Layng quietly in fields

Layng quietly in fields
Glstening lights

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The stocks are down Charlie Brown

Today's Tids Issue 4.397
Faith is good:

It’s the end of May. Should we runaway? Yes, this May was the worst month of this year for stocks. Will they continue to swoon in June? I generally don’t cry until July. But my eyes don’t belie. Something is happening that’s market busting. Should I trust August, or go bust in September. You got to be bold to hold. Or will Trump change his mind and give us a bump. Good grief!

Do you think that that the slow disappearance of God from people’s lives has begat a growing population that can’t tell the difference between right and wrong? Like thou salt not kill, thou shalt not steal, littering is revolting to others. I do.

The dog who gave birth by the side of the road was arrested for littering.

Watch out Boston Cream Pie! RI’s Coffee Milk pie is poised to become the regional favorite -- maybe in several decades. Note: I have always been a big fan of Boston Cream Pies. Or is it a cake? That’s the argument for the ages. The BCP recipe was first discovered in 1872 in the “Methodist Almanac”. RI’s coffee milk Pie was unveiled this week. And, it is a cake that’s called a pie. Regardless, I’ll dive in every time.

The Question:
Today, the top of Mount Everest is a Times Square gridlock; amateur hour at 29,029 feet. And people are dying. It was 63 years ago today that one man and one guide reached the top. Who were they? Bonus: 229 years ago today the 13th Colony ratified the Constitution. Which Colony, now a state, was it? Extra Bonus: What are the other four of the five highest mountains?

The Headlines:
--Stocks Down Over 200; China Rhetoric Heats Up Again; Consumers Could Begin To Feel Tariff Pinch For Products From Electronics To Home Sales; Banking Sector Earnings Strong; China May Weaponize Rare Earths In Trade Talks; New Lows For US Treasury Yields.
--Massive Tornado Just Misses Kansas City But Devastates Homes Just West Of City; Lawrence, Home Of KU, Also Battered.
--Flooding In Midwest Highest In Decades.
--Top Candidate To Replace UK’s May, Boris Johnson, To Go On Trial For Lying And Misleading In His Brexit campaign.
--DNC Creates Tough Debate Qualifying Rules To Winnow Out Broad List Of Candidates
--MSNBC Panel Rejects Mika’s Effort To Bash Trump On Memorial Day Morning Joe Show.
--Socialist Congress Person Omar Denounced By Many For Implying That Hispanics Aren’t Smart Enough To Meet Skill Test Of Proposed Immigration Reform.
--Mueller Office Shoots Down Author Michael Wolf Assertion That They Had Prepared Obstruction Indictment; Spoxe Says Wolf “Wildly Inaccurate”.
--RI Woman Fights Off Black Bear Who Opened Door To Enter Car; Attack Was Near Popular Beach And Upscale Homes Area.
--Honus Wagner Baseball Card Sells For $1.2 Million.

There many special things which are unique, that over time become a commodity. No matter how daunting the challenge. It’s time to walk away. One of them is climbing Mount Everest.

Did you know that insurance companies are now requiring “Active Shooter” defense training classes for all institutions like churches, colleges and Schools? And Businesses.

The latest trend will be CBD infused everything. In case you are as naive as I, CBD stands for Cannabidiol which is described as a natural cannabinoid found in cannabis (Well, that sure clears that up). CBD’s have been effective for pain, like for old people just after golf. Or, more importantly, for serious chronic pain situations. Many people just use it to relax. I expect it will become a staple in a lot of homes in the future. You know how people chase fads. There CBD beers, Chocolate bars, cocktails shampoos and lately anything anybody can think of. Or just creams and salves for external application. But, people like it, and it seems to work, But, I’ll avoid because I have an addictive personality. CBD Cheetos?

The top 3 hotdog makers have been named: #3 -- Oscar Maeyr; #2 -- Nathans and #1 Costco. A the Tids resident food expert wrote the this morn saying that he agrees100% with the Costco choice, especially when he eats those steamed at the store. At home, he normally grills them outside, but finds that the casing toughens up. So, he may go to steaming inside, which is extra grief for sure. But, he says it will be worth it. Everything that’s worth it in life take a little more effort.

I wrote a song about tortillas that’s more of a rap.

Six giant malware programs have caused about $95 Billion worth of damage through system infection. They are: ILOVEYOU, MyDoom, SoBig, WannaCry, DarkTequila and BlackEnergy. Don’t take little intrusions lightly. By the way, an artist just downloaded all of these vicious malware programs into a laptop and somebody bought it for $1.3 Million, calling it contemporary art. Yikes!

BTW, I got nervous just typing those six names into that Tidlet.

Former Commish of the MLB says that we got to get over politicizing White House invitations to champions form sports or even spelling bees. The visits should be looked upon as recognition at the highest level in the USA for achievement. Thanks for a job well done. And, denizens in the highest highest office in the land, also have to get over politicizing their affiliation with champions.

Maaaa… What did you do with my baseball card collection?

People like Tom Hiddleston for his Loki performances.

Buying a car is never fun.

At liberal Brown U’s commencement, a speaker began with a rather incendiary statement obviously intended to add fuel to today’s combustible divide: “Today we are standing on occupied territory from the Wampanoags.” (Local Indian tribe of yore, now in Cape Cod fighting for a casino.) But this academic giant got it all wrong. So, what’s new about that in today’s world of academia? Prior to the arrival of the Pilgrims, the aggressive Narragansett nation took the said land form the Wampanoags. In 1636 when Roger Williams came over here to get away from annoying Puritans, he bought that land from the Narragansetts. I have found that multiple Letters after an academic’s name doesn’t necessarily an expert make. With apologies to many good and honest, dear academic friends. With apologies to Narragansett fiends.

Two thousand pounds of Chinese soup is Won Ton.

Speaking of Misconceptions. It appears those thinking that socialism for the USA is Ok are growing in percentages – up to 43%. Many believe that we should be socialistic like Norway, Sweden. But, that’s not what social agenda promoters are pushing. For example, No Scandinavian country has a minimum wage. Sweden is all about Freedom of School choice. Forbes Mag notes that these countries rate high on “Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom” Despite uninformed beliefs, this is not Bernie or Elizabeth or Buttigieg country -- Where its all about the state ownership and control. People have been conned by social promises for years, yet  true socialism has done nothing but destroy good societies.  The problem is that It doesn’t appear that the youth, the largest percentage of those for drastic change,  don’t have the knowledge upon which to make such a momentous, country destroying decision.

As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools.

The Answer:
Edmond Hillary Now Sir Edmond and Tensing Norgay opened the pathway to the highest place on earth. Bonus: Rhode Island was always the laggard and it took a while for this little state to get on board with the rest of the original 13. Extra Bonus: K2 Is 28,251, Kangchenjunga 28,169, McKinley (Denali) 20,310 and Kilimanjaro 19,341.

Atheists don’t solve exponential equations because they don’t believe in higher powers.

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