Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Seeing what's there.


Today's Tids Issue 5,455 

Too big for some: 


Too bad it isn't Tuesday. Or is it? 


This is a rather a-maize-ing tale. In 1630 a native American named Quadequina brought the Pilgrims a gift, popcorn. And I’m thinking, he and his pals didn't ask Alexa for the recipe. What a fantastic concurrency of events in the universe came together allowed at once a perfectly dried ear of corn in the proximity of a fire and teh urge to throw the corn on the fore at the perfect time. And then thinking, man, I got to taste that stuff. Yes, the simple life of Southeastern Massachusetts was gone then as the tribes spread the word that corn could pop into deliciousness. Now, if they could just learn how to extract salt from the ocean. The point here is that another person may have heard an ear of corn popping away and done nothing. But one observer thought, i should look into that further. Discovery is as simple as not throwing away potential ideas.  


Nvidia did it again by producing remarkable earnings and reigniting hope in a recently skeptical investor community. But it appears that the shakeout coming in the AI chip business will be somewhat of a circus. First, Nvidia has competition from big companies, namely AMD and Intel who are investing billions not to be left behind in AI. AMD says their tests shows their chip to be superior but Nvidia says their testing procedures are suspect.  But, the real issue for Nvidia is that big consumers like Microsoft and Alphabet are investing in their own AI chip production facilities. As is China. So, stay tuned for all the action here and, be cautious.  


I like being in a town where the retail clerks know who you are when you walk in. AI will never replace that. 


They say you can’t get a decent job without education. 

But look at Albert Einstein – he was a drop-out and still ended up being the first man on the moon! 


The Question: 

What were teh top movies of 2001? 


The Headlines: 

-- Markets Rebound After Strong  Nvidia Showing. Fed Offers Rate Reduction Timeline, For Now. 

--Putin Takes Jaunt on New Russia Supersonics Bomber Capable of Delivering Nukes. 

--Massive AT&T Cel Phone Outage Reported This Morning; Major National Pharmacy Cyberattack Interrupting Order Process; 

-USA Senator Rubio Warns of Massive Chinese Cyber Attack that Could Paralyze America during Key World Crisis, like perhaps “The Eve of a Taiwan Attack 

--Nikki Haley says, “Embryos to Me are Babies.” Urges Embryos To be Treated with Respect. 

--Navalny’s Mom Says She has Sen the Body of Her Son. 


Up here in RI, local officials were fawning over the USA Secretary of Education Here on a visit. That means we will do anything for more money and when the Government gives it takes away independence. That means National think tank policies based could be and probably will be foisted upon communities who really know their parents and children better despite what data factories say. Most of what teh average citizen needs can be handled locally. And education is certainly one that doesn't need bureaucracies getting in the way. assistance. 


Psychic: I’m sorry to say that you are going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on your education. Man: How do you know this? Psychic: Mostly in tuition. 



The full context of Haleys Embryo comments are not an endorsement of the Alabama decision as she added: “Be very careful how you do this because number one, you don't want to take those fertility treatments away from women. It is very important that women like me have the ability to have that blessing of a baby," Haley clarified.  

"But you also want to treat those embryos with respect – whoever is holding them – and make sure that there's a clear indication of what is expected from the parents who provide it, and what's expected from the provider that holds them," she confirmed.” Her son was born with the aid of Artificial Insemination.  


I joined Ancestry and fooled around with some other sites like the LDS “Family Search” so I could find out where I came from. Now these sites are trying to be like social media with all kinds of gimmicky extras. All I want is information about my family and it appears they have gone as far as they can go. If your family has no records, there probably isn't much more.  


There's a lot going on in the world and nation, like the potential for wars with many fronts, new horrific weapon capabilities; to our own economy which is more balanced than ever; to emergence of new cultural directions. The demands upon the renversement will be greater perhaps than in any other period in history. Ther are so many issues, many of which never enter the end of the average person. Yet, from what I am reading lately, the Congress and presidency will probably come down to who wins teh vote between pro versus anti-abortion foes.  


Have the Boston Red Sox players already given up on the season? Where have all my heroes gone.  


If there weren't so many lawyers in the deep recesses of government, Americans might understand a little more about clarity of reality. 


There’s a lot more grey in our difficult considerations than the current frame of our national mind will allow.  


At least Nikki doesn’t run away from her principles. 


An eager but inexperienced young graduate a job as a physical education teacher of 16-year-olds. She notices a boy at the end of the field standing alone, while all the other kids are running around having fun kicking a ball. She takes pity on him and decides to speak to him. 'You ok?' she says. 'Yes.' he says. 'You can go and play with the other kids you know,' she says. 'It's best I stay here.' he says. "Why's that sweetie?' says the young woman. The boy looks at her incredulously and says, "Because I'm the Goalie!" 


The Answer: 

Befroe teh Twin Towers Tumbled people were having a good movie year. The box office winners were Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone followed by Schrek, Monsters Inc, Rush Hour 2, The Mummy Returns, Pearl Harbor, Jurassic Park, Planet of the Apes, Hannibal and Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of teh Ring, Others down thelist were Oceans Eleven, Spy Kids, The Princes Diaries,  Legally Blond, AI Artificial Intelligence and Wedding Planner. Amelis was a very good movie but didn't get up there in the box office rankings. Some others that people liked were Bridget Jones Diary, Miss Congeniality and an odd little story that wasn't bad, Shallow Hal.  


Time to go. Since there were some education references in here today, I thought I’d end it with this song. Always liked it from way back, And I liked the movie too, 




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