Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Monday, August 19, 2019

It’s the unspoken words.

Today's Tids Issue 4,456
Browning of Weeds:

I’d love to know what Larry Kudlow and Steve Mnuchin really think about the state of the economy, and global disorientation when they talk to each other behind closed doors.

Honeysuckles sparkling in morning dew have always been a part of what makes summer special.

As a new Tids policy, we are offering a mandatory two-week, no guilt vacation from reading this morning mess. We value the sanity of our readers and prefer writing to fresh, alert minds. Before settling on a forced vacation plan, I was considering lowering readership by upping subscription prices, using the old publishing ploy of increased paper and inks costs. But, that might not be believable in these digital days. But, you would be hard pressed not to believe that the higher cost of hallucinogens for the editor was squeezing our bottom line. Oh, you don’t remember the subscription price. Don’t worry, we will bill your estate.

An unpredictable camera is a loose Canon.

I love being a sports fan. But I don’t need to watch the new 3 on 3, half court NBA experiment. Talk about boredom!

Tariffs will become more meaningful to Americans when they begin to slow down consumer spending, and Wall Street sees it producing a sluggish economy.

The Question:
We’ll be getting reports of hurricanes soon. Which hurricanes that hit the USA killed the most people? Bonus: Who was Virginia Dare? – A Maple syrup and corn starch brand, A pioneer female aviator or early American of note.

The Headlines:
--Dow Opens Over 300; Nasdaq Also Soaring; S&P Too Is Up Over 1%; Ross Says US Will Continue Operating License For Huawei; China Rate Tweak Improves Investor Moods Worldwide.
--Powell Scheduled To Give Major Speech On Friday; Markets Anticipate Talk To Includes Words About Future Rate Cuts.
--Latest Recession Talk Focuses On 2021.
--China Continues Troop Build Up Outside Hong Kong.
--Iran Warns US Not To Seize Tanker Grace 1 Now Freed By Gibraltar.
--Target To Intro New 2,000 Item Store Grocery Brand Called “Good & Gather”; Prepared Dishes And Food Staples Will Be Available In-Store And For Online Same Day Delivery; Products Will Contain No Artificial Flavors Or Sweeteners.
--British Royals Continue To Strenuously Deny Prince Andrew Association With Epstein Mess.
--LA Citizens Fed Up With City Officials, Especially With Regards To Devastating Homeless Crisis.

I hear people on radio and TV say often with authority that such and such a candidate is running for Congress.  That is because they don’t know better assuming that just because the are called Congresspersons, they must be running for congress. Of course, they are running for House of Representatives which is combined with the Senate to makes up Congress. So maybe we should save our resident authorities from looking stupid by changing the name of Congressmen or Congresswomen to something like House Keepers. Oops, that could be sexist. But then what isn’t these days. ,

Did you know that the Argentine stock market had crashed? I didn’t either. Is that just another tree falls in the forest thing?

AGT is into the live finals and week one had some decent acts. The BS part of this long season is over and now it’s down to finding the winner, where we can watch without the interruptive mugging of Emcee Terry Crew. Last Tuesday I thought blind singer/piano player Kodi Lee was outstanding, and not far behind was another singer Luke Islam. Comedian Impressionist Greg Morton looked like a pro and should show up as one of the last to go in a few weeks. Singer Sophie Pecora is a brilliant musician, but she put me to sleep. The 12-year-old sensation for this year, Ansley Burns is cute as a button, and energetic, but somewhat below average as a singer. Carmen Carter had a big voice, but to me she’s just another with a big voice singing the same old stuff. There was something special though about the group with military ties – Voices of Services. They should stay too. There were two acrobat/danger acts. The Messouri Brothers, a pure strength act doing all kinds of heavy lifting, -- but how much lifting can you watch. Their stripping down act probably gets them a few votes. The big danger act called Bir Khalsa had judges and audience holding their breath as the trio slashed with chain saws, knives and swords while blindfolded. I was unsure of them but didn’t stop watching. Alex Dowis Blacklight Performance artist was a disappointment as it was hard to see what he was doing at first. His narration improved the scene later, but I got tired of it. There were two acrobatic teen girl dance groups, both appearing to be large cheerleading squads. They were talented but I have seen to many like them before.  Those two groups, Emerald Belles and GForce were voted out as were Carmen Carter, Sophia (A disappointment to many) and danger act Bir Khalsa.

