means that the economy needs a lot of help.


The news item says that Most of Chipotle restaurants will have drive-throughs. Wasn’t one of the popular aspects of that Chain being able to pick your favorite ingredients to build your favorite meal? I guess Covid has changed everything, including basic concepts of entities, maybe you could vote while ordering your Chipotle meal.


Zoom went down this past week but it remans by far the most popular, and easiest to connect to of the digital meeting places. But, the tech bigs are moving rapidly to capture a part of this growing sector. Most aggressive right now is Google Meet, which now will be free forever. Compared to Zoom it is pretty bare bones. It gets 2.5 stars. Webex woke up during the pandemic shut down and made its offering free and easier. It gets 3.5 stars. Th granddaddy is Skype (Owned by Microsoft) It still retains some of the old annoying bugs. 3 stars, but only when used under ideal conditions. Microsoft Teams is very good but is geared towards corporate, academic use. It is a Love/Hate option that gets 3 stars. Facebook Messenger tends to reduce privacy, and gets 2 stars. Zoom is really good, but, if it goes down again, it pays to know the options.


The Answer: 

Alana Thomas is the real name for personality Honey Boo-Boo. Who is Honey Boo-Boo?


Today is national Red Wine day, just in case you need an excuse to have a glass of Red Wine. The Tids are always trying to be helpful


I hired an Odd-Job man. He was useless. I gave him a list of eight things and he only did number one, three, five, and seven.


Let the countdown begin!


Have a great weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!!



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