Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Friday, May 7, 2021

Stay out of the swath.


Today's Tids Issue 4,904

Moms do it all:


M-o-m: Mom I’m hungry." “Mom, my tummy hurts.” "Mom. do you wanna see my report card?” “Mom, I’m stuck in the laundry shoot!” “Mom, how come iodine doesn’t hurt when you put it on.” “Mom, I don’t feel good. Can I stay home from school?” “Yes, Mom, I’m dating a girl.” “I’m sorry mom that I spilled a gallon of paint in the back of your car.” “What happened to me mom.’ ‘You were it hit by a car but I know you’re going to be all right.’ ‘Thanks Mom. Why are you hugging me so hard?” Moms. How many ways have we appreciated them over so many years? They were there when you hurt. They embarrassed you because they were so proud of what you did. They always understood. Even when they were mad. And too often we never said thank you enough. Happy day, Moms.


For an old, long-time Brooklyn Dodger fan like me, the LA Dodgers mean absolutely nothing. And never have.


You have to wonder if song birds get mad at humming birds for not knowing the words. (Thanks to good reader.)


The Question:

Critics often complained about Petre Ilyich Tchaikovsky because they think his music was too loud. But people with ears over the nearly two centuries have smiled, emoted and danced to many of his most memorable pieces. He was unique in many ways compared to all composers. Name Tchai’s top ten best works, or at least the most popular.?


The Headlines:

--April Jobs Report Mega Disappointment; 976K expected, Only 266k Showed Up To Work; Unemployment Increases; Stocks Jump As Investors See New Hopee For Continued Extension Of Low Interest Ratees.

--BMW Comes Up Strong In Q1 Profitability; Sales Of EV’s Double.

--Federal Grand Jury Indicts 4 Minn Police Officers IN GF Death.

--Texas Following Florida With Better Election Security Bill.




The US general in charge of Africa is ending up a warning that Beijing has approached several countries stretching along Africa's west coast about establishing a navy facility capable of hosting submarines or aircraft carriers. Townsend added, “The Chinese are outmaneuvering the U.S. in select countries in Africa. "Port projects, economic endeavors, infrastructure and their agreements and contracts will lead to greater access in the future. They are hedging their bets and making big bets on Africa." China's first overseas naval base was built years ago in Djibouti, which it appears was illegally seized by the Chinese in 2018. Townsend says he is worried about their focus now on the west coast that would bring the USA mainland closer to their striking ability. Nothing is ever Ok in China, the seething beneath, country.


If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him?


Today is National “No Pants” day. Today you can’t be caught for public nudity because it is for a cause – reminding people to give clothes to the homeless. The new USA trend seems to be about bending civilized society rules of behavior for emotionally based causes.


Elizabeth Warren says that she continues to battle corporations because she says, “Markets without rules are theft.” I say illegal entry into the USA is theft.


I don’t know about you, but it sems to me that all of these new state bills to assure secure, honest elections are a great idea. Cheating on elections is theft.


Life is sexually transmitted.


Did you see where Prez Biden was the first commander-in-chief to omit "God" from his address on the National Day of Prayer. Rev. Franklyn Graham did. The reverend wonders who Biden is praying to.


If by ostracizing Liz Cheney, is the Repub party selling out to a future with only Donald Trump?


A lot of people are talking about it, and will be looking up to the sky hopefully not seeing the giant Chinese rocket stage falling their way. This 18-ton piece of junk is expected to fall within a swath of the earth that runs from New York City in the north down to Sidney Australia in the south on about late Saturday or early Sunday. I’d be cancelling my tickets to Hamilton if I had them.


I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people died of natural causes.


The Answer:

Some of the most enjoyable melodies come from the creative mind of the Great Russian composer. This listing ranks as number one the 1812 Overture. #2 is the Nutcracker Suite flowed by two more suite treats -- Sleeping Beauty and Swan Lake at #3 and #4, The first Piano Concerto (Made really, really Famous when Van Clyburn won the piano competition). At #6 we have the opera Eugeen Onegin followed by Manfred Symphony (One of the real underappreciated works), 6th Symphony “Pathetique (I prefer the 4th), Romeo & Julitte Overtures (Emotional Lovemaking) and Serenade in “C” for Strings.


Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.


Have a great weekend, E-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y!!

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