Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Up in the air

Today's Tids Issue 4,526
Open Mind:

I think that most people have little points of knowledge that a makes them happy, contented. We just think that everybody is interested in everything because media and entertainment communications create such a large fuss over anything.

My personal trainer and snack consultant (PRSC) just told me that my Potato Chip curve has just crossed over and above the Cheetos curve. It’s good to be flexible in life.

As far as I can determine, the Dems are struggling to find an issue that moves the hearts of Americans. That’s why you hear news of a return trip to Mueller and the alleging of Trump lying on written answers. The Dems are looking for outrage that can stampede America, and they haven’ found it yet. Maybe today’s hearings will change that. Maybe.

Hong Kong could easily get In the way of the Trade war negotiations.

The Question:
When big events occur, the eras to come always remember the first, like who were the first who walked upon the moon. We know the number one moon trekking duo was Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Who waste second lighter than air twosome? Bonus: Name what are considered  by 50K people in a poll to be the favorite all time characters on NCIS.

The Headlines:
--US Stocks Look To Rise; HD Missed On Sales But Hits Profit Number; US Socks Look To Fall
--Five Witnesses To Take To The Congressional Stage Today; Pence Aid Jennifer Williams And Admiral Vindman Appear Most Interesting; Also On Tap Is FS Officer Holmes Who Overheard Phone Call between Trump And Sondland.
--First Precisions for 2020 Stock Markets Are In; Reviews From Goldman And, Credit Suisse See Strong Upward Push While Morgan Stanley And USB See Fallback.
--Hong King Students Caught In Power Squeeze.
--SC Hits Pause Button On Request To Allow Congress Access To Trump Tax Records; Expected To Make Opinion In 10 Days.
--In Prisoner Trade Deal, Taliban Frees American And Australian Hostages After 3 Years In Captivity.
--China Warns US To Stay Away From South China Sea.
--Israel repels Rockets From Syria, Fires Back.
--New Giant Russian Subs Rigged With200 Cruise Missiles.
--Sweden Drops Rape Inquiry Of WikiLeaks Founder Assange.

One thing I will never have to feel guilty about is the steady decline is n sales of Yogurt. I never ate it. And big Yogurt producers are moving to new healthy food areas, like Chobani putting more emphasis on Oat Milk, I won’t have to worry about being a part of that decline either.

It is becoming clear to me and probably others that Katie Kadan is the singer to beat on the Voice. Last night she was big as ever on a song called “I’m Going Down”. I enjoyed her more on some of her other songs, but she is still excellent. Frankly I wasn’t happy about many song choices last night, probably because the singers, all significantly younger than I, picked the tunes. Well, one of my favorites from the previous week, Joan Martinez, brought the house down with her energy and fun filled tune, but her singing was off. I hope that doesn’t’ spell the end for her. I like Jake Hoot and he will be consistent throughout. A surprise challenger to Katie could be Rose Short. She is strong. Max Boyle disappointed, and another Judges favorite, Ricky Duran fails to stir my musical bones, Cali, surprised a lot of people with good performance, but I still wish Blake had picked Gracee. The favorite performances after Katie and Rose were Marybeth Byrd, Hello Sunday, Jake and Kate Hammock. The rest are praying against a trip back home. The I-Tune (Now Apple Music) sales winners were Katie #16, Marybeth 18, Hoot 26, Kat 64, Duran 70, Cali 75 and Will Brenan 94. The rest had sales rankings well above 100.

Space Junk in Low earth orbit travels at the almost hard opt imagine rate of 18,000 mph. It is a big problem for future space efforts including just maintaining all of the satellite systems so important to today’s Communications. As an example of this growing problem, in 2007 China destroyed an aging weather satellite creating 2,700 pieces of debris – moving at 18000 mph. There’s a growing company called LeoLabs which has as it’s business tracking all of that junk for Space companies like SpaceX, Besos’ Blue Origin and Airbus Ventures. There’s always something.

Speaking of havoc in the heavens, it wouldn’t be a bad thing if Kanye West got religion going again.

The Ten Commandment Rap, could be a lot more productive than the all of the negativity striving raps, many of which that tend to have kids seeking the wrong end of accomplishment.  

Knock, Knock
Who’s There?
Cook who?
You do sound kinda crazy.

I was looking to dot today’s Tids with knock knock jokes. But, you can see from the one above that I didn’t have much luck.

The Answer:
The crew of Apollo 12 was Alan Bean and Pete Conrad. The real hero of that landing was Englishman Ewen Whitaker, who without the help of GPS and other modern guidance systems managed to land #12 within 200 feet of #11. Safely. Bonus: Number one favorite character on NCIS was Abby Sciuto followed by Anthony DiNozzo, Caitlin Todd, Ducky Mallard, Jimmy Palmer, Gibbs, Timothy McGee, Ziva David, Leon Vance and Jenny Shepard. Current Cast characters Nick Torres and Ellie Bishop are #’s 12 and 13. A couple of old guest favorites Mike Franks and Tobias Fornell are 17 and 18.

So, while the world waits for Gronk, I’m going out to get smarter. Which is a dangerous thing.

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