Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Deep Pockets Nation.

Today's Tids Issue 4,462

Are you ready for yellow and white with shades of pink on the side; gold and coppery bronze. Rust and purple, and shades of muted red. I am. Its Mum season again, and road sides are filled with colors as country garden emporiums move away from sweet corn and green beans to Chrysanthemums and crazy forms of squash. And, all of a sudden out of the dust, and the browning flowers of August, the world becomes a prettier place. Just like that!

One economic certainty is that if you want to recreate the high paying working class of American, then you have to retrain or create programs that will produce better paying careers. A global economy will never let a high paying factory labor economy rise again. And the folks will not only be competing with people, but with robots too.  It is not your father’s Oldsmobile.

One of the more ludicrous, lunatic uses of logic by anti-Trumpers is the idea that his rhetoric caused the shootings in El Paso and Dayton. Using that same simpleminded rationale, one would have to assume that the Amercian’s discontent with Obama policies was the cause of Newtown, Fort Hood, Binghamton NY, Washington DC Navy Yard and Santa Monica.

I just detest those Stanley-Steamer ads. And the implausibility of the concept that Americans have become so domestically inept that they would call in and pay SS to clean a spot on the rug is beyond me.

If my body is ever found on a jogging trial, just know that I was murdered somewhere else and dumped there.

Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t.

The Question:
Jeffery Epstein is certainly all over the news these days. But there was another famous Epstein who died of an accidental overdose in 1967. Who was it? Bonus: Who are John Lithgow, Kristen Johnson, French Stewart, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Jane Curtin?

The Headlines:
--Markets Open Higher; J&J To Pay $575 Mill To Oklahoma.
--Costco Opens First Store In China.
--Dorian To become A Hurricane.
--New Monmouth U Poll Has It Warren And Sanders - 20, Joe Biden – 19; The Rest Are Harris 8, Booker/Buttigieg 4, Yang 3, Castro/Beta/Williamson 2.
--Trump At G7: “I’m an Environmentalist”; Obama Let Russia Take Crimea; “I am Losing Billions While In Office”.

When kids broke locks to steal bikes at community motorized bicycle stands, the general community and politicians blamed it on the big company (Uber) for not having strong enough locks. What’s wrong with this scenario? A moral society doesn’t need locks.

Big pharma invents and produces opioids. They don’t produce overdose epidemics.

If guns kill people, then pencils misspell words, cars make people drive drunk and spoons make people fat.

A lot of states that are always looking for ways to raise money in the face of an out of control spending addiction, looked at gambling as a panacea. Of course, as casino large and small were built, gambling venues were soon oversaturated. Let’s face it, there are just so many people who enjoy losing hard earned cash at games, or in this case, paying taxes. So I expect to see a rise in state sponsored class action lawsuits against big business to fund some fictitious projects in state budgets. If the progressives get in, it will surely be one way of taking form the so-called rich and spreading it around.

A politician’s career is promising all the way.

A lot of people raise their eyebrows at the contracts of pro sport players. But their lack of longevity changes the perception formula from lavish to average. Here’s the average longevity for all NFL Positions: OL – 3 years, 8 mos; DB – 3, 2; QB – 3, 1; LB – 3; DL – 3; TE – 2, 8; RB – 2, 5; WR – 2, 2.5. It looks like it may pay to study while getting a free ride to college.

Athletes get free ride to college, while academic students get a fee ride. Rrrrr-gh!

The most valuable college degrees are Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Genetics, Electrical Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Aerospace Eng, Computer Eng and Materials Science. The least valuable are Communications Technology, Cosmetology/Culinary Arts, Mass Media, Music and Miscellaneous Fine Arts -- and the a host of drama, linguistic, writing and visual fine arts.

If CNN ever wants to get back some semblance of respectable ratings, they just have to stop with guests exhibiting pet theories without an iota of credibility.

Understanding President Trump’s activity at G7 really depends on who is writing the stories.

The corn is getting skinny. Is it over? Alas.

It’s probably a good idea to gather up a bunch of ears, cook em’ up, shave off the kernels and freeze for days in winter when  you can go cook them a in a sea of butter.

I thought Obama’s first Netflix production, American Factory was pretty good, interesting. It certainly portrayed well the differences in American and Chinese workers. It also reinforces the fact that you just can’t recreate the same high paying factory jobs of the past in today‘s global marketplace. But, after watching it, it is not quite as simplistic as it appeared on the tube. It is the difference between freedoms in the country and the needs to focus on safety for consumers in the products they buy and in the towns in which they live. And the time they have to spend living their lives outside of work.

It also suggested that if we lower our standard of living to that of a third world society, we can have plenty of factory jobs again.

Camping: Where you spend a small fortune to live like a homeless person.

The Answer:
Brian Epstein the very successful founder of the Beatles died at 33 from an accidental OD of sleeping pills. He was often called “The Fifth Beatle”. Bonus: That group of five actors was the original very funny cast of “Third Rock From the Sun”.

So, you eat a few ore bags of Cheetos than the average daily recommendation. You’re not fat, you’re just easier to see!

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