I’ve got to find a way to shorten up AGT reviews..

RCP (Real Clear Politics) as you may know is a site that reports and averages all political polls, supplemented by opinion and factual columns from left and right equally. It may be controlled by one side or the other, but you can’t see it. They also have weekly report called Real Clear Investigations. One this week is about the rapid growth of the Muslim population in France mainly through far higher birth rates than the French native population. It goes on to talk about “Assimilation” meaning that as they adapt, fewer and fewer pray according Islamic rules. And more. Most shocking is that many main stream Muslims there are fighting mad about the antics and encroachment of extreme Muslims.

There are times when I just wish that Sibelius would continue his themes moving along a little while longer.

Another latest RCP investigation is about former Assistant Secretary of State under Hillary – Victoria Nuland. She has repeatedly denied any association with the so-called anti-Trump Christopher Steele dossier, saying Under oath before the Senate Intelligence Committee: “I did Not.” (Attend 10/2016 Steele briefing at State department.) “I actively chose not to be part of that briefing.”. She repeatedly has denied any association or involvement with the dossier. Now, new evidence has emerged showing that she had, and was in constant communication with Glen Simpson, the Dem’s leading opposition researcher behind the Steele dossier. This is from RCP writer/contributor Eric Fellen who says, “The public will learn even more about how Simpson – with the help of powerful government officials such as Victoria Nuland and Bruce Ohr -- helped catalyze a national crisis.” (Note: The new Nuland revelations were from Bruce Ohr testimony).

Did you hear that Uncle Frank requested that his ashes be put into a giant beer mug? He always wanted to be Frank in Stein!

The next thig we can expect form the plant people are eggless eggs. Squash over easy, please.

Oh, and San Fran I am told is banning Hunt Corp’s “Manwich” for not being Gender neutral.

Homely celebrities prove that longevity is always more about talent.

The latest teen fad around here is thug like kids stealing public bicycles (Like Jump bikes owned by Uber) and marauding the city streets and neighborhoods in groups of 25 to 50, clogging traffic, and in several instances beating up on average pedestrians who Suggest they settle down; or ransacking stores for snacks and goodies. This appears to be another of those instances where kind hearts with misdirected empathies are turning a blind eye. But allowing youthful thuggery to run loose is a sure fire away to keep prisons filled the future.

Oh, and I hear apologists saying, “not a problem, just kids being kids”. Surprise. Surprise.

BTW, the people of color communities are now saying that their children would learn better from teachers who are people of color. Are they saying we should return to segregated schools?

Did you know that there is absolutely no similarity between the Anteater and the Aardvark, even though the Aardvark eats about 50,000 ants each day! The ant and termites must propagate like keep ahead of the Aardvark appetites. Are those “X” rated sounds we hear at night?

I got off of Beethoven to allow my mind to roam through concert halls in search of new melodic discoveries. And I found so much; so many ways to enrich our musical yearnings. Many composers not at the tips of average tongues produce simply amazing stuff. But, you always have to go back to that Bonn master. Yes, Beethoven knew what he was doing when he transformed musical eras..

A nation can have too many huddled masses, which is not good for existing societies, and the masses themselves.

The Answer:
The deadliest of all Hurricanes to hit Mainland USA was The “Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900 where the City was reduced to rubble and the death estimate was from 8-12.000. The rest are 1928 Okeechobee (2,500), 2005 Katrina (Est 2-1,800),  1893 Chaminad La Storm (1,100), 1893 Sea Islands Ga (1,000), Ga/SC of 1881 (700), 1957 Audrey ( 416), 1935 Labor Day Storm Florida 408, 1856 Last Island Storm (400) and #10 the Great Miami Hurricane of 1926 that killed 372. The deadliest storm outside of the Gulf/southeast was the 1938 New England Hurricane that killed 256, and destroyed coastal towns especially in Rhode Island. Other big storms outside of the Southeast were Diane (1955), Carol (1954), Hazel (1954, Floyd (1999) and the Great Atlantic of 1944. With Hazel, another 75 were killed all the way up in Canada.  The first named storm was in 1953. Note: Last year Maria hit US territory Puerto Rico and the revised death toll was 2400+). Bonus: In 1587, Virginia Dare was the first person born in the America of Bitsie parents. She was born in what is now Roanoke Island NC, but as you all know, the colony established there had disappeared from the face of the earth. And, it appears that they still don’t have a clue.

I love being a dreamer.

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