Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, February 20, 2024



Today's Tids Issue 5,453 

Waiting for Inevitability: 


What vegetable do you need when you get a flat tire? 



Yes. I'm trying to get this mind working. And apparently im losing. 


Here's one reason why I think my mind is kind of frivolous and mediocre today. Global warming worries people. But I am concerned about what I call “Stellar Munching”. A big telescope in Chile just discovered J0529-4351, a Quasar which his the bright core of a galaxy powered by a humongous black hole 17 billion times the mass of our Sun. Huh? Originally this Bright mass was thought to be part of our Milky Way galaxy, but now it is seen as a very distant super bright black hole that has an enormous appetite gobbling up a mass equivalent to one Sun every day. Yikes. That's got to be bigger than any giant sucking sound Ross Perot ever heard.  


See, there’s another perplexity... how can a black hole be super bright? 


Yes, I'm in outer space today. And it is humbling 


A new health study just out says that women may benefit more for from Exercise than men do. Naptime!! 


The Question: 

Why was the snowman in the vegetable patch? 


The Headlines: 

--Investor Doubts Anew about A Soft Landing Sending Caution Signals Today.; Wal-Mart Beats, Buying Visio for $2.3 Billion; Captial One Buying Discovery Card.  

--New Polls Have Trump Way Ahead of Haley in Her Home State.  

--Putin Give NK’s Kim shiny New Luxury Automobile; NK Dictator Agog. 


Remember in the 1950’s when a $1000 felt like a small fortune. This rush to fallacious wage growth through a government mandated minimum wage bonanza will make it even smaller than it is today. Remember inflation control doesn't turn back new minimum base lines. 


I guess in the past the country leadership didn't anticipate widespread inflation. Note that the two most gifted presidents George and Abe are on the smallest denominations, the Dollar Bill and the Penny.  


Inflation went out of control when interest rates were zero for so long, the gov began giving away money and when people thought of their cozy homes as businesses. And we will never get it back. 


I heard that beans were John Lennon's favorite vegetable 

....up until he decided to give peas a chance. 


Shooting guns into the air during a celebration is a really, really dumb idea.  


I also don't like this idea, that seems to becoming somewhat more prevalent, of resorting to some level of violence when trial verdicts don't the way of some group.   


Do you think there is a chance n hell that Putin cares a whit about teh pleas of Navalny’s mother? Thal's what you get with a dictatorship. That could never happen here, right. We’re too smart for that. Right? 


I quit my job after my boss started paying me in vegetables. 

I couldn’t live off of that celery. 


The Answer: 

The snowman was in the vegetable patch picking his nose.  


A vegan said to me, "people who sell meat are gross!" 

I said, "people who sell fruits and vegetables are grocer." 


This Tids was a lot like eating vegetables – boring. 


I need a little life in this issue, so I'll play this song which I have always enjoyed. See you all tomorrow. 







